What does Sup Forums think about Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt?

What does Sup Forums think about Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt?

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Pretty "meh". Great OST tho.

I love it. One of my favorite anime series.

Garterbelt best girl.

2010 was a good year.

Only Inferno Cop is good.

They're not even from the same studio.

Panty is my waifu.

one of the very few anime i actually bought the dvd for

Literally the best Imaishi work by far.
Luluco a not so far second

Couldn't get past the first episode. Felt like I was watching a western cartoon.

Pretty much this.
I wonder if he'll ever top it.

Gainax and trigger should team up for a season 2. Four years ago.

Great, both dubs & sub are a good watch.

>it parodies western animation
What'd you expect, retard?

neat with good ost. Wouldnt call it Aoty but I liked it.

It's a cult hit.

Yeah, I hope the new season of the show will come out soon.

Not that user but I don't think it parodies them cleverly. I know it's a japanese show but it feels like there's too many jap jokes mixed in with the western jokes. The whole show feels awkward and I don't know if I actually really laughed much in it.

Me too.

My favorite episode is where Panty meets Brief in a handsome look and would like to fuck with him for the 1000th points. At least things didn't work out in the end.

Good but not a favorite compared to the "main" Gainax franchises

Second favorite series of all time. It's still hard to tell myself that we'll never get a season 2.

Because of that dirty ending.

And was the best.

>Jap and Western jokes mixed together
It's like it was practically made for Sup Forums.

the character design is fucking top notch


Bump for it

good but it didnt make me lough . danshi koukousei no nichichou is the greatest 12ep comedy

Was Luluco really that good? I dropped 3 ep in

Redditor detected

There's no way Reddit has good enough taste to appreciate nichibros.

It was a fun series. Good OST.

I wouldn't describe it as "funny". I think people going in expecting to laugh out loud at it are going to be disappointed. It's the fun and amusing type of comedy, not the LOL type.

You mean all 13 eps

And even the sexual parts.

sorry, I'm a faggot and completely misread your post

Its pretty good.
The last two episodes in particular are really good.

Dead Leaves and Gurren Lagann say hello

And very beautiful. Like the fish tank scene.

So as mine.

Please vote for μ's Imaishi fans!

Well which is better?
Left or right.


Six years later and Christmas is till going to be ruined.

I really want to fuck Stocking

And Panty

I just want to fug Panty and Stocking


Then do it.

Will brief ever see Panty again in season 2?

Is Brief Cute?

TTGL > Kill la Kill > Luluco > P&S > Dead Leaves

I still want Stocking to sit on my face.

It needs a 2nd season

Dead Leaves > TTGL > Panty and Stocking > Sex and Violence > Kill la Kill > Luluco

>Wanting to ruin an original Gainax ending