What is this show about?

What is this show about?

girls fucking eachother with their giant cocks.

Who cares? Tiddies!

good wholesome family fun

Japan vs USA

>vol 4
Well I guess I know what I'll be using next

president best girl

The power of friendship.

e-pen contest.

Through dick, unity.


dicks, feminine dicks.
Its a show about the aesthetics of dick and the female form

It's political/environmental commentary on steroids increasing estrogen levels in beef.

I don't follow every hentai series, especially not ones where girls dick each other but I had good fun some of the previous ones

Are there many with more than 5 episodes?

It's about : ふた部!! Vol.04 日米ふたなり決戦.

Yeah there's a decent amount of them.

A literal dick-waving contest


Show for family and kids.
