Why is his skull shaped L I K E T H I S ?
Is this a white man's skull?
Why is his skull shaped L I K E T H I S ?
Is this a white man's skull?
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To much Caveman!
Fuck off with your shitty threads leaf.
Also don't forget to buy your infowars approved waterfilters!
No but seriously I have never seen a white skull that shape before
Why is it shaped like that wtf
Stronk Neanderthal genes
His hairline is unnatural. It used to be much lower before he got a transplant or whatever wig he's wearing.
whites can have under bites
I know right? it's so obvious he's got a hairpiece
Weaned too late.
That’s not an underbite, that’s what you might call a nigger lower jaw
it is a strange shape
Roger Cone is a rat/turtle chimera.
cause he just crawled out the fucking caves a month before alex jones found him and let him suckle his tit
The OP isn't a leaf you dim-witted low-iq Burger. It's a Euro cuck.
he's a retarded troglodyte
also a giant kike lover
if you dare mention israel to him he gets up in arms and is ready to attack
how is this skull possible in the current year i didnt know it was 20017 BC
Who the fuck is that guy again?
I have a skull shaped like this and im very white, both sides of my family fought in the revolutionary war + both sides trace back directly to Daniel Boone
>fuck off shill
>he must be irish
Nah. I have similar features with the forehead being an exact copy. Although not as exaggerated and a more elegant, especially lips and nose and I'm from south eastern europe
If your great grandpa was a slave all you have to do is tell us bro, don’t have to try to convince me you’re white
im not a fucking nigger lmao not even close
It's not even odd looking. Retards.
ok man i belive you you’re definitely white like the rest of us, heh don’t worry bud, mind if we call you “whitey” since you’re definitely white? whitey?
He's baiting you dude, don't fall for it
not baitin bro why you gotta be like that
that guys voice is fucking annoying
Hes a jew shill
Don't become as retarded as the racists around here European
just curious why this clearly african gentleman is allowed to pass as white my kebab friend
Ayy lmao
Jews frequently have odd skull shapes.
shopped and gay
Photo of him before infowars
literally just a screenshot i took 10 seconds into clicking some random retardwars video that showed up in my recommended
Hapsburg baby
>le Freemasonic skull.
I think he's been wearing toupees since the 70's.
Shareblue really hates Roger Stone. Don't get too stressed now like David Brock.
That burger needs some brainforce
>my ancestor
yeah.. that shits not foolin anyone
Owen Shroyer
desu I don't like his style. His rage outbursts that he tries to do like Alex come off as cringe worthy. I feel he just attacks but subconsciously doesn't understand fully what he's talking about.
You know I always wanted to Turkey but I could never find your embassy to pick up my visa