Germany has never won a war


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I don't get Moortugal.

well we found someone who never read history

we have 20 million muslims tho. although combined european amount of muslims is RAPIDLY increasing. Its like 10-15 million already, mostly in france and germany.

Which side are we on?

lt depends if you shill for the EU or not.

it's the advantage of being poor: mudslimes all want to go to the rich countries, and the few that come here and try Islam get btfo, Portugal's own existance is based on killing mudslimes (hence the 5 dead muslim kings on our flag)


The 'Caliphate'.


Neither has America.

The objective is not to win the war but keep it going so your fucked up economy does not implode.

Interesting I didn't know you guys were so based against Muslims.

How many kebabs are in Canada, Britain and Russia?





romania is gypsy empire

youre picture is so fucking stupid. AMerica created isis (israeli secrect intelligent services)
sage for shill faggot


We have EOS deal we follow EU bidding and get EU benefits as long as they leave us the fuck alone

>toilet engineers empire

yay my flags not there

>Uk based
>Canada based

nice one

oh and
and Chinkstralia

Would you fags help us if we tried to exit the EU?

toilet cleaners you gypo

They're doing pretty well in their third jihad against Europe

>put eastern europe in a caliphate
>Bongistan still "anglo"

Neither has the US since the Mexican American war.

romania is worse than any caliphate imaginable, romania is india tier


I didn't want to discriminate. Toilet cleaning is a noble career for a pole

i can smell Muhammad's jizz on you from my thru my screen.

There are some serious flaws in this picture. Please go do futher research. For one, Britain would certainly be the caliphate.


Stay out of Sweden you gypsie faggot. We have too many. We need to kick all of them out.

Eastern Europeans are slaves


Lol, come back when you're 94% white

>not a caliphate
England as the highest concentration of muslims in all western European countries. if anything the UK is the European caliphate and the rest of the European nations are slowly following behind.

I know, toilet cleaning is a family tradition that dates back to early medieval times

Based Inge Stojberg keeping us safe, feels good man

>I didn't know you guys were so based against Muslims.
we are based against everybody.


Then why the fuck of all people are we in the caliphate?

fucking uk

Aren't there tons of rapefugees in your country?

Britnomorebongs calling us proud Reconquista makers and Great Old Tercios fighters caliphates. my sides

>this is what Amerimutts tell themselves

Scotland and Wales are still fine but England is one giant cesspool

Cool bait, Muhammad.

>Baltic countries in it
kys OP

Well they stay for like a month and then take the road to the Balkans,then Austria/Hungary and then to Germany/Sweden/France/Denmark and basically everywhere where there's gibs

there's alot wrong in the image but Portugal isn't accepting any muslims
fun fact: it was Greece the first country who saved a boat of rapefugees

Stop the shilling. (((They))) want the US and its allies to get sick of fighting a caliphate, because isis is enemies with hamas.

If around 20 8 years old (the allies) gang up on a full grown adult (Germany), they are obviously going to overpower him.
Germany fought against a bunch of superpowers by itself and almost managed to win. How is your alliance so based if you mind telling me?

>OP is a brit
>still blames "Amerimutts"

Well the difference between us is that you're geographically isolated. So unless someone wants to get to you they wont step foot in Portugal. But we are the gateway to Europe and anyone that comes to Europe from anything east of Libya crosses through Greece... Also we have a cucked Leftie Government that starts to force PC crap on par with America and W.Europe... Also the situation wouldn't be as bad if the T*rkroaches didn't basically run a business of smuggling refugees towards us

Muslim women have nothing else to do except for breed because the Qur'an forbids them from doing basically anything at all, and the muslim men enforce that. That's what the amount of muslims is going up so fast.

I still have hope for you Greekbros, always had. You have a strong national spirit, you just need to fucking kick that cancerous kike government out and start taking matters into your own hands.

unless we brake free of eos and schengen, pic related side.

> Neither has America

Enjoy your pakis you salty


gypsies are from india,not romania, check your facts

iberians basically killed the moors you argo-ind braindead

Portugal is one of the richest (30), countries in the world (30), how can you call yourself poor? are you nuts
And you don´t have muslims but you have opened yout doors to afriacns like the french or the english, even worse decision

huge glorious history portugal has

Big cities are lost, but not the countryside and the northwest

Pew. Don't have a link. It was from 2015 IIRC so many of those countries are in an even worse position.

Not Portugal though.

Are you sure about that? The majority says otherwise.

Portugal is poor in the sense that it simply doesn't have the sort of revenue that, say, Germany has to dole out to rapefugees. The migrants know this well enough so they avoid it like the plague.

Also, the number of Africans in Portugal has been decreasing enormously (as in, the Africans living in Portugal are actually leaving) over the past decade.

Hahaha so funny that America considers itself as white

>Sweden and Greenland
whatcha mean.


Shut up I'm drunk.

you HAVE to accept those who need help, greekboi. pay more welfare to the refugees :)

Stats don´t lie, portugal and spain are far very far from being 'poor countries, in fact you are one of the most privileged worldwide

Visited lisbon in 2009 and metro was full of migrants from africa or s.america, not like london, brussels or paris, of course but in a bad situation

They live in the middle ages that's why

The population was already decreasing by that point. Since 2011 it is fair to assume it has decreased even further in light of the economic crisis.

>calling the baltics and poland a caliphate

Reminder that we entered WW2 on the wrong side. We could have pushed some British shit in with no problem.

Spain should take over Portugal.

>European caliphate

Gas yourself you stupid fucking nigger

Spain can't even keep their ramshackle country together, let alone even think about annexing a nation which has consistently and successfully resisted their previous attempts throughout history.

Now think a little bite why it decreased? in spain happened the same, because they gave them the citizenship, and that's how you they lie with the number's, that's why

Poland is the most pro EU country in Europe.

You fell for the DUDE LE BASED SLAV LMAO meme.

You call us a part of the caliphate, yet you are the country with terror attacks weekly. Strange, isnt it pal.

It decreased because the immigrants were leaving the country. Portugal is not France where the take of ethnic censuses is forbidden; nor do these people effectively evaporate from demographic records once they obtain citizenship. The number of non-European foreigners living in Portugal, with the exception of Brazil, has decreased since 2004, while the number of Eastern European migrants has unfortunately increased. That is what the statistics point to.

t. EU slave

thats because they receive a lot of money from them, they would literally genocide any refugees that came to the country if a single woman got raped by a muslim

>another divide and conquer thread

Good on you not being a part of the EU, too bad the damage has already been done.


>West Pakistan still thinking his country is allowed in white alliance

>they get paid to be pro EU and pro white genocide so it doesn't matter

The absolute state of Amerimutts

You're literally not even a country

The number of foreigners decreased because they gave them the nationality, i ve read it, at least 300 hundrthousand in the past 15 years. In Spain it was 2 millions.

they constantly tell the EU to go fuck themselves with migrant quotas and are 97% ethnically polish

I'd like to see them try, lol
remember that Portugal has an alliance with UK and together we even BTFOd Napoleon
go claim your half of Pooland instead, kraut

You went from being an empire to being the cuck island in a century. You should move dude.

Behead those who insult Estonia

>Öh löök, it's änöther divide änd cöunqer threäd.
Can we stop this please, at this point it's not just the JIDF. We are literally destroying any credability this site still has as a means to influence the political situation, and we do it just for laughs. Can we stop bitching about European countries and go back to shitting on India (pun intended) instead?
>Pic related
>Sage goes in the top

uhhhh very important stuff, both your countries are being invaded by non-euros and you disputing about brother war's of the xvii century, it makes me wonder how brainwashed you are.

i don't want to be in the same team as the pussies on the left. god they all look so gay. fucking hate white people now.

>Britain not in the caliphate
>Brits are this in denial

Nah, poo in loo is getting boring, Achmed.