USA Hate Thread

I hate my country, the United States. Why don't you?

>negroes, spics and Jews everywhere
>overweight is the new norm
>enemy of the white race
>people smell like shit
>degenerate nigger culture is popular right now
>scared to marry woman because she will likely be a fucking hambeast in a decade
>negroes, smokers, and obese people are blocking any chance we have at universal or at least affordable healthcare
>average person is so goddamn stupid, I met a college student who can't point out the UK on the map
>6/10 woman in Europe is 10/10 in the US
>most people are fucking fat and are generally unpleasant to look at

So tell me Sup Forums, why do you hate the USA?

Other urls found in this thread:


Kindly fuck off somewhere else then you subversive kike

Americans are devil's chosen people



At least Britain's trashiness is confined mainly to the working class. With America, it's everywhere.

That's my plan

Thanks for bumping guys together we will take down the demon that is America

blow it out your ass

Because you are in it. Fuck off.

>i found a proxy that works on Sup Forums


There better be le 56% posts here or we riot.

>I hate my country
Then get out, shitlib.

>le 56% face


>muh Israel
>overthrowing Gaddafi (which caused the destabilization of Libya and led to the massive influx of migrants to Europe)
Can't believe you left these out

Thank you, my day is complete.

Your pic is Canadian you fucking idiot.


Love it or leave

Get out of town and take a road trip you sheltered faggot.

laugh out loud







There is no better meme to destroy Americans with than the Amerimongrel one. Already we are seeing at least 35% decrease in US posters there, and in threads where Americans bring up whiteness, that number is close to 80%. I have seen Americans literally want to give up posting on Sup Forums and blanking out in sheer frustration over being reminded about their mongrelness. I will compile a screenshot of all American hopelessness to this meme


Holy kek this meme

That’s only California.

>Starting an American thread with a picture of a leaf




fuck off jew. Name one country better than the USA.



That's a picture of a Canadian.


I hate your country too. It's this atomized, do-eat-do society that's obsessed with money and status. I feel murderous rage when Americans egg on us for giving the world Nickleback and Justin Beaver, it's like fuck off americuck they are spawns of your system, America is the round zero of the degeneracy plaguing the West.

That is a Canadian in the pic you know.

Holy shit. I’m laughing so hard, my gf woke up and thought I was choking.

btw I love Canada. It's pretty up there. I wish Canada and the US would merge. So we would be bigger than Russia. :)


i don't hate the United States
you seem like a massive nigger-aids infested cunt tho


t. hothead