What was your favorite Mushishi episode, Sup Forums?
What was your favorite Mushishi episode, Sup Forums?
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Favorite implies that even a single episode of that garbage was enjoyable.
The one about the creepy pod people things that live under the house and the whole place has to get burned down.
kill yourself my dude
I only watched 3, I thought it would be a quiet show about traveling but really it's just some doctor guy and you see down people's ears
This. Some of the most genuinely creepy anime I've seen.
so many to chose from that I saw so long ago that I can only name them vaguely:
The one about the fake evil rainbows
The one with the thing that made the little girl's eyes hurt
The one where that ocean thing made all those people young again
The one with that string in the sky that would take people away
I'm pretty sure there was one about an invisible lady?
The Light of the Eyelid and The Sleeping Mountain stood out for me as episodes I particularly enjoyed but I like almost every episode of season 1.
I only made it about 3 episodes into season 2 before dropping it though. It had a different feel.
Ginko visiting the library, easily
Can't pick. I was so delightfully surprised with Mushishi (went in blind) and really enjoyed all the episodes.
A Sea of Writings
Both flashback episodes
Haven't seen s2
The one with the snake on the mountain.
ink girl was cute
the one with the pillow was creepy as fuck
red tide one warmed my heart
That's The Sleeping Mountain.
The episode with the substituting shadow mushi left me empty as fuck.
Hmm, If I had to pick, I'd choos-Zzzzzzz
The one where the flowers fucked up people's sense of time
It was so god damn sad
my dude, dont kill yourself
>invisible lady?
shadow girl?
The rainbow episode and Hihakikamuge were magical
One-Eyed Fish probably. Haven't finished S2 yet.
The one with the two twin girls. I don't know why but I like it a lot.
Also the one where the husband lose his wife in the sea, and wait 3 years for her to return.
This OST in the end was just the exact thing needed to end the episode perfectly.
I like the one where the kid kept using the whistle that destroys things when all he had to do was not use it.
Flashback and plant babies ones.