Just finished this. What's Sup Forums's opinion on it?

Just finished this. What's Sup Forums's opinion on it?

Pretty good. Heard the LN went full retard though.

was surprisingly entertaining and funny, s2 never
full retard in a good or bad way

It's a lot of fun. I like to rewatch it every couple months.

About as good as the second half of Gaworare.

Furano best girl

Chocolate worst girl. Unanimous.

Pretty fun. I kinda feel like rewatching it now for the times when Jouji Nakata couldn't contain his laughter.

Short hair girl is a cunt

Was that the "choices" VA? I'll admit I cracked up when they were laughing at scene with holding up utage

Silicone needs her own show.

I wanted either Chocolate to win, or failing her, not-Homu. I imagine that being with Chocolate would be like owning a cute puppy, but fuckable.

UOG best grill.

It's a decent harem comedy. It has its really nice moments.

I heard the best girl didn't win in the LN, so I'm kind of bummed out there.


I enjoyed it.

It flopped pretty hard when it aired, right? So there is absolutely no chance that we will ever see a season 2 and see if he gets rid of the absolute choice thingy?

I want to see the continuation of the ending where the mc became a girl

Yes, here the last 2 illustrations of the LN.

Pretty great show with a decent MC. Even the threads were good. At least until SILICONE threads.


Why did best girl have to suffer?

10/10 comedy
season 2 never
Furano a cute

1: You get season 2 but die 3 months after
2: You become silicone-chan but if you touch your own breast they become wrinkled raisins of their former self

Season 2 never.

Watched it with low expectations, left with a smile on my face. I genuinely enjoyed Noucome. It gave me a good laugh theoughout the show.


Loli sensei is best girl

Great, underrated comedy. Imouto was best girl.


Chocolat won? What kind of sorcery is this? I thought best girl never wins.

I haven't ever seen it. I just know that pic related is hot.

I hate it when an author gives us a girl who's a great match for the MC, but gives the win to the main girl at the end of the story.

I think it was fun, but I really don't remember. All in all it was a forgettable show.

De we really want one though? The LN supposedly fucks up later on, the studio's been shit ever since they got hit with boatcancer and even if we got something it would be yet another 10 episode deal.

What happens later in the LN?

Anime was 10/10 btw

Loved it, they even did a school days reference in the ova. Wish it got a second season.

True. She is the best girl.