Think the war in Iraq was pointless? Go ahead tell this young man his dad died for nothing.
Think the war in Iraq was pointless? Go ahead tell this young man his dad died for nothing
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his dad died for nothing.
his dad died for nothing.
Your dad died for nothing kid and you're up next
Your dad died for nothing you little zipperhead freak. Now go sleep with your mommie and reach up her leg and see what's there. Fuck off.
his dad died for nothing.
his dad died for nothing.
His dad died for Israel.
his dad died for nothing.
just remembered this meme
Isn't that a marine uniform?
He knew what he signed up for
Thank you for your service has to be the most idiotic slogan in the world.
Why are burgers so dumb?
Shalom young goy. Your daddy goy didn't die for nothing.
Your dad died so we could learn that he died for nothing.
Your dad died for commiting a crime.
People getting worked up over a video game ad
Your dad's an exmilitary now
There's the liberal shaming tactic again.
"Go ahead and tell the truth, but good luck living with yourself after it hurts someone's FEE FEEs!"
his dad died for israel
Your dad died for nothing.
his dad died for Israel
His dad died to destabilize a middle eastern country because that's the only thing the CIA can get off to anymore.
his dad died for commies
To be fair, your dad didnt die for nothing.
Your dad died because Saddam Hussein wouldn't become an american puppet, trade in USD or let us loot the iraqi treasury forever indebting the country to US bankers and their influence.
Youre dad didnt die for nothing. He died to keep americans wealthy, and to keep the rest of the world poor. He died for your mint hot chocolate with tiny mashmellows in it. He died so we in america can keep our hollywood pedophiles and coked up bankers, because that is what we deserve.
He died for Decadence and decay.
Its worse than nothing.
It wasnt his choice, but he died destroying America.
that was pretty gay
savage, m8
>His dad died to destabilize a middle eastern country because that's the only thing the CIA can get off to anymore.
>middle eastern country
>destabilize if these savages needed any outside force to murder each other
Did you read that fortune cookie wisdom on the washington post?
But he died for yahweh, so that god's chosen people can finaly rule over all of us.
people read the washington post?
>Implying that the Jews are still the chosen
Romans 3:39-31 and also pick related.
too true
interesting how the world's greatest distraction trap Sup Forums started right after the massive protests against the operation iraqi (((freedom))) started raging
really makes you think
Telling him his dad died for nothing is far better than telling him the actual reason his father died.
Your dad died so radicals could take over Iraq.
Always makes me laugh.
His dad died to keep them cents for a gallon.
>our book says that
>well what about here in my book, it says something different.
It wasn't pointless. For jews.
And his dad died for this epic joke.
Shocked that you’re not the only one?
youre dad died for nothing.
If America never invaded Iraq our country would be no different today.
no nobody does. Thing is a dead rag. I'm just curious if the shill can get back to his bong IP.
I'll be waiting.
This thread is a hilarious mess of "1 Post by this ID".
The neocons are really terrible at trying to make w. look like a real president.
It wasnt for nothing. Somewhere a Jewish man got really rich off of his sacrifice. Israel thanks him for his service. White working class, best goyim. cattle
Imagine if that boy ends at Sup Forums, discovering all the truth and becoming one of the most anti-jew soldiers there is.
Your father died because America lied.
I'll just add, because it looks like the shills are going to make this a W. thread.
Iran-Contra Mena Arkansas
30 years of presidents. Same cartel. They should all share the same cell.
>Your dad was a good goy. He did what he was told, right up to the death. This is what is expected of good goyim, and he was gooder than most. Be proud of that, and follow his footsteps, because we're going into Iran soon.
Served in Iraq, we all knew it never mattered. Sure your CO would say some shit about democracy but the rank and file soldier doesn't give a shit. All we wanted to do was smoke, dip, drink energy drinks and kill. You understand very little about warrior culture if you think we were ever ideologically motivated.
>roastie upset about no military benefits, housing, pension
She'd forever live near the base hoping she can fuck her way to another cuck in uniform with benefits
Don't worry kid. Your dad died for Israel.
Your dad was 1080 no scoped for nothing, not even a kill cam.
-sent via potato
His dad died so they could have McDonalds in Afghanistan. It was worth it.
Hey kid,
Your dad died for nothing. I'm less free today than I was when that war started. And my country is fuckin shit stain now too. Sorry your dad was poor and had to die for military contracts. Now stop being a pussy and join the army so you can die in the next conflict and see him sooner.
P.s. fuck off
Kek. Took me awhile
your dad died for nothing.
His dad died for nothing or trying to save his own ass and his friends, guess what when your being shot at your not fighting for your country your fighting for your friends
Truth hurts
It's not like he wasnt getting 14 year old pussy as muzzle point
This is now a Nigger Bush thread
Of course.
In the KJV: "Thou mustn't commit this act."
In the NIV: "Don't do this thing."
Tomatoh Tohmahtoh.
Son, your dad died for a bunch of dickelt pedophiles that wear their foreskin on top of their the head.
One half a million or so people died for that.
Inshallah these kuffar will pay
His dad died for a bunch of limp wristed, hand rubbing, effeminate, bureaucrat interventionistas who wanted to get rid of big bad saddam.
Someone can't photoshop worth a shit.
his dad died for 1.2 TRILLION petrodollars to be kept in western finance system
his dad died so he can buy cheap oil
his dad died so muslims in middle east divided and fight each other
fuck that video is depressing.... jesus christ
Why would he be mad at the person telling him the truth? Be mad at the government trying to destabilize the middle east.
You're gonna stand behind a child for an argument?
best post
Like it's our fault man. Fuck you. Why don't you go tell the Pentagon they fucked up, or worse, they lied for Jizzrael and oil. Fucking shithead.
Your dad died to secure Israel so the chosen people can enslave you with debt forever. Plus they want to rape you which is their prerogative as God's Chosen.
His father was a Zionist welfare recipient too dumb for college and too unmotivated to make something of himself without big daddy government's help
This is stupid
Kikes are not actually commies.
Communism is just the LARPed ideology used to put (((them))) into power.
There is a reason why "true" communism has never been tried. It doesn't exist and can't exist by design.
Just get enough fools to do the dirty work for you. Gain power. Then rule as a group of bloodthirsty tyrannical kikes.
Of course being sociopaths eventually the biggest baddest sociopath will gain power and purge all the other kike sociopaths as threats to their position.
ie Stalin
But that is just how kikes work.
Always self defeating selfish until the end.
It is interesting to see how the chinks uses the kike communism revolution method to gain power and didn't put a strong man that kill purged all threats. And just ruled as elite tyrants once their commie revolution was over.
His dad died for Israel.
We just let these corporations rob us. We elect politicians who serve their interests. Where is our personal responsibilty?
He died for Bush and Israel
He didn't die for nothing. His dad died for Israel and the oil companies.
His dad died for nothing. His dad never should have been deployed there.
if that young man is even the tiniest bit smarter than his dad was, he knows that already.
it's even worse than you think
don't get a boner for a service member in public and treat him like everyone else will get pissed at you
My brother joined the security forces in the airforce and they wear berets, and the woman thought he was super special forces and threw money at him
>muh liberals
If you defend kike wars, you're a full blown idiot or a kike yourself
its an appeal to emotion, sadly his dad die for nothing user. It isn't a bad thing to point this out, what is bad is acting like he died for his nation - which WILL make this happen again, thousands more dead Americans and millions more dead in whatever shit hole is invaded.
Fuck the government, they did not care for these boys and sent them to their graves telling them that they were heroes and warriors, when in reality they were used as pawns for the interests of Israel, fuck you OP fuck you for defending this corrupt shit hole they NEVER HAD TO DIE ffs