AP Poll: Support for gun control unchanged by Las Vegas shooting

Americans once again proving they're not cucks like Brits and Australians when it comes to gun rights.


Other urls found in this thread:


>mass shooting happens in America
>auscuckia invokes more gun control

We do have a very healthy mistrust for our govt and time and time again it is proven to be the correct path.




will take more than a botched FBI shooting

You can't change opinions when you drop a story from the news after three cycles. It takes more time that than for the masses to learn what the correct opinion is suppose to be.


I'm embarassed to be American

The rest of the world is laughing at us

>some guy did a bad thing
>therefor you must give up your rights
nah brah

>Calling for gun control when the only laws you can pass that would've prevented the LV shooting is banning old rich people from existing.
They got their TSA style metal detectors sold. Mission accomplished. No one cares anymore.

I'll take the risk that I'm 1 of 60 people killed in a mass shooting in a country of 300 million people where I'm more likely to choke on a hamburger or eaten by a gator.

forgive my ignorance, but weren't the type of automatic weapons the guy had illegal anyways? So the even still would have happened with tight gun control.

Your free to move to Mexico, where gun ownership is heavily restricted, and yet somehow is one of the most dangerous in this hemisphere.
As for the rest of the world laughing at us, do you mean Europe? The same Europe that has zero border control and imports unskilled low IQ economic migrants that have caused a massive spike in violent crime, and made Sweden the rape capitol of Europe? Pardon me while I don't give a fuck what any of them think.

The emus won't have to fire a shot

No, they legally bought, and were SEMI AUTO, not "automatics". Some were fitted with a bump stock.

I'm embarrassed you're an American.

The rest of the board is laughing at us.

At least the Brits have top notch law enforcement.... never mind.

Haha leftie's propaganda bullshit isn't working anymore. Lefties btfo, guns win.


In a crisis I'd rather have a gun over a leftie any day. A gun would be infinitely more productive to your survival group.

Any push for gun control will likely not pan out given current national support of the 2nd amendment. It'll also mean that any other agenda they have will not be acknowledged for another 8 years.

Democrats have too many voters being deported right now to focus on gun control.

>Americans once again proving they're not cucks like Brits and Australians when it comes to gun rights.

>Pressure groups demanding that gun laws remain unchanged or even loosened despite mass gun deaths, gun crime and gun suicides that happen in no other develop country in the world purely for their own profit.

>Putting other people's profit before their own safety

>Not cucks.

My sides.

(((You))) see This is why your tweens are being groomed by kebabs and acid is being regulated in your country. United Kuckdom.

>Londonistan, where you can get acid thrown in your face for buying liquor in an islamic controlled area
Suicide rates do not fall after gun bans, which make up 2/3 of gun violence. Suicide method changes. That is all

It's mind boggling that the gun grabbers aren't capable of understanding how badly they fucked themselves in the '90s.

Also remove nigger crimes from our gun crime statistic and suddenly there isn't a huge gun death problem. Almost like it's like giving guns to niggers is the problem.


> meme flag
> UN

Why you hiding your flag, leaf?

You're right, we should ban cars so that people can't die from them.
We should also ban alcohol so people can't die from that.
We should also ban bees so that people don't die from them
We should also ban nuts so that people don't die from those

Tbh we should just ban freedom and let the government dictate everything to us.

I heard that he did indeed have a machine gun with him, but the media focused on the bump stock

>Trump is literally hitler

Also lefties:
>better turn in your guns or we'll take them from you

One nation under the NRA
keep killing youselves burgers and thanks for the cash!



Because deep down every American knows one day they will be called upon to kill a federal agent.

I think they are referring to the ghandi resist method where you lay down and do nothing until someone rescues you or you 'oppressor' feels sorry for you.

It's probably because everyone forgot already. Fags claim there is a mass shooting every day, yet they probably can't even name five this year.

Less than 1 in 20 gun owners are members of the NRA. They are routinely outspent 10 to 1 by the various gun grabbing groups. They are currently and openly calling for more gun control right now.

Watching you chimps try to hold them up as some sort of boogie man is beyond hilarious.

thirsty snek?


what a pathetic son of bitch embarassing himself, his uniform and his once proud empire.
>you used to rule Britannia, you used to rule the waves. Britons shall ever ever be and remain slaves

Half of Americans are laughing at the other half because they are massive leftist faggots

One nation, under NRA, hallow be thy points.
Thy enemies come, thy trigger be drummed,
On the streets as it is in Iraq.
Give us this day our daily magazine,
And lead us not to leftism, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is America, and power, and glory, for ever.

Whats sad is more guns will have been sold under than Obama then Trump in 8 years i bet.

Were gonna need another anti gunning, libtard in there to get those guns sales up again.



luckily most of us still can read english--SHALL

Oh man look this guy was in the ameriface thread earlier. I'm glad to see you're dumping all the pics you took within a 2 day time span. American.

they can laugh all they want, ill be crying into the hands of my sweet ar15

It's almost as if a country who's history is 70% defined by being a complete frontier with little government oversight and more need for self defense from bandits and natural wildlife views weapons as a means of self defense, compared to the countries with thousands of years of history of have a hierarchical structure in which weapons are viewed as an tool of the upper class!

you know, it might actually be pretty useful to start responding by LARPing and spreading disinformation whenever a mass shooting happens instead of whining about white genocide and what the CIA is doing with their latest false flag

You can't fool us


Yes, because if you ban something criminals won't have access to it. Pic related, the rozzers have no idea.

You don't blame guns.
You blame the shooter.
Do you blame cars when you get ran over by one?
No, you blame the driver!

>implying there weren't serious talks about banning vehicles in London
They settled for a shit ton of bollards instead.

4 in 10 gun owners will shoot friends and family members sometime in their lifetime.

One of my favorite stats.

did it solve your problem?
fuck yoru bollards

People who post on Sup Forums have entered an intellectual free zone.

Come into the light. All are welcome, all are welcome...

Probably. There's no reason to drive in central London 99% of the time anyways, so if they flatout banned cars it wouldn't affect me.

Bullshit. Source me up, because that sounds a couple of orders of magnitude off.

Sup Forums fake news...

Because the right half of America have combined IQ of 60.


6 in10 gun owners will shoot or kill liberal, democrat voting criminal pieces of shit in their lifetime, save the American taxpayer trillions of dollars a year.

One of my favorite stats

We're at the point where everyone sees through these things, the media doesn't have a whole lot of power to sway the American public at this point.

Do you really not understand that making up bullshit that a child can debunk with the phone in their pocket is one of the biggest reasons you chimps have been losing for the last 23 years?

>Fuck up a false flag
>Give up your guns, plebians

lmfao fuk u


Can they stop false flagging us now? It's clearly not working and it's killing a lot of people for "the greater good"

>Oh no, something awful happened involving guns!
>It wouldn't have happened if we just outlawed guns!
Why do leftists always do this? It's so retarded.

>Someone is shooting into a dense crowd of people
>People dying
Haha what's going on? Fire works? XDDD
>The idea of being shot at is fake or foreign to them
>People falling
>People crying
XDDD What's going on? Is this a dance??
>People screaming
>People bleeding
Lol but really what's going on, guise? XDD
>Why didn't those gun nuts just shoot back?
>Implying anyone knew where the bullets were coming from
>Implying shooting at a specific point on a building hundreds of feet away would yield positive results
>Implying leftists are smart or can rationalize

The shooter is only partly responsible for so many deaths. The other issue was people not having experience being shot at or knowing how to handle being in such a situation. I'm not saying people should get used to being shot at but citizens should definitely be training themselves on how to protect themselves, if such a situation occurs.

Seriously, who the fuck brushed it off as fireworks while seeing people fall on the ground and seeing no fucking fireworks? It took like 10 minutes for anyone to get a clue that people were actually dying and it wasn't a fucking act. What the fuck.

>inb4 anyone argues against "good guy with a gun"
Yes, a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun. He's just not obligated to save your ass - only his own. So if you think gun owners are obligated to become heroes, maybe you should become one.

If they want to pass meaningful gun laws that go after criminals why not pass really strict gun laws on possession of stolen firearms, possession of firearms by unauthorized civilians and possession of firearms in a crime. Like a mandatory minimum of 10 to 20 years. Gang related gun crimes would drop off immediately. A no, if's and or buts type sentencing. Your caught, fuck you away go 20 years.

I don't know how conspiracy theorists can still believe these shootings are false flags/government setups.

At this point I'm starting to think it's actually the NRA behind these shootings, seeing as how gun sales jump after every one of them

oi you cheeky wanker

> Create massive ATF incidents out of minor violations in Waco and Ruby Ridge where US citizens are slaughtered by their government

> Use it as an excuse to ban assault rifles but can only get a law passed with a sunset provision

> Expect to do it again


>The rest of the world is laughing at us
And people wonder why Islam is taking over. It's cucks like you laughing off your own invasion that are being raped, claiming it's no big deal because they were probably oppressed by a system trying so hard to help them, and praying for your enemies as they behead you.

The only people laughing are the Muslims you protect.


(I gotta go to bed)

and if one person says sonething bad, all freedom of speech is revoked!

I'm pro guns, but it my opinion pro guns goes hand in hand with gun control

Who gives a shit.

Anyone got the Rome version of GIVE UP YOUR GUNZ

Nevermind found it

Who pays you to involve Clinton in unrelated issues?

bump....stocks are still legal

Do us all a favor and leave then


The rest of the world is too busy dealing with their own cuckery to even care about the US.

Shut your stupid fucking mouth faggot

If these shootings are all false flags like Sup Forums says they're not very good ones.

I'm australian and I wish I could own a firearm

And the Euros didn't believe us when we told them nothing would come of this.

Good. Picking up my new Howa 6.5 next Thursday.

The average is 5.5? I thought it was 4. This is very unsettling.