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Meet our new ministers
After 7 months, 4 parties have reached an agreement to form a new government with a small majority of 76 (/150) seats in the House and 38 (/75) seats in the Senate
The libtards (VVD), Christian demophobes (CDA), left-wing demophobes (D66) and the social Christcuck union (CU) presented their coalition agreement, bearing the name ''Trust in the future''
>referendums be banned
>(((refugees))) be welcomed
>mandatory gender-neutrality
>€20 million investment in (((independent))) research journalism
>punishment for (online) incitement to racial, religious, sexual or ethnic hatred doubled from 1 to 2 years imprisonment
>internet-connected devices may be hacked by AIVD/MIVD (FBI/CIA), collected data may be shared with foreign intelligence services
>an end to dual nationality for staying (((refugees))), making it impossible to ever deport them
>VAT-1 (food a.o.) increases from 6% to 9%
>mortgage interest deduction will disappear within 10 years
>volunteering in (((refugee))) or neighborhood centers result in a certificate that gives you priority over others seeking a (government) job
>bigger role for the EU
''EU brings peace, security and prosperity to the Netherlands. In addition to an economic community, the EU is a community of values in which the Netherlands feels at home. In the re-reflection on the role of the union, the Netherlands is fully linked to the EU''
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