Yesterday, leftie redditor faggot CGPgrey (and Kurzgesagt) uploaded a video about how researching a cure for aging would be an ethical thing, and how having the technology to live forever would have no negative consequences for society.

This video is full of fallacies, completely ignores the opposing views and half the comments disagree with him. This and Kurzgesagt's are in top 10 on trending (consider youtube did not feature idubbbz's video in trending which had a lot more traction, which means these ones are in line with youtube's propaganda).

The left is clearly pushing for this technology and you can expect to hear more about this.

Thing is, where do you (we) stand? It seems very obvious to me that death is a fundamental tenant of civilization and without it it would collapse.
Can we agree we should work against this?

The real anti-aging solution is to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness of sins and your soul will be immortal.

llol, that pic

If we exterminate nonwhites and “Whites”with shit genetics, why not?

Anti-aging isn't too bad if it proportionately manages fertility to compensate.

But in the words of CGPgrey himself: "Wishing upon a star that people are better than they are"

I don't want to be me though.

Why couldent I be born someone else

Picture really look like penis

That's right goy, curing aging is evil. Just let yourself die so that only (((we))) can have immortality technology.

Also this person has clearly never played Terranigma.

Kurzgesagt has made some good videos. This one was straight propaganda. Tried to dumb down the ethical dilemma of living forever and make it seem like it's totally ok and we'd be crazy not to

>You know, given human nature, if people got hit on the head by a baseball bat every week, pretty soon they would invent reasons why getting hit on the head with a baseball bat was a good thing. But if you took someone who wasn't being hit on the head with a baseball bat, and you asked them if they wanted it, they would say no. I think that if you took someone who was immortal, and asked them if they wanted to die for benefit X, they would say no.

Guess which countries are not gonna get the technology and are going to keep shitting out babies, and which countries will get a lower birthrate because of this

That's right goy, let your master cure his aging while you can't afford it

>to me
>to you
>to me
>to you

That's a penis

>implying a bronze age religion is more likely to work than actual medical science with evidence

Transhumanism is a satanic lie.

that pic kek

Am i the only one that sees the girls arm as a huge penis?

>le bronze age maymay
Plenty of bronze age inventions work. Writing and the alphabet, for starters. It's how you're able to read this post.

>let your master cure his aging while you can't afford it
The masters without immortality technology would just have children who would become the new masters, so you wouldn't be any less of a slave without immortality technology.

>this cuck literally wants to die
Go right ahead and kys the but leave me out of it. Preventing anti-aging tech is killing by denial of assistance.


No, Extension of the life expectancy and more importantly increasing the number of healthy years, would be the best thing that could happen to the West. The ageing demographic is a huge problem, we are already spending a large amount of ressources on old people, this burden will only grow.

Slowing the ageing-process would litterally be the best thing that could happen to the west.

Yes you massive faggot

>that pic

Oh dear


You probably also think eugenics is a satanic lie.

>implying there aren't thousands of other bronze age religions that are just as likely to work as Christianity
>implying bronze age people didn't also do a lot of things that didn't work, like cure diseases with leeches

>all these faggots itt who saw a penis


Oh dear oh dear

I like threads with pics like this, because it can help identify newfags.



>multiple religions exist so therefore, rather than examine closely which ones might actually have a point to make, I'll just trust the jewish pop culture mainstream zeitgeist and dismiss it all because thinking too much hurts my head

>bronze age people did some stuff that was bad therefore everything they did is all bad. Why bother critically examining what may or may not be useful?

Solution is squaring the corner. People no longer age but just die at some point. Without death life has no point.

Is is normal if I saw her holding a dick?

Rebirth in Christ my dude

>rather than examine closely which ones might actually have a point to make
>implying that transhumanists don't also have a point to make

It's not that "anti-aging technology" will destabilize the West. It would, but it will never exist and anyone with any background in the field would tell you that. We barely even understand how aging occurs, let alone how to prevent it. Our most basic longevity research shows some basic therapies can delay it, but we don't really know how it works at all. It will be centuries before the technology is effective and economical.

The point has nothing to do with the actual, tech though. This is about the Left replacing the void left by a Godless society with a new "God" or science, technology, progress for its own sake, and unending worship of materialistic advances. CPG Grey's most paramount line was "Happiness is the meaning [of life] period." He is a vapid hedonist. He doesn't want to suffer because, to him, the only reason to live is to enjoy life. There's no greater struggle, metaphorical triumph over evil, or purpose to existence. It's basically "muh dick" the ideology, but with a worship of science as a new cult of spirituality.

Humanity has lost its old God and made a new one.

>hurr ah dun wanna die deas is skerry ah wanna liv fivever
>ahd rather spend a thousand years being an old weary faggot
brainlets who haven't accepted that they can't be reborn if they don't die

Transhumanists literally don't have a point at all. It's just disgruntled white bois who have no identity or future praying that some technology will come down from the heavens and save them from the drudgery and toil of modern life. They worship science like a cult.

Happiness gives life a meaning. Death doesn't. Saying that it does it just a way for you to rationalise it.

Did cholera give life meaning? Did smallpox give life meaning? Obviously no. Death and aging is akin to diseases that has to be conquered.

Ha. I thought that was penis

I thought she had a cock in a glass. To me.

looks like shes has a dildo in glass

>when you die you live forever
thank justin

Happiness can't give life any meaning because it will drown itself out. It's closer to a drug that motivates people to reproduce than a quasi-material end goal.

Think of the addict who needs progressively more to get him high. Any level of happiness will eventually not be enough as you get used to it and you will want more and more. By the end, total bliss would just seem mediocre and unwanted. That's why happiness in the West has constantly declined as living standards increased.

All that joy, happiness, and fulfillment are are psychological tricks the brain plays on you to motivate you to reproduce. That's it. It's not inherently meaningful. It's just a bunch of neurotransmitters being primed to fire.

They would restrict immortality to only faggots like Bezos and Hillary and let the plebs keep dying. It would literally be gods enslaving humans.

Immortaility sounds tiresome, especially if everyone plans to stay on this planet.

I think its a great goal and support it. However you need to have a certain IQ to qualify imo.

looks like a dick is coming out of that cup

>Transhumanists literally don't have a point at all.
You are retarded. You probably also think eugenicists don't have a point. The point is to become superhuman.
>They worship science like a cult.
You worship death and a kike on a stick like a cult.

>all these masochists in this thread WANTING to grow old and die within a few decades
If you love the idea of dying at age ~80 can still just shoot themselves. Don't force this fate on others because of your retarded moralism.

It kinda bugged me that they didn't even consider the arguments against life extension/"immortality", because it would have made for a far more interesting video, and because this way it's just propaganda, and not an educational video.

Suicide is still illegal in most parts of the world.

You can die of old age if you want to. It’s an individual choice. Those who prefer to live forever can chose to do so as well.

I'm not a Christcuck you fucking illiterate redditor. Transhumanism's actual policies are fine; it's the people behind them that are cancerous sacks of shit. They're total failures in life. They're the beta male, worker drones of society who long to be more than that but never can - so they worship some future technology to come down and grant them all the powers they need to become Chad. Christianity has the same nonsense of hoping someone will come down from the sky and give your life meaning, purpose, and love. The truth is that life will never have meaning because meaning does not tangibly exist.

>you have reservations about a radically world-altering technology which will shatter ever institution and norm of society? you fucking masochistic cuck

Living (forever) just increases the chance of dying violently. I wan to see my death coming, so I don't have an issue with people living for 1000s of years.

i keep thinking her left shoulder is a dick

I don't think it's because it's propaganda so much as its because the video makers are just some random dumbasses who got popular with the Plebbit community. They're too stupid to understand why these changes might be problematic except in a shallow and short-sighted way. "Come on guys, death doesn't give life meaning - hedonism does." is their entire argument. They don't even address obvious, material concerns like how it will create a permanently class of wealthy billionaires who dominate the market. Imagine Soros and Zuckerberg living FOREVER, just slowly amassing more and more wealth. That's the post-aging future.

I plan to be on TRT and HGH when I'm an old cunt.

With replacement parts you might actually survive ever serious trauma.


why is there a gigantic uncircumsized swarthy cock coming out of her drink???

>muh ad homenim
What transhumanists are personally like has nothing to do with the ideology itself. Plenty of anti-transhumanists are retarded cancerous sacks of shit also.

Well jolly everyone lives forever!
Then What? What will we do about the increasing population?
Well let's stop making more babies!
Well no.. We don't know what effects giving birth has on two parents.

Even if we do develop the tech, it's not like the common wealth will have access to it. People will spend their entire lives saving up for that hearty treatment, and for what?

Everything goes fubar in the scenario where humans can attain immortality.

life is a prison without death, it is the cycle of nature. "Curing" death is impossible because there is nothing to cure, this attitude will bring absolute ruination.

The only good option desu.
Sure your life expectancy will drop, but you'll be in shape and good health until you die.
But good hgh therapy is expensive, so start saving and investing.

I don't think "happiness is the purpose of life" necessarily implies hedonism, because hedonism eventually leads to unhappiness for most people.

the hair over her shoulder makes it look like she's carrying a giant dildo in that glass.

>Picture really look like penis
Thought she was holding a penis in the thumbnail. Enlarged. Still holding a penis.

That's the present.

Is that a penis


Anybody else notice that her arm is a cock?

Her arm looks like a penis.

her shoulder looks like a dick


No user. I don't think anyone in the entire thread leading up to this point aside from you noticed this.

>reee you can't present your opinions about a topic without presenting my opinions as well!!!

>why happiness in the West has constantly declined

You know, in a video explaining a topic with two sides it's rather ridiculous you only present the side to your liking.

it's because everyone in this thread is a bot

anti aging is a huge ethical question, we have no idea if it will make society better or worse


The reason why Idubbbz did not get on trending was because it was anti-asian... If he had made it anti-white male (jake paul) there would have been a slight chance to make it on trending. But Ian (idubbbz) make slight references to gassing Jews in his Save the Squirrels Initiative (SSI) where he caught rats instead of squirrels and the comments section went wild with Jew comments... lol

Anti-aging won't be mandatory dumbass. You can die if you want, I don't care if you want to be a faggot.

At 60+ years old I can tell all you kids, I'm fucking glad I'm not 21. The future is bleak.

>is a staunch supporter of free speech
>throws around the word 'nigger' like its nothing
>regularly references gassing jews

Idubbbz is without a doubt /ourguy/.

I thought she was jerking off a monster dick upon first glance

>my anus is my bff

Wait, are you saying that if someone has an opinion you disagree with, it's THEIR job to argue on YOUR behalf against their own opinion?

Indian or Pakistani?

The day Kurzweil dies I'm going to throw a party

Yeah, no shit, right? Glad I wasn't the first person to think, "Why does she have an erect dick in her glass?".

its a dixie cup

indeed. He also made the ricegum roast with our other /guy/ pewdiepie. He's an absolute mad man I tell you.

Shes holding a dick