Are male feminists the absolute worst fucking scum of all?

Julian Assange on Twitter today :

Women, I will let you in on a male secret. Men know that constantly self-proclaiming male 'feminists' are often predatory sleaze bags. They are intensely disliked by other men because of their manipulative qualities and not, in general, because they are viewed to be sex traitors. An example; there are thousands of others, including it appears, Harvey Weinstein. Sweden's top police male 'feminist' covertly ran a child prostitution racket:

Is he right Sup Forums? Are male feminists the absolute worst you can get on the totem pole? Worse than being a Socialist/Communist? Worse than being a nig? Worse than rapist? Worse than a pedophile?

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Yes. No sane man would believe women are better equipped to do anything unless he had an ulterior sexual motive or was into femdom

They are often perverts. Some are predatory. Others are literal cucks. We must defeat them!

>is he right Sup Forums?

He's an attempted rapist living a life sentence in someone's basement. He literally has to shit where he eats.

>consensual sex without a condom is rape

From the would be rapist. Kobe and Tyson didndu nuffin either huh? Do us all a favor and don't have kids.

> attempted rapist
> morning after sex without a condom is rape in sweden

its funny how if you quote rape stats at liberals they'll do a 180 on this and defend sweden's broad rape laws

I know two males who turned feminists and there's certainly truth in that though they were not predatory, it's just a way for them to get social acceptance.

>Is he right Sup Forums? Are male feminists the absolute worst you can get on the totem pole?

Yes. Jorden peterson nailed them when he went on Joe Rogan show.

Hi deepstate sick of winning yet ?

Self-hating whites are worst, then male feminists.

How can you be a male feminist without self-hating first?

WTF? You really believe he raped someone? How gullible are you?

male liberals are garbage people, passive aggressive compulsive liars completely full of shit at least in my personal experience

This is the police chief that was convicted of pedophilia.

He was the police chief in charge of the capitol region, and a leading voice in the feminist movement and "respect for women" movement.

In 2010 he was convicted for one count of aggravated rape, three counts of rape, ten counts of child sexual trafficking, assault, buying sexual services, and planned aggravated rape. He was sentenced to six (6 sic!) years in prison.

He was released in 2014 and now lives in a luxury home in the richer neighbourhood of Stockholm.

obvious honeypot. this is like spy 101 shit, people have been doing it since forever

Male feminists are the same kind of shitbag kids who lied through their teeth to get other boys in trouble in elementary school.


I remember that good times

>french "people"

yes male feminists, or liberals, are total trash and should be expunged from earth

slaveblue stop using the same gif it makes it too easy to spot you and that's boring

Seriously fuck Sweden. We had a undercover policeman get 21 years recently because he helped a drug smuggler smuggle weed/hash by giving him inside information. 21 years is the strictest sentence we can give. 6 years for the shit Lindberg did is insane.

I have seen this in so many cases in Sweden, really clear cases where the crime is obvious and serious, and the judge gives really light sentences. When the day comes, your judges should be some of the first to get the rope. The worst part is that Norway isn't really any better.

It's grotesque, but that's life. Speaking of Norway, I listened to an interview last year with a Norwegian woman who was violently raped by a nigger and assaulted/kidnapped when she was vacationing in America. She eventually escaped and the nigger was captured and got the death penalty.

The interviewer asked her how she would have felt if this happened in Norway and the man would have gotten maximum 15 years (or something), and she said she might kill herself from the shame/depression.

She was happy that it happened in America and the nignog was executed.

Remember that also, but think it was three mexicans not niggers

This proves his point. Typical feminist, assuming male guilt before proofs.

You are the worst, get out of Sup Forums.

Chad can get more pussy than he knows what to do with. He straightforward and has no reason to be creepy or obsessed.

Beta herb has to pretend to be a friend to get girl to trust him, since he cant compete with actual men. And when he gets there he inevitably snaps and abuses that trust, because he just spent years playing the nice guy and got no reward he thinks he deserves.

When we lived in caves alpha would kill or exile betas to die in the wild, because Chad sees them as parasites that they really are.

I have a feeling that might be another case, but here it is:

I'm very certain that there was another case where it was a nigger and he was executed (it was more serious than just rape, pretty sure she was kidnapped or something).

You don't get the death penalty for rape in the US. Gotta kill someone

The nordic justice system is complete shit when it comes to dealing with violent criminals. Sure theft, drug dealing and crimes that aren't directly violent can get rehabilitation. But the violent criminals that directly violates another human, like the rapists, murderers and pedos should get extremely hard American style punishment.

Every day I have to walk around knowing that if I get assaulted, or if any family members get raped or murdered, there will be no justice from the government, I would have to take it into my own hands. It is absolutely disgusting and very primitive. The government was supposed to handle the justice aspects to end blood feuds, but when they can't do that we will have to go back to the primitive societies where blood feuds destroyed entire lineages.

>and why she visited one of the three men in jail to offer HIM forgiveness

There is very little that is more disgusting than victims forgiving their attackers.

Yes, they are pathetic excuses for human beings.

Dude. Ever hear of Jesus?

Not too strong /leftypol/

This is common knowledge.

Jesus and his cucked ideas is why we are in this mess in the first place.

Jesus was cucked? Dude, he was like the orginal MGTOW. He warned over and over again about the evils of women. How they will tempt you and it will lead to disaster.

>He's an attempted rapist
The lefty version of 9/11 truthers.

I'd hit that.

They're basically the house niggers of female supremacy. What you feel is how blacks felt about other blacks betraying their own for the other side that wanted to destroy them.

Some Jews did that in WWII, and they were not well liked by either side.

Really makes you think.

he's 100% right they are usually also the most creepy fucking pushy rapist pervs around. they must somehow think claiming male feminist protects them and use the ol jew tactic of excusing all other men for what they in fact do

I pretend to be gay and get in cozy with all my neighbors wives (I'm just so fun to be around and totally safe because I'm totally gay) then I end up fucking them all at some point because I always wondered what it would be like to be with a woman... then it turns into 3 somes because I convince the women to give another woman a try, before you know it half the neighborhood is having a secret gangbang with me and a few of my "gay" friends. I really feel bad sometimes but mostly laugh when I'm face to face with their hubbies acting gay as fuck knowing I've been balls deep in his wife.

I hate liberal 'men' more but there is plenty of overlap

You need to stop LARPing and live life.

also hugo schwyzer
typical example

>he hasn't yet met a husband who butt fucks all his wifes gay friends first just to be sure

Did he made his daily catalonian tweet shillpost ?
You blindly follow this cuck when hes another "muh democracy" normie

I want a woman to beat me!! owo

nope, just letting op know he's right

speaking of which, coincidences
"Alarmism saved my family from Hitler, why I won't tell anyone to calm down about Trump"

ha ha, no I'm monogamous with my boyfriend. I've been asked to give BJ's before, I just to a teasing hand on the shoulder and say they should come to the club's with me but I'm not like that and won't cheat on my BF

In other Swedish news, one of the most famous leftie cuck journalists was recently revealed to be a rapist and pedo

Male feminist are puny worms. I anticipate women in average to be weaker than men, sometimes there are breachers showing strong women, but in general this is the way it is.

Male feminists are below women. They've subcumbed to a slave to women. I respect women well-knowing they're inhereted weak. I have absolute no respect for a weak man.

Ever tried talking with a male feminist? Look straight into his eyes. Look at him as weak cattle. Put on your daddy voice and see him shiver like a frigthend child. His voice gets high pitched, he will try to talk faster and he will stutter more. The more you stare at him, the more he will look down and start babbeling into the ground.

yes, it is called the sneaky fucker strategy
worx probably not so well

>still larping this much kys

This was one of the stories that first convinced me there was something insane going on with the left. He's a great case study.


thread theme

I can forgive someone, but it doesn't mean they should not pay the price, a lifetime in prison that is..

The only self-admitted male feminist that I've even known was a manipulator who got close to a rich family and borrow thousands of dollars off them without paying them back. I know this is anecdotal but I'd say Assange is on to something.

Sweden. I guess I now know why you let all those rapefugees in.

>Being such a slave to pussy you pretend to be a poofter on a East Timorese Monocle forum

You are the biggest loser/larper I e ever seen here and that’s saying something

Well pedophiles are satan possessed demons so they are the worst. 2nd would be repulsive disgusting embarrassing pathetic icky feeling turnoff waste of a man male feminist

>The Sweden of Henning Mankell and Stieg Larsson - all shadowy rightwing conspiracies and prostitution rings – might not be so far from the truth
>literally a lefty caught with his pants down
>intro still about "shadowy rightwing conspiracies"
Noticing this fucking propaganda is so annoying. Thanks, Sup Forums, I guess.

The only self-admitted male feminist that I've even known was a manipulator who got close to a rich family and borrowed thousands of dollars off them without paying them back. I know this is anecdotal but I'd say Assange is on to something.

to women, this will just mean men are not feminist enough, and women are not feminist enough.
> blaming weinsteins sleazery on male feminism and not on his jewed view of goy-women

i guess its true that theyre sex traitors because they tend to be submissive soyboy fagots, not necesarily to get laid, thats just their nature. but weinstein has nothing to do with that.

murder yourselves ty

Self-hating anything is pure evil
>male feminists
>self-hating whites

We had a cure for Pajama boys when I was young. They got beaten until they learned how to fight back. End of Pajama Boy problem.

So what are you? A faggot feminist?

Such is the duty of any honorable man.