Should prepping be illegal?
Should prepping be illegal?
fuck off commie
If you banned prepping, how would you get your bull ready for your wife?
No good way of earning money on the weakest cucks
10/10. fuck you OP.
really joggin my noggin
No, it's a good way to spot schizos and keep an eye on them.
holy shit
yes. literally no reason for anyone to own over 10 rounds of hydration.
Thats a nice rack design, but where is all the food?
I would like to hear an argument for why prepping should be illegal
why? because you're not doing it?
be a man
bin that can
what is prepping? just having lots of ammo and canned food and water?
Why should purchasing canned goods be illegal?
put me in the screencap
How do cucks even prep the bull? Do they play with his cock until he is hard enough to get started immediately or what?
No, but OP posting obvious b8 threads should lead to an immediate ban, as well as the '1post by this id bullshit. But that would imply that Sup Forums actually had mods that did shit to enforce even the shit (((rules))) they have in the first place
Why? Are you being prosecuted like a jew?
>prepearing for the future should be illegal
u wot m8?
OP is now dead.
the only thing white cis males should be prepping is their African bull
what an incredibly bad use of space
if you just put them on shelves like a normal person, all those cans would fit on a single shelf
Fucking solid bants pal
>should being prepared for natural and economic distasters be banned?
your life should be banned
Prepping is a good hobby, might come in handy too.
prepping is preparing for a possible bad situation
be it nuclear war, zombies, ww3, natural disasters, race war, etc
it doesnt just apply to stockpiling supplies, it can also be regarded as learning useful things (how to farm, first aid, how purify water, etc), creating a self sustainable off-grid enviroment, having a well supplied BOB and a plan, etc
I hope you're the one not prepping
Good one bong
Nah, your dad preps me before i bang your mom every week
everyone go home
>should buying things to stockpile just in case you need it in the future be illegal
>should buying things be illegal
fuck off commie
goddamn you people are retarded.
just awful
>bad use of space..
Perhaps, but I like the idea of a top loading, self inventorying FIFO system. It could be better realized, but it looks to be an efficient way to tell at a glance what is needed at the grocery.
>assumes daily use and stockpile is intermingled
nah then we know who to kill and rob from when the shtf
>Nah, your dad preps me before i bang your mom every week
So you prep yourself?
My bull gets most excited by seeing my pingaling in chastity.
That is, if stacy lets me stay inside that night.
Absolutely kosher.
First thing I thought of
Tea's on me tomorrow my fine Britt fellow.
Bongistan strikes again.
does he ever fuck your ass?
But FIFO is stupid for canned foods. You want to keep using up the old supplies.
I want to use the oldest first, to keep the supply fresh. The oldest was the put in the rack first, before the other newer items.
FIFO = FIRST IN (oldest) is the FIRST one I want to take OUT.
LIFO = Last In First Out, keeps using the newest items. The old items remain in inventory. LIFO is Inappropriate for perishable goods, and food. LIFO is used for investments and other basis based accrued assets.
>Waste of space
The roll "down and around" configuration in OP is silly. A pure horizontal wall mt'd chute/rack is fine, load the top, take it out the bottom.
>1 post by this ID
>should buying things be illegal
0/10 made me reply
It is illegal. Obama passed a law where it's a felony to have more than a 2 week supply of food in your possession.
This really comps my sushi.
Prepping should be mandatory for people in areas that experience regular natural disasters
Nope. You didn't even provide an argument against it.
If anything prepping is good because it means there will be more resources to go around in the event of a disaster.
Even the US government has websites teaching citizens how to prep for disasters.
>>Should consumerism be illegal?
At what level of the retardation scale do you fall?
>should prepping be illegal?
>can only have a certain amount of food
>not allowed to have canned foods that last a long time
>can't have a garden (cuz why would you grow your own food, unless you are trying to make it so you don't have to rely on stores)
>can't own any weapon of any sort, no bats/knives/guns/rope/tools/etc (cuz why would you want those thing, unless you were prepping)
>can't stockpile medicine or first aid supplies (cuz why would you have those unless you were prepping?)
Prepping just means preparing for disaster or for a bad situation.
preserving foods is prepping
having a pantry is prepping
learning a crafting skill(cooking/tailoring/smithing/gardening/etc) is prepping
>bull realizes he has a perfectly good hole to warm up in
>begins to use user's ass as practice and to prep himself
>realizes tight boy asshole feels way better than disgusting loose vagina
>woman is sent to the cuck shed so the men can enjoy ass fucking and post-coital cuddles
All according to plan.
Yes chance is if you encounter a prepper he is a right wing terrorist make sure to report them to the police.
good one ahmed. OP is a nigger faggot
Saw some stuff about "hoarding via the patriot act but care to like the Obama bitt
Why stack cans like that? Seems like a huge waste of space.
All forms of self-preservation will become illegal on threat of death in glorious Soviet America!
-t. Antifa
hey why did you kill4 americans you niger
Why would prepping be illegal, even if you don't believe in it, its not as if prepers are really affecting your daily life.
He knew signed for
are you really from there
Germs BTFO
Put me in the screencap
>I would like to hear an argument for why prepping should be illegal
white peeple be storin food what black folks could be eatin
Prepping that poorly should TBQH
I never understood why people laugh at preppers. Do they think they're buying the food, water, and gas for one incident and won't use it if it doesn't occur? People can use all those products at any time. Canned food lasts for at least a year, easy to slowly eat it. I'm sure they think nothing when buying food for a week or two or for a month.
more like COMPED
If it's true that blacks waste their welfare on the first of the month, buying soda and seafood, only to run out halfway through the month, I can see why people would want it banned.
absolutely GOTTEM
For some reason i thought OP was german. Anyways, burgers BTFO
Pls include me in the screencap
Nice one boys, another one for the books
Let's pack it up and get outta here
The only prepping Sup Forums does is prepping the Chad bulls.
>1 post
>bait one liner
Kek m8
Pic related is pure unbridled truth.
i been putting a little back. i guess i could sit in the dark and eat canned food for a long while. but it wouldn't be any fun. in the dark with a cold can of beans. it's so dark and the beans are cold.
t. avid "Alex Jones is CIA" believer
Fugggen recked
Most people just go to the grocery store and buy non-perishable. Remaining prep is strategical.