>you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being subsidized by the state
>90% of the world lives is abject poverty with no access to medicine water or food
Tell me again how capitalism is the best system?
>you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being subsidized by the state
>90% of the world lives is abject poverty with no access to medicine water or food
Tell me again how capitalism is the best system?
Other urls found in this thread:
Go donate your money to the poor.
Shitskins can't into capital
I fail to see a problem.
because le 60 IQ commie nigger not real capitalism cuck cuck cuck XDD!!!!!!!!!!
>saved you the trouble of reading 90% of replies
because we have clean water, medicine and food?
>you live in a 3rt world that is extremely poor, without enough clean water or medicine and food
>still have 5+ kids to make their lives a suffering and push your country into even more poverty and suffering
>you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being subsidized by the state
because of this.
Because we have the money and water?
Not following your reasoning..
Subsidized by the State?
Where do you imagine the States obtain the money?
That's right. From taxes, from workers
If the third world would simply avail themselves of the free birth control that's always available to them, they'd have fewer mouths to feed
With fewer mouths to feed, they'd be able to work, save, and lift themselves out of poverty -- instead of constantly increasing their numbers of offspring like animals and begging the West to feed themselves and their offspring
Two hundred years ago, Westerners produced large numbers of dependents too. And most of them lived in poverty and were uneducated. But Westerners woke up. Stopped breeding for the sake of it and to provide themselves free labour in the form of their children.
So, the West set the example for the third world, showed them how it can be done.
Shame the third world is too stupid even to learn from others example, isn't it
You just answered your own question, faggot.
>live in shitty third-world socialist/communist shithole
>blame capitalism
Every time.
lmao straya you literally would not exist without state subsidies from the time you were created to the current day
>not real capitalism
Uhm no... that's less than 10%
Capitalism and Communism are equally bad.
>90% of the world
>6,3 billion people
>abject poverty with no access to medicine water or food
That's exactly why. I provide goods and services worth something.
Africa is still unable to farm or figure basic things.
Why should I suffer or pay for those who literally can't figure how to safely drink water?
>when you use military force and state might to secure a large area rich in resources but over time become a degenerate merchant power leading to your downfall which results in disaster but that's okay because it's not real capitalism so you try again and you use military force and state might to secure a large area rich in resources but over time become a degenerate merchant power leading to your downfall which results in disaster but that's okay because it's not real capitalism so you try again and you use military force and state might to secure a large area rich in resources but over time become a degenerate merchant power leading to your downfall which results in disaster but that's okay because it's not real capitalism so you try again and you use military force and state might to secure a large area rich in resources but over time become a degenerate merchant power leading to your downfall which results in disaster but that's okay because it's not real capitalism so you try again and you use military force and state might to secure a large area rich in resources but over time become a degenerate merchant power leading to your downfall which results in disaster but that's okay because it's not real capitalism so you try again and...
Seems to me like by your argument capitalism is a great system. I have wealth, clean water, medicine, and food! What's not to love?
>1st world
Nice meme here son. Now remove your foreskin.
Actually it's the other way round - about 10% of the global population lives in poverty (the lowest rate in human history)
Average wage is around $14,000 a year
Capitalism has delivered the most equal and prosperous period in human history
Feels good to be 'white'.
Capitalism is a Jewish ideology designed to enslave nations, were the only goal of the populace is the pursuit of material wealth, wealth which the Jew controls. The reason we live in relatively succesful countries, in spite of the Jews plundering our wealth and trapping us in trillions of debt is because were white people.
The capitalism worship on nu/pol/ is disgusting.
tfw getting the salary that is almost precisely the global average
Well, it looks like 90% of the world needs to be exterminated then. What good are they for if they can't even provide themselves with access to medicine, clean water or food? Most of this stuff is easily accessible and easily could be created for them, but they're all too lazy to do it. So what good are they? I'm sure we could keep a few of them for human experimentation.
90% of the world needs to hurry the fuck. up.
>being this ad hominem
If they didn't have 5+ kids they'd all starve
If they had fewer kids they'd have fewer workers which means less taxes which means they are even more poor.
You're stupid, learn economics
you just explained it perfectly. dafuq are you asking
>Tell me again how capitalism is the best system?
you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being subsidized by the state
that's probably the most cancerous post on Sup Forums I've seen this month
>you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being subsidized by the state
>90% of the world lives is abject poverty with no access to medicine water or food
This is why capitalism and democracy are the best systems. Societies that can't agree do play by the rules end up fucked.
Because these idiots can't into making stuff for themselves. This is literally the problem. Not even growing their own food in some cases. LITERALLY the reason. Aswell as then pumping out 10-12 kids to make things 100x worse so that there is even less for each of these. You have to understand, it's not that we're actually HOGGING the food and this stuff.. it's that they're essentially not even fucking doing anything. Take africa it's fucking insanely rich in ressources, what do niggers do? FUCKING NOTHING. NO wait they have 10 kids when they can't even feed themselves and rely on UN food aid from european agriculture. It's ridiculous, save me the sob stories, we tried 50+ years of this bullshit and the only thing it has gotten to shovel food we produce, into their mouth and raping our own agriculture soil to do so, is nearly quadroupling the amount of niggers in africa. They're still poor, they're still starving, cause they're still STUPID AS FUCK!
>americans believe they are a 1st world country
Thats only if they work dumbass. Niggers only eat and breed.
Everytime when I think that perhaps, maybe, with a slight chance, these people arent that dumb... I see a webm like that and I am reminded that yes, they are even more barbaric than I expect.
Also the ability to maintain it.
>spend 2 years building wells around Africa
>every single one pillaged for scrap metal
>niggers die of dysentery
The west has functioning governments. Governments regulating stuff is what makes capitalism workable.
Africa claims it's filled with resources. Chooses not to be captialist. It's poor as fuck.
Please explain your thought process. It sounds hilarious.
They dont work, they cant think long term. They breed because their 'culture' tells them that many children are a sign of masculinity. They have a lot of superstitions, even education cant fixt that. You cannot build a civilized society with that.
They dont focus on caring for a few children, but breed like rabbits, if one dies who cares they have 7 other ones. This gives africa a snowball effect, they breed more and more, the more they breed the more resources they need.
Then they'd starve idiot
No, idiot. They get food from western societies.
Many starve, many die of aids or other shit. At the same time many survive long enough to breed more, because thanks to western medicin and food they dont die off before they can reproduce.
Because some people literally can't get their shit together?
I can't help it that our government upholds property rights and the rule of law such that investment in productive resources such as water and sewage treatment plants, farmland, medical device manufacturing, and hospitals are profitable endeavors that attract capital to meet public demand. 3rd world nations are stagnant shitholes because they are governed by corrupt and ineffectual regimes that are principally interested in maintaining their own power over others and lining their pockets.
r y stupid?
>you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being PRODUCED BY WHITE SMART PEOPLE (teah, ((managed)) by ((others)))
aka CAPITALISM, the best system
fuck the rest of the world.
y dont u go to help? what r u doing here?
Every last one of you faggots need to learn how to sage a shill thread.
I've never seen anybody destroy his own argument so thoroughly. what a fucking retard
Fpbp also OP has been blacked
Also its interesting to note that many of them beg us to stop sending fucking aid to them. Aid is what causes the overpopulation problems there, and economic problems, because aid is cheaper than local grown food.
If we stopped doing that it would be painful BUT africas population could balance itself out. They could finally grow food for themselves (it IS possible) and have a normal popualation.
They eat the kids.
I heard that little niggers taste like roasted chicken.
without capitalism, 100% of people would live how
>90% of the world lives in abject poverty with no access to medicine water or food
those 10% are the blessing of capitalism
at least show a little bit of gratitude, you degenerated commie roach
Because it rewards the strong and gives the weak something to aim for.
If we have water food and medicine and 90% of the world does t doesnt that prove capitilism is better?
capitalism works for everyone except niggers, ergo niggers ought to be denied its perks
Yeah! nice post OP. You're right if that's what you were implying.
I'm sorry at first I though you were a shitty good-for-nothing commie.
I forgot who wrote the article but it highlighted why Asian farmers, while still poor, are more capable than African farmers.
> Give cows to African farmers
> Used as a means of investing in that the cow can provide future profits from butter, milk, and cow dung (for flames and fertilizer)
What happened?
The Africans killed the cow
- but wait, there's more!
> Sell some of the meat, gift away the rest
> Use the money they did gain for a suit and jewelry
It's no wonder why Africa is fucked
They need kids to work for the farm for free and then support them in old age.
In capitalsim resoureces are bad for the nation since rich capitalists buy everything up
Then why do they do have a society, Africa does have cities and farms and militaries etc.
Because it kills the indolent, stupid, and weak.
Its not a working society in most cases. It is possible for africa to achieve a working society, for that we need to stop sending aid to them.
Right now too many dumb people breed there.
Please note my post
>the first world is white or asian
>the third world is full of niggers, spics, pooloos and other undesirables
what could be going on here, hmmm...
You answered the question yourself
>you live in a 1st world that is extremely rich, with clean water medicine and food being subsidized by the state
Marxism is not and was never cool shill
>you are an amazing success
>other people outside of your country are poor and that hurts my fee fees
can you imagine living in a little hut with mud pies. mud pies, can you believe that. kek #goingtohell
it's cause niggerz are animals
they don't care about things that are clean and pure
they are welcome to come over here and learn how to properly access and maintain clean water in their own nations. We'd be happy to teach them those techniques.
People actually go to Africa and try to teach them there.
They shit in the wells.
Where does the wealth come from? And if this sale took place where does the money go if not to those whose land had it?
Now in theory taxes would also be paid.
But then again I'm trying to debate with someone who literally said resources are a bad thing for capitalism. I don't know any school of thought that feels that way.
The way I see it is this. Government should own all natural resources like oil and coal and metal. Resources are bad in capitalism because lets say you live in a small town, doing fine, TONS of gold is discovered. You dont' benefit from that, what happens is the gold mine comes mines it all out and leaves you bankrupt, possibly even dependent on the gold industry for a living
Would you really want to give the African government the right to own all natural resources?
There is a documentary called Poverty Inc. It basically shows how international socialism from the UN, IMF, world bank, and NGO's destroys the local economy. If developing countries are basically agrarian economies. Giving free food to them destroys the economy.
Africans haven't contributed anything to humanity, so, why should I care?
Why not?
Goys 1 post by OP sage
Aside from basically being wrong. You're saying I find gold in my land, the gov goes takes it some how does better than a mining company buying my land?
Also what does the gov do for me? Why can't I mine it myself? In capitalism no law says I can't refuse any offer no matter how much to minè my own gold or damned ignore it.
Say gov takes it. They won't spend the money on just me or just my town. Some of my gold taken will go for a road in a different state etc.
African government is corrupt to its core. Please do some research about them, they fuck their own people over and over.
its funny because theres a guy at work who fled the socialist government in venezuela and he fucking hates marxists
true but with capitalism you allow a foreign company to own all your natural resources,.
Do some research, them owning more resources wouldn't change a thing. At least they will have more to give to the people.
the most aid in the world by far comes from america.
We use to be number 1 in everything. Then in 1965 there was new (((immigration))) policies changed the demographics. Now we are only number 1 in prison population and rap stars.
They wont give it to their people, they dont even give all the aid they recive to their people.
I JUST said that they will fuck them over, why should they give it to their people when they can just sell it for more money for themselves to another country?
Capitalism isn't the best system, tribalism is. Whites thrive under any system. Blacks should be left alone to revert to tribal rule. Their population would collapse, greatly benefiting them and the world.
Because the people gotta eat, if they all starved they'd have no country to rule over.
That's a possible. Not a forced choice nor a promised end game.
Do you see the difference?
% of the world lives is abject poverty with no access to medicine water or food
>post gets reply's
cuckchan everyone
nope nope and nope . Correction :
Fpbp also OP has been SHITTED
america is the shit and its because white people have got their shit together.
This is true, sadly most people here dont understand that we have to stop sending aid to them. Western people expect the africans to live just like us, but that will probably never work out. At least not how it is currently being done.
They recive still enough aid to reproduce and have medicin from the west as I already stated. They overpopulate themselves so they literally do not run dry on people. We need to stop sending aid.
flippy bippy
i kind of do now since even if a foreign company owns it they still get the taxes.
It shows thè hubris of commies. It's ok we know better and a few million dead to push our ideals is quite ok. Look I feel good and look caring.
Back your only post up plz.