a. Jews
b. Blacks
c. Food
d. (You)
e. Whites
f. Chinese
g. Money
h. Antifa
i. Hillary
j. Others
Who do we blame for this problem?
Don't know how old that picture is, but the UK overtook the US years ago and most of the rest of Europe is right up there with them.
Kek no UK.
Morbidly obese fucks instead of dropping weight, they get a scooter from NHS pocket,so they doesn't need to walk.
>UK overtook the US years ago
Citation needed. We have a lot of fat fucks but I've been to America enough to know we have far less than you.
>and most of the rest of Europe is right up there with them.
no, obesity in mainland europe isn't nearly as bad as in the US or UK
Hungry Hungary
surprise surprise sweet beans and fish and chips make you fat
Basically this is telling me Mexico isn't a country, and I can agree on that.
Norway wtf?
Mexico has higher obesity than US.
We fell for the gulas jew.
>im hungary for turkey
New Zealand is fat because of Islanders. Their culture is pretty heavily based around eating meals as a family, and they eat a lot.
I was about to say, Mexico has the highest obesity rates
The united states is not even in the top 10 anymore.
The Lipid hypothesis
No comparison to the USA there, are you illiterate?
Pic related is accurate
In America 95% of black/latina women are 9bese past the age of 30
Ourselves, and all the bad information out there about nutrition.
Don't want to be fat? Don't eat calorie dense foods. We used to be able to eat a lot in a preindustrial society. Now we can't. Fat tax now.
A, B, C, D, G, I, J - Corn
Old picture. Mexico and half of the pacific islander and oceanic countries have overtaken the US by significant margins.
>Hungary at 18.8% is ranked 10th
I would be surprised if that percentage would even put a country in the top 50% anymore.
What happened to Mexico? It was top a few years ago
Where is Mexico? They overtook us in fatness not long ago
Where's Mexico?
C'mon, you whitey straling all first places
An honest Burger?
> notes this day in calendar
Not a correct list but most of our fat are Mexicans / Niggers who have like a 70-80% obesity rate or something obscene.
how do you become fat in japan of all places
I feel like the Norway one is misleading.
Fucking this so much. I also must say that there is something seriously fucked up with the food in the U.S. When I came over from Europe at 16, I started gaining weight, by eating the same amount and the same type of homemade food. Definitely had to adjust.
I don't believe that fatties are a bad thing however. Some user said that, that's how we can tell who's a garbage human that's too lazy to even take care of themselves.
Mexico is fatter than us.
>Culturally appropriating our BMI
Shame on you, white people
>.c Food
If there is no food, no one can be fat
Steroids problem in Iceland/Norway?
KFC and Cat Cafes.
The answer is d
actually Samoa is the most obese
We blame the food stamp culture of certain demographics
Video games
Is it because they're always
I wonder what would happen if you remove the Polynesian and Maori demographic from New Zealands statistics.
New Zealand should get rid of Tokelau and Niue
libs can't point out obesity rates and get mad about fat shaming
Having minorities doesn't help, but the blame is on the Anglo.
Im not well versed in shitskin (am from down south), are these names or do they mean something?
that pic
Bad food, chemicals in environment ruining our hormonal system, sedentary lifestyle and overall a pussy mentality in society.
Niue, whose capital is the village of Alofi, is a self-governing state in free association with New Zealand; and New Zealand conducts most diplomatic relations (though not all) on its behalf. Niueans are citizens of New Zealand, and Queen Elizabeth II is head of state in her capacity as Queen of New Zealand. Between 90–95% of Niuean people live in New Zealand,[9] along with about 70% of the speakers of the Niuean language.[10] A bilingual country, Niue has over 30% of its population speak both Niuean and English, though the percentage of monolingual English-speaking people is only 11%, while 46% are monolingual Niuean speakers. Rugby is the most played sport in Niue. In October 2016, Niue officially declared that all its national debt was paid off, and that there was no longer any national debt in Niue.[11]
Tokelau (English: /ˈtoʊkəlaʊ/) is an island country and dependent territory of New Zealand in the southern Pacific Ocean.
Eating more calories then we use.
Monstanto is a Jewish family.
They would still be really fat.
Its fucking sugar.
Literally, I was obese and all I did was cut sugar out of my diet and lost all the weight.
Look like shit because I do not exercise.
But, literally Sugar is the worst thing ever. It should be banned.
>Bongs not on list
Fake news m8
Dat gap between U.S. and New Zealand.
To answer OP's question, nobody is to blame. Blame is an anti-philosophical concept. However, obviously the responsibility for what we eat falls mostly on ourselves as individuals. There are some obvious factors we can point to as causing the epidemic, though: (a) modern society involves mostly sedentary forms of work, (b) modern society has caused an epidemic of depression, (c) high-calorie food is abundant/cheap, and (d) we are, to varying extents, genetically programmed to seek high-calorie foods.
>Blame is an anti-philosophical concept
>However, obviously the blame for what we eat falls mostly on ourselves as individuals
Lol you're such a fag
Why is Germany buff when they're the fourth fattest in the eu?
What moron made that chart?
yeah this isn't accurate
Same reason Ancient Rome or other monarchs had fat people. Wealth/Laziness why do something if you can have someone else do it for you.
Was mainly comparing you to Europe. This is a really annoying subject to work with as every site seems to have different statistics. I try to use only government sites and the NHS doesn't seem to ever compare you to the US.
Here is US statistics. cdc.gov
Interestingly, the US has a lower obesity rate equal to most European countries when you count only non-hispanic whites.
I'm about leaf tier fat.
Lots of western style fast food. Rate of fatties increased a lot actually.
>1 in 5 obesity rate represented as a relatively fit human silhouette
That is a good jew to fall for.
germany has a cute butt :3
I saw a sumo wrestler on the train when I visited. He was like 7 foot in both directions.
oecd org/health/Obesity-Update-2014 pdf
real stats guys
At least we're dominating charts somewhere kek
while there may be a lot of forces encouraging poor life decisions, no one is forcing you to eat a burger.
More like Hungry, amiright?
Guess we can use the thread to share meals that are okay to eat and don't make you a soy boy.
Even kikes with their kosher diet aren't safe.
I'm about at slovakia and Norway size 300lbs 6'2 31yrs old. I think I'll kill myself when I am 40 wish me luck.
Came here to say this, we love our tacos and tortas, also Mexican coca cola, that shit is delicious
20% obesity = thin
30% obesity = fat
Leftist Logic
Sup Forums has no place for logic you kike
>also Mexican coca cola
What? How is it different? Is it just Coca Cola with chili?
McDonalds made its way into Japan, mate. Still, obesity rates remain bafflingly low by first world standards.
When I go out i never see any fat people. Are they all at home or is this obesity epidemic thing just a load of BS?
I am assuming shitskins are the main problem like in the US. Are abbos fat like niggers and Mexicans?
If statistics are right they should be as fat if not fatter than american niggers.
Abos are like 2% of the population and petrol has zero calories.
No Mexico on the list?
Fake news!
the jews run the ama, obviously the jews
31,000 Kcal per gallon
It has natural sugars
Well, I guess you're fat then. Unless chinks are somehow overweight.
>no kuwait
Blame doesn't make sense here. This is just what happens when you give an animal easy access to food. It gets fat. If you want people to lose weight, make food more expensive.