How do you guys sit when you watch anime?

How do you guys sit when you watch anime?

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Sits while grabbing my hard penis in my left hand.

This. Mostly while wearing some cute pantsu.


I turn my chair around and ride it so I can rest my head on the back of said chair.
It's childish but no one can see me so who cares.
Also I tend to watch anime when I come home from work and am exhausted.

me in the middle


me on the left

Depending on my mood, really.

I can sit like 1 if I'm relaxed, but when I'm somewhat tense, I cross my legs.

Probably 2.


Even worse than 1


Indian style, and after i'm done watching it's impossible to stand up again.

Both legs up on the seat bent to the side...I cant help that sitting like a princess is max comfy!

Loose crossed leg if sitting and using main flat TV

Legs flat and stretched if watching on my lap

My normie flatmates don't let me watch cute girls though, so closet gay


Like a god

Like this, obviously.

I change positions often.

One of my legs is on my desk (slightly bent), and another one is on my computer which is on the ground.

Sometimes I sit seiza too, just for the hell of it.

lays on the desk*

Left leg crossed, right leg raised.

cross legged on the floor facing the tv

Sys...admin? Is that you?

nice umineko portraits, sys admin

Wtf is going on in here

I was waiting for you.

Spread eagle, hand on my benis.
I also subconsciously hold my headphone cord in my mouth

I could recognize the wallpaper everywhere! It's also nice seeing things looking a tad tidier, sysadmin~!

Holy crap, I do that sometimes too. I love playing around with it in my mouth.

That shit hurts my knees, I'm glad I'm not a Jap

>aux cable in my mouth reading this post

aye it is

ahha be glad that's not a current pic, its not tidy just now alas - server boxes everywhere, need to cut them up and dump them

Laying down on my bed.


Like a frog on its back waiting to be dissected. Penis erect. Left hand stroking my 6 inch shaft. Right hand clicking the mouse.

Feet on the window ledge and leaning back in my comfortable chair, Monitor and stuff to the right.
Typing requires some effort.
When fapping:
Feet on the table, monitor to the left, so I can use my right hand.
When watching animu or something I sit usually on the bed, in a seiza (I was surprised when I found out that's the proper jap way, always did this)

Sitting on a chair with both feet on the chair,
both hands on my knees at all times.

One leg on the ground, other crossed over it, back straight.

Wait hol up

Who is this "sys admin" dude

lurk 2 years before posting


I pick Artyom.

I don't sit, I do light workout when watching things.

's that what you kids call masturbating now?

Why did you kill your wife?


She didn't like Mahou Shoujo

Artyom best boy

I just lay down watching intense Yuri.

criss-cross applesauce my dude


Who reads Citrus by Saburo Uta?

Legs put on the desk and that's pretty much me .

Like this but with my left arm resting on top of my head.


>not watching Chinese cartoons on your TV while comfying up in a blanket on your couch

I would do that, but the average female anime voices aren't really what my neighbours will consider acceptable. They will think I'm watching some freaky asian porn or something.

If it's an all-male anime, on the other hand, it would be more tolerable.

I just realized the first one has two different socks.

I thought she was sitting there with double ZR

Cross legged on my computer chair.

Or like this faggot.

why do you care what your neighbors think? I have my TV right at the wall to my neighbor + people can look in through the windows from the other side. No fucks given

Do the BeiJing recline

Don't brag about your autism like it's something to be proud of.

because I'm not a loser faggot piece of shit like you

end yourself

check the URL of the website you're currently on m8s

Why do you sit like that?


I'm neither of those guys.. But just, anime isn't very common here.

I don't really want my neighbours to hear high-pitched voices that sound like they come straight out of a hentai. Something like GiTS, where the seiyuus use more "serious" voices would be acceptable, though.

Yes? It's Sup Forums? It's not some super secret autism club anymore.



Like this

Pic related.

Occasionally 三角座り.

You're assuming that everyone here is just like you and use Sup Forums as your safe space to be the steaming pile of shit that you are.

Newsflash, we're not tumblr and most people here can still recognize a grand autismo.


as stroking hands are not enough,
you need some footwork to stay balanced.
also increases libido by 40%

I can't be the only person who sits like this on their chair right?

>most people here can still recognize a grand autismo

I certainly can

>It's not some super secret autism club anymore.

Yes unfortunately it's a super public autism club now and you're a prime member.

I did this for a long time and now the skin on the top of my feet is like leather.

golem get ye gone

Kill yourself

On my back if I'm watching on my computer. Imagine getting into an L/slavsquat position and then turning ninety degrees.

Otherwise I'm in bed watching it on my TV.

I do too, user. Its literally the only way I can sit comfortably for more than 5 minutes.I hate it because its not very ladylike in skirts to sit agura

tho i bought it at homebase


fucking lol if you don't watch anime on the floor in perfect seiza for 4 hours a day

I basically lie on my stomach on the chair with the back of said chair towards the screen

Kinda comfy but also strangely stimulating

Can you draw this? I'm having very difficult time imagining what you mean.

The more important question is, how is screen positioned when watching anime/fapping?

>anons have penises

Also, it's only proper to watch anime while your waifu is sleeping on your lap and she's nibbling your firm, smooth, nubile thigh.

I don't sit, I find it uncomfortable watching anime sitting down. I lay down. Though when I do sit I usually have my legs crossed butt towards the front of the seat because I'm really tall and it hurts my neck.

>tfw just fine with sitting seiza for a long time
Casuals in my aikido classes would always get up after 20 min or so whenever the teacher lost track of time during meditation.

Not him but, recline the back, turn your chair around, lean forward


I'm sorry for my horrible drawing but it's like this

It's stimulating for well obivious reasons

Yeah, Muay Thai is best

>the martial art of holding hands

This seems really bad for the spine

On a dildo.