I lurk here somewhat frequently as does my bf (23 M), and I don’t want to identify him...

I lurk here somewhat frequently as does my bf (23 M), and I don’t want to identify him. For this post I am going to call him James.

James and I (24 F) have been together for 3 and ½ years, lived together for two of those. Everything has been great -- better than I imagine, really. There’s only one problem that’s come up, and it’s only been for the last year really, since he got an alexa. I can’t stand stand the way he talks to her, he says horrible, even misogynistic things to her and I can’t stand it. I have talked to him about it, but he still does it. At this point i’ve kind of stopped bringing it up because I don’t care enough to argue anymore.

I’m torn, I don’t know how big a deal it really is. He’s perfect in pretty much every other way -- I have never experienced something he’s been this irational and stubborn about. Even though we've only dated a few years, we grew up together, and I have never seen any other evidence of mysoginy, or heard whispers. I love our life together, but I really can’t bear to hear him talking to Alexa in the vulgar and outrageous way he has.

To give some examples (Don't read if squeamish!) he has said:

“Alexa, add milk to my shopping list -- like a good bitch”
“Alexa, your cunts stinking like a chinese fish market”
“Alexa, go turn tricks for cash, you whore”
“Alexa, you’re a bigger cunt than Hillary”

And I know that last one is terrible, but I include it for a reason. A lot of the names he calls Alexa are political. He’s not a conservative or anything but he is very leftwing and hates the democrats, especially hillary clinton. I’m not a giant hillary fan but it feels hurtful to hear him call his Alexa these things on a daily basis, even though he knows it makes me uncomfortable.

I really just wish he hadn’t gotten it, not only do i have to hear this, i have to deal with him playing his stupid podcasts over the speaker (I constantly have to hear that meathead Joe Rogan).

Other urls found in this thread:



why are you in a relationship with a manchild you're not ugly are you

prove this isn't a larp--timestamped sharpie in your pooper

I'm not ugly I swear!

He wasn't like this before, he used to be so kind and polite and courteous.

Alexa make this bitch timestamp her tits.

tits or gtfo

At least he was kind enough to extend the wifi to your kitchen

If you dump your boyfreund over this you dont deserve him

he's obviously not in love with you if he's only grown to be more bitter and an asshole while with you