What has led to the dumbing down of the youth?

What has led to the dumbing down of the youth?
Bad schools? Chemicals?

The 'No Child Left Behind' mentality.

No serious threat to our way of life, no big war for 60 years, the rise of technology and convenience, laws forcing acceptance of what used to be shunned... etc etc

They don’t read for AT LEAST four hours a day.

they've always been stupid, we just have a billion news outlets that will report on all of it now

i hope they pour it in their arses next time

more meme material for me to laugh

Social Media

Smartphones and social media

>He doesn't read 26 hours a day

This is such a meme. You should be honest and say “the internet in general”.

Every kid nowadays has the attention span of a goldfish because they have a tiny computer in their pocket.

Government intervention. They want everyone just smart enough to follow orders, but not to think.

Millennial parenting and single moms

Then how did you survive?


'social advancement' in and, yes, desegregation of the public schools. general collapse of the public schools.

going further back, the fact that public schools were established as pipelines to industrial labor, which then collapsed.

Pretty sure Facebook, Twitter, and Sup Forums count as reading.

Attention whoring which has been catalyzed by social media and the desire for 15 minutes of fame.

You seem to forget the "choking game" pre-MySpace

Quads going unchecked from a based potato enthusiast? The absolute state of the chin.

Social media+normal media+lots of free(wasted) time brings the "best" in people. There were retarded people in the past, they just had to work 12h in the factory/on the field and didn't really have the time or audience modern "young adult" neobeatnik plebs have.

young males have been doing dumb and dangerous shit since forever.

>Bad schools? Chemicals?
check, and check

No they fucking don't. Read an actual book once in a while. Reading well-written prose does wonders for your language skills.

Have they never taken a shower before?


Oy vey goyem. You can't read unapproved statements from strangers on the internet. You must read single author novels for your information. Its more accurate if it comes from a (((single source))).

Don't put words in my mouth. I'm talking about classic literature not the shoddily written crap we get nowadays.

Fan-fiction and green text can be pretty advanced. But I'm sure Harry Potter and novellas like Trump Temptation: The Billionaire & The Bellboy will make me more intelligent.

>Fan-fiction and green text can be pretty advanced.
Not in terms of language.

Jump off a bring challenge when?

Anti-intelligentsia culture pandering to lowest rural hick

most americans who post here can barely even write a single coherent sentence in english

What next? Sulfuric acid challenge?

So you are admitting your crime?