Let's go.
Something that would make Mengele and Hitler proud.
>working/studying STEM or non-STEM?
IQ thread
I did a real test and got 122.
Quantum theology/radical centrist
Not a thing
Took it before
Right wing
Work as a chemist, have a degree in chemistry
these tests are all bullshit designed to make you think you're special and capitalize on it, therefore SPENDING money
jews run this shit probably
gave me a 160+ (167, 163) - just bullshit
if you drink a coke and answer as fast as you can
your IQ jumps 20 points
right wing
fuck you
>gave me a 160+ (167, 163) - just bullshit
You're bullshit, the test is capped at 145
Had to afk for a few minutes to tend the store but
>Mahayana buddhist, Nationalist
>banker, operations
Ideology: Authoritarian Capitalist
Job: Private Security
>Gave me 130
>An evil greedy capitalist, who would create Ancapistan, just to watch the incompetent liberals with their gender studies degrees and other such subhumans starve to death.
>Studying electrical engineering, but I'll soon quit to start my own business.
The "free" education we get here is an absolute waste of time. If you finish it, you have to work x years in the country, paying more than half of your income to the government, if you quit, you'll have to pay a lot based on how many semesters you've studied.
>small business owner. not stem-related
123 but i panicked a lil and guessed a few that i could have spend more time on, i think i can do better.
>meme internet IQ tests.
Have any of you taken an actual test irl?
is the real test a lot different?
I always find it odd that 100% of pol is in the 1%
>Sub-100IQ faggot detected
>Something that would make Mengele and Hitler proud.
you are the worst kind of fucking cancerous scum on this earth. I would think twice about killing your babies.fucking edgelord
i was disappointing with 123, a lot people here are very intelligent though.
This. Always been skeptical of online IQ tests because they always say I’m a fucking genius even if I’m just bullshitting the answers. Maybe someone can run through and pick the answers they normally wouldn’t and see the results on this one but when I did that on other tests it was the same result that I’m a genius and should pay to take a bigger test or join a kike club.
t. bleeding heart liberal piece of shit
Right leaning, Dr. William Luther pierce is my guru.
yeah FYI guys this test is TOTAL bullshit.
I clicked random answers all way through, finished in 20 seconds....
>97 IQ, almost the "average"
>Proceed to laugh at you retards who all think you're geniuses based of BS internet IQ tests
>I don't understand how bell curves work
I've never had the patience for this test before, but I got a 121 just now after giving it a try. I noticed the patterns in most, but others I got bored with and thought about why this test would even be fucking useful.
Last time I got 138 on this same test.
I just woke up from a nap and obviously this will affect my score.
Hungover, but w/e
Ideology: Pretty far right wing, bordering fascism, but without all the genocide-y bits.
Work: Network engineer
or more likely, only high IQ scorers will post in these threads.
I ended the test at 19 and got 97. Are those last 16 questions graded wrong or ignored?
I got mine done professionally a few years ago. It came back that I have an IQ of 114, which is decent. Not genius level but not dumb either
would bare handed rip the babies out of your whore woman. nothing liberal about that son.
They're probably ignored because you didn't answer them. But the fact that you got 97 with only 19 questions is a good sign.
The average IQ range in the developed world is around 90-110. Anything below 90 is bad.
Not before I put your entire family inside an industrial oven.
Capitalist fascism.
>Takes IQ Test
>I have IQ
Bitch you ain't smart enough to know you need a daddy to tell you
Did one a few days ago
A special place for every race to preserve their own kind. No government involvement in human development, the earth already has in plant/ natural occurrence what we have to survive long and fulfilling lives without synthetic medications.
>b-but muh antibiotics
The most powerful antibiotic known to man/ bacteria never become resistant to is Allicin which one can only get by crushing garlic
Forgot info
Physics Masters
>IQ scores are used for educational placement, assessment of intellectual disability, and evaluating job applicants.
Meaning it's not for smart people but slow people kek you're all falling for it
>data mining
Fine, whatever.
Ethnic (White) Nationalist
Information Technology
just got 142
not sure if i should feel happy or depressed
Seriously, where the fuck can I take a REAL IQ test? None of this online shit is reliable at all, go ahead and take 3-4 online tests and see your score fluctuate 15-20 points each time.
I just want to know my real IQ, measured with the Stanford-binet or one of the other official tests. But I can't find any resources online about where to go or who to talk to. Everybody just says "go see a psychologist" but every psychologist I look up doesn't offer IQ testing in my area. Why is it so hard just to access a simple test?
gender studies
116. Been drinking most of the day. 47 yr. Maint guy at apartment place. Meh...
nice one
i really cant believe this, going to have to take this again. I remember doing one a while back and after you unlock certain patterns you can breeze thru it and get 120-upper 130 score
Saw this for 1'st time today. What do you faggots make of it?
Ref: iq-research.info
Just getting into politics, 16 latino monkeyfag,
Just contact a psychologist and ask, someone will want the money. Over here psychologists are apparently forbidden to tell the numerical results. I took a test that resembled WAIS when I was seeing a neuropsychologist, and the results I got just verbally explained which areas of my cognition were good/bad. When I asked for more specific results, she said she couldn't give them.
130 IQ from an actual irl school, sorry buddy
Sorry, didn't read the latter part of your post.
I always find it funny that italy has one of the highest IQ avgs in europe
I got a 146 on this test the last time I saw this thread, so it can't be accurate
Well, the Mensa test could be regarded as pretty much the "official" one.
But since IQ is not that well specified, like your height or body weight, fluctuations of 10 points or more are normal.
fuck niggers.
Manual labor
Live in a rural area.
When I first did it, i got 135. Then I went through the whole test clicking the same button. This is what I got. Either this test measured genius or retard level, kek.
Still, when you choose random answers, you get around 90 - 100. I don't think this test is reliable.
There's a 10 point difference between Ireland & Italy. Bit shocked at that. Any thoughts?
This is my test from thread a few days ago. There's no time limit on this one. Had 57 questions, which took me over an hour. Ca. 75 mins.
Will take this Mensa test to compare. If thread survives another few hours.
literal breathing walking god here
I feel like that's a bit too high
Was tested as a kid, 125. Libertarian, studying accounting.
IQ isn't real or important, unless a black person scores well.
>not taking into account crystallized IQ
Your IQ is probably around the 90-100 mark
>121 IQ
>has a flat earth picture
Your funny
Wew lad, this just ruined my evening.
I'm conservative monarchist and i'm against women and fag rights
Have this one, i don't feel like wasting another 30 minutes on another one
Going to school for medicine, I used to score higher on these :(
Ruling over goyim.
>I would think twice about killing your babies.fucking edgelord
I assume you meant "wouldn't" and tell me more how you believe in eugenics big guy.
black achievement is always national news
would you describe yourself as a rural or suburban retard?
the thing about this test is it is the exact number i got back in the day with the "official" test. they would only tell my parents. i was like 14 and some kid was talking shit. i remember asking my mom to call in for the record because this kid was in my weight class for our shitty little wrestling team and he was a faggot
either way, same number, even though i did a speed run because i just assume online iq tests are garbage. i think this test is legit. where do i send my membership fee to mensa???
This is a waste of my fucking time.
I'm a white supremacist and my IQ is off the scale. Last time I took a MENSA test, I maxed it out.
Don't believe me? I took screen shots of all my answers.
Liberals are liberal because they are stupid. The only smart leftists you will ever meet are too young to have yet realized leftism is retarded.
Idealology: Fascism
Degree: STEM
Current Job: Not STEM
Race: Anglo-Germanic Mutt
>IQ Test Result
Extreme Right Wing
Working for myself, quit lefty and useless university to start my own business
2L at law school
>Gets 12,478 on IQ test
>Rick and Morty
>Shit grades
>"it d-doesn't m-matter i've got a high IQ r-right?"
*disclaimer - I was drunk while taking this test (still am because I just took it)
Does anyone know what the average student in an ivy-league scores? Any of you lurking fags want to enlighten me?
>random answers give you the mean
Yes, because the average person is going to score the mean. If you're particularly smart, you're going to deviate from that by getting more "corrects", if you're particularly stupid, you're going to deviate by getting more "wtf is he smoking"
Ethno nationalist libertarian
Just another guy that does web dev/mobile apps/general programming
This test is bullshit though. I'd probably get 120 on a normal test.
Surely there are some ivy leaguers lurking. I'm an NYU alum, 2380 SAT score 173 LSAT score at UT law now.
you are le just like le rick from le rick & le morty xDDDD
This test gave me 89. These tests are designed by trolls who want you to feel dumb
I know better than to turn myself into a pickle; and I prefer Futurama to Rick and Reddit, and Gintama to all other cartoons.
I never took the SAT and went straight into the military after high-school. This is my first year in college and I feel like everyone around me is retarded but I'm just attending a community college at the moment. I wonder if they're a standard deviation higher than me on average.
Good luck brother
god bless portugal
Right Wing. (Would be Centrist in an Ideal world. Reeee SJWs)
>working/studying STEP or non-STEM?
1st Class degree Software Engineering. Now working in the same field.
IQ: ~160. Gets hazy more than two SD's up.
Ideology: Nationalism premised upon human nature.
Job: Tech consulting / entrepreneur
Also I'm black, believe it or not. Did threads here months ago. Posted my Mensa card. AMA.
Pro-white. Nothing violent.
Nah; it's actually pretty easy to tell significantly higher IQ people from the meatbags. It's just that the vast majority of the population are meatbags. Ivy league, especially post 1990, is a meme in my opinion.
I think it's just that people who score well are much more likely to share.
Even looking through this thread, you can see average scores.
Are you the renegade of funk?
>autistic people who can't socialize except through their computers on a highly toxic anonymous forum
>these people have relatively high IQs
not really very surprising at all desu.
You aren't taking the sample into consideration. Do you think Sup Forums is an accurate reflection of the average population? Don't you think the discussions/topics here already draw a specific type of individual?
You faggots do realize that STEM is a meme to push the smart people away from lucrative positions right?
>richest software devs/engys/start-up founders rarely even graduate or go to college
>richest business people majored in business
>richest investment bankers majored in business or finance
>poorfag scientists majored in STEM
>middle class engineers majored in STEM
>middle class mathematicians majored in STEM
When you learn the difference you will understand.
Is anyone surprised?
wtf this test is fucking easy, i skipped 3 times out of pure boredom and still got a high score
also i'm a classic liberal
kek. So, are you a proponent of eugenics yet? If it makes you feel better, it needs to be put into practice in the white community as well. I appreciated you going on Tara's show, even if you don't/didn't agree with WN at the time. Having an honest discussion and outlook from another perspective is valuable for everyone involved.
Ethno-nationalist, free marketeer, soft authoritarianism, non-interventionist
Politics with philosophy
Also all the C level executives majored in non-STEM everywhere you look
Latest example, Experian CSO and CTO.
this test is easier than the AVSAB on a whole other level qq
China is doing some interesting things:
In abstract it's a good idea. The devil is in implementation details.
I support the right of all peoples to maintain their homelands because biodiversity is an asset to our species. The really interesting tech question to consider is how much longer we can continue to live as homo sapiens (destruction vs evolution).