US ship received orders to prepare for strike on NK

That's a great way to kill civilians. What we're best at

Isn't it nice that military operations are now just a matter of public record on Twitter.

>3 day old tweet
Just kys op

i know but it didnt receive any attention when it was posted.

lol, keep up the self-flagellation, lefty. Maybe one day it'll make up for the "sins of the west"



I'm a natsoc you fucking retard. I never said killing civilians was a bad thing

4k nuke footage soon boys

>3day old tweet


Because it doesnt deserve any. It's not a happening, retard.

attention whoring should be a crime.

a ship preparing to fire tomahawks on NK is indeed a happening, m8.

Apart from the fact they never fired (and never will), anyway shouldnt you be cutting shish kebab right now mehmet?

Roll for happening

what makes you think they never will, friendo?
how about you tell the mass shooting and knife attack threads that they arent a happening.

RIP NK inc!! Also, maybe parts of Japan of NK gets a few missles launched before the happening



>unsourced twitter post is now news


its everyday with this shit.

This story notwithstanding, a number of other things have happened that suggest the US is preparing for major combat operations.

Look for more tells in the coming months. They're not going to start a war in the winter if they can help it.

K.. keep me posted, Kraut.

Truly a great time line, desu.

I feel like I am PART OF the military command at this point.

Does that even matter these days? What's the likelihood of boots on the ground?

literally nothing

I had a dream kim nuked sydney but it was just
that... a over saturation of news manifesting into
a shitty dream

civilians are a human construct


this so fucking hard

Stop posting your bullshit tweets here miss Weinberger.

Its not going to happen. It never happened.

I think the next time they do a missile test shit is going to hit the fan. Best Korea abruptly put an end to their testing once U.S. military assets were in place but it's only a matter of time until they fire off another one.

Chinese boots.

I have no doubt that the destruction of the DPRK will be product of a deal between the US and China

>US takes out Kim regime and disables it's military and nuclear arsenal, eliminating the eventual existential threat.
>US sets up a rothschild central bank
>Chinese puts boots on ground after the US's missile bombardment
>Chinese get to install a Commie puppet government exclusively ran by the China.

Win win situation for both superpowers as they both get something out of it and also finally fuck up Kim who is just a thorn in everyone's side at this point.