Hi, socially conservative normie here

Hi, socially conservative normie here.

What's you guy's definition of Post-Modernism?

Not what the goal of post-modernists is or how and the methods used, but the idea itself, the underlying ideology of the idea they subscribe to?

The idea that powers them, so to speak. The subtle motivation for why they promote the ideas they do?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.org/stream/AlexanderDuginTheFourthPoliticalTheory/Alexander Dugin - The fourth political theory_djvu.txt

>what's the definition of post-modern
EXCEPTIONALLY jewish thread you've got here rabbi

You're not explaining it cause you havn't thought about it, or?

I hope someone replies with a complicated and well-supported answer that makes me look like an ass for questioning it.

pls respond, I'm high and this question is drilling its way into my mind.

>I'm high
go away degenerate


Also, smoking weed is less degenerate than drinking alcohol.

and not doing both is even less degenerate, degenerate

Yes, but the vast majority of people are doing one or both, and humanity has gone on since civillization first started with doing at least one of them. To say that alcohol degenerates the person lower than 99% of all their forefathers since before the birth of christ, who also used alcohol, doesn't logically follow.

And weed is less harmful than Tobacco, so logically, if one only smoked weed, they would be better than their ancestors who drank, at least in that regard.

your degenerate drivel is pretty boring

I'm sorry, I'm high, hopefully you know what it's like when you're curious about something.

If your high just watch this:


All of these people profiled in the video are considered postmodernists.

Can you expand on why though, what the idea of post-modernism is? Not tha tit promotes homosexuality and the destruction of the family unit, but why it does so?

Its called postmodernism because it implies a dissatisfaction with the modern world. The modern world in this case being the mid to late 20th. The reason it promotes the destruction of society is because that is what it was designed to do. It is the cultural equivalent of a Marxist economic revolution. Until literally all of society is upended and changed, it will not stop. Even when society is completely changed, it will continue to fight against society for more change. It is Trotsky's permanent revolution but in culture, rather than politics.

Alexander Dugin:
Let the buffoonery of postmodernism .. join up with the rhizome, schizo-masses and splintered consciousness; let nothing carry along in
itself the substance of the world — then secret doors will open, and ancient, eternal, ontological
archetypes will come to the surface and, in a frightful way, will put an end to the game.

Just in general? So they're, what, accelerationists like Ted Kazinsky but without a reason?

I need to read up on him. Is he pretty good? What's a good starting point?

It depends entirely what you apply the term to. Post modern art does not equal post modern moral philosophy does not equal post modern architecture

Link to online text of 4th Political Theory below:
Honestly I haven't read it, seems pretty turgid.
But Dugin's youtube videos gave me a better flavor.

archive.org/stream/AlexanderDuginTheFourthPoliticalTheory/Alexander Dugin - The fourth political theory_djvu.txt

The context of postmodernists pushing ideological agenda?

What I stated is a general overview of what I understand postmodernism to be. One of the core of postmodernism is that there are no absolutes. There was a famous postmodernist paper written by a woman that compared Newton's Law of Gravity book to a rape manual, because gravity always exerts an exact force. A postmodernist would argue that it isn't true that only woman can give birth to children. A postmodernist would argue that a ruler is a tool of oppression because an inch is an inch and it can't be modified.

Read or listen to Derrida and Marcuse.
Look up the Frankfurt School.
This is not the full 100% explanation but they take nautral l impulses and feelings of the poplace and send it into their own wicked motivations of cultural marxism. Sorryu I am drunk

At the end of World War II the jews took control. They created a system of new physiological warfare using modern scientific and philosophy. They designed it so they could further their control over the masses of the earth.

Postmodern ethics then. Research it properly you fag. And don't confuse everything prefixed with "postmodern" to be related to postmodern ethics.

Because the central theme of postmodernist philosophy - Deconstructionism - fits in very well with the NWO being planned by the elites.

Contrary to what tinfoil-wearing fundamentalist Christians believe, the NWO does not involve aliens or shapeshifting lizard. It is a very realistic social concept being pushed by the elites. It involves tearing down the social foundations of the 'old world' - homogenous ethnic groups, unified nation-states, patriotism, religious unity, patriarchal heritage, moralism etc. Why? So that they can render the individual powerless and put the entire world under their control.

What the elites fear the most, at any point of history in any nation, is organized action by the masses against themselves. In the past this was achieved by peasant uprisings, religious revolts, nationalist revolutions etc which succeeded in overthrowing the ruling class from time to time. When isolated the peasant has no choice but to obey. In a group, however, the peasants are strong enough to fight back.

How do the peasants organize themselves then? Well, they have to find something to rally around. Something that the peasants hold in common, that makes them feel like they are part of a bigger group together and share the same interests. It can be something as simple as being from the same region, speaking the same language, or just having a similar skin tone (if the enemy they want to fight has a different skin tone). In time this expanded into complex concepts like religion, nationalism and political allegiance. And to remind future generations of the things we peasants must share, we developed various complex customs and traditions around those things we have in common so we can watch each others' backs for ever. That is national culture and national heritage.

post modernism = Derida's deconstruction idea

That is why the elites of any empire are so desperate to break down those regional unities and replace them with universal ones. They want to dissolve all those strong connections binding the peasants together in little bands of resistance that make it hard to exploit them individually. Rome tried to destroy regionalism and promote 'diversity' and universalism in its colonies. Napoleon did the same, Britain at its height tried the same. Now America (or more precisely, the Jewish leadership controlling the global cartel based in America) is trying the same. Destroy the numerous idols of the barbarians and force every Roman to pray to Jupiter. Destroy their languages and customs, force them to wear togas and read Latin. Destroy their towns and build colonies in the image of Rome. Destroy their loyalty to their tribe and force them to swear allegiance to the one and only Emperor. Replace the Roman Empire with the Zionist-American empire, replace Jupiter with the cynical Marxist pseudoreligion of social justice and you'll see the parallels.

Postmodernists with their deconstructionism are merely useful idiots playing right into the elites' favour. Their fetish for destroying the old foundations of society such as race, sex and religion serves to justify the destructive efforts of the Zionists. Their peddling of nihilism and individualism - the 'nothing matters, we all die, being serious about anything is gay' attitude - serves to weaken the strong links of brotherhood men used to have with eachother. In return their Zionist masters legitimize their postmodernist puppets through various institutions& publications while showering them with money and favours. In the NWO, where nothing matters and all the peasants just hiding in their houses by themselves while pleasuring themselves in hedonistic ways (while the elites rob them blind with no repercussion), postmodernism is - and will be - king.

Shamelessly copying. You've explained it better than I ever could.

Postmodernism is like a 'theme' that extends across multiple disciplines of art, politics and philosophy. Not even postmodernist scholars can agree on its exact meaning, but one thing they do agree on is that it is the countermovement to modernism.

Modernism is a continuation of the Renaissance and Enlightenment. It puts man at the centre of the universe and assumes that with the power of science and reason man can do anything. Science, the codified result of humanity's ability to think in rational terms, is omnipotent and can explain everything (given enough time and resources). With the power of science and rationality, humanity will continue progressing, we can and must keep on becoming healthier and stronger and smarter until we build our own utopia - that is the gist of modernism.

However the events of the 20th Century put doubts in some people's minds about modernism. According to them, the Great Depression showed that economic progress through free market capitalism was not guaranteed. The horrors of WW2 showed that scientific progress did not always equal a better society for everyone. Environmental issues showed that technology wasn't always great and that maybe the future wasn't going to be always better than the past. This led to the birth of postmodernism - a direct refusal of modernism.

Postmodernism in a nutshell is very simple: modernism is wrong and we as (pseudo)intellectuals must work towards finding something that can replace it. That's it. Do the exact opposite of modernism.

Scientific progress doesn't always mean better living. So what can make it better? Maybe some hippy treehugging bullshit or homeopathy. Capitalism doesn't make everyone richer all the time, so what can make it better? Why, there's an alternative in communism right there. Just touch it up and repackage it. Traditional art dying to new technology? Just destroy everything about art that we knew and build it up from scratch.

order a pizza and watch these two dr layman vidyos on the subject

Dr. Layman is pretty great. One of the few political youtubers worth following.