Post the best artistic high-res photography of contemporary political figures and events.
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Very cool thread. Thanks for the pics.
Fukn saved
>that mummy ruining the whole picture
It’s your mummy now
>good evening, Mr Bond
I know. ;_;
>"Dr Pavel , I am PRC"
you are like little baby. watch this.
Lots of folks hate W Bush, and I dislike a lot of what happened under his watch including policies he pushed. But I read a couple books on him (Days of Fire was the most readable) and the media straight lied about him. He dealt with the worst events in modern history and if he was a democrat and did exactly the same things he would have been praised as helming the ship during a terrible storm. Scrape away the media pop culture narrative, take in his faults and arrange them with his other actions and character. He is undoubtedly a better president and leader than Obama.
my current wallpaper
Isn't this the opening of Inception?
top fucking kek, this is the official photo, they selected (and edited) the best picture out of a good 10 or 20 shots. And they couldn't find a single one where macron looked at the fucking camera or where his grandma smiled (or maybe it was worse when she smiled?)
I'll be very surprised if a better photograph is taken this century
Can anyone show me a better photo since 2000 onwards? It's fucking perfect
>*record scratch*
>freeze frame
>You're probably wondering how I ended up here
>*dual of the fates starts to play*
I was waiting for this one
That kid on the left takes this photo from being a great picture to a piece of art
weird how art loses it's meaning when it is placed in environment such as this and is done at a size such as displayed, screams cheap wallpaper.
Great picture.
forgot what the joke was, but Donnie let out a legit LEL
Syrian pics coming through
Macron would have flawless image without his too old wife. But maybe he wouldn't be where he is now if he never met her.
(Edited this one myself to be more aesthetic)
>Don: what was that? was that a dog?
>audience member: it's Hillary
>Don: it's Hillary hahahahaha
Awful, my friend. Do you have the original?
ferguson happening, press F for QuikTrip
Putin and Russia in general is A E S T H E T I C as fuck.
Should've called it a day after the greyscale, way too much filtering.
>tfw you'll never make Trump genuinely crack up like that
You warked into the wlong neighboulhood, gweiro
ferguson swat responds to 'protesters'
edward crawford committed suicide 3 years after this pic was taken
a man among fools
Yeah I always suspected it of being a bit overkill
KINO almighty!
dumb retard cowboy
They look like midgets
fake cowboy fake president
That hag on the left is his wife? Jesus, she must be a goddess of sex or something
That night was something special. The whole thing was kino. My favorite part was Hillary cancelling the fireworks she had planned.
>tfw she was his teacher and he was just a kid when he met her.
what a soggy little mess she is
this kills Soros
Try a sepia with low saturation famalam