Find 1 (one) fault.
Find 1 (one) fault
>photoshopped pictures
That won't do. Also, why do his look matter? He's actually pretty handsome, but that's hardly relevant.
Find 1 redeemable quality.
You can't
He should push white identity issues more and the white ethno state a little less (for now)
Sorry for the meme flag previously, didn't notice.
He's rather educated, eloquent, proposes rational and sustainable policies, and most importantly isn't afraid to show his face and defend what he believes in.
In fact the only reason memers here hate him is because unlike them he isn't hiding behind a screen while screeching sociopathic shit in an infantile manner.
Even if you disagree with him, he deserves respect for saying it openly and in public.
If you support white nationalism in USA this is the best you'll get.
No son named Bobbeh.
Not bad honestly
>ancient Egyptians were white
They were Caucasoid. "White" is a casual identifier and shouldn't be used in a biological context. But other than that I love the guy.
He sounds like a literal faggot
>Find 1 (one) fault.
White male
>Find 1 redeemable quality.
White male
The dude reeks of CIA.
He is a communist
Nathan Damigo is cuter, has actually punched a SJW bitch, plus has a Marine uniform in his closet he'd wear while dominating you sexually in the bedroom.
Hes a shill just like (((Lauren Southern)))
Besides he isn't a Christian and low key shills against christianity just like (((LS)))
Just another fucking heretic
Spencer is not "diverse"
Spencer is "too White".
Well Jesus wasn't white either
Racism is just fucking stupid
>Well Jesus wasn't white either
>Racism is just fucking stupid
he is not balls deep inside my wife.
Fuck Richard Spencer
........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´
he is a fucking moron
He has weird wart like protuberances on the side of his face, otherwise he is dreamy.
1 fault? Easy.
Pro-white nationalism.
If he were pro-American Nationalism; he'd be alright. But nope, he's got racist Joe and Jane 9-to-5 on his bandwagon. Bad news Haus; you're not getting anywhere in this country with that attitude.
Juvenile. Can't respect someone who says dumber shit than I do in public.