There are people on this board who think this guy is a robot!

There are people on this board who think this guy is a robot!

Mekazawa kun

I mean really, he looks like a normal guy riding this motor bike right?

Oh come on, just because he sometimes act like a robot doesn't mean he IS a robot! come on!

Right this right here is clear proof he's a normal human being.


Are you guys all per chance blind? This is clearly a robot. A mechanism. Not a human one bit.

What? No man, he might be a bit cold at times, but he's a normal human like you and me. Don't be an asshole.

Don't be an asshole! Mechazawa may be a stone cold badass, but that doesn't mean you can call him that.

I mean look at this guy. He gets bitches too. This guy is real top alpha male


I heard that Maeda got kidnapped by guys from Bass High School!

See would a robot not be able to fix any mechanical device? Another point proven that he's human.

I dunno user, something about the guy just doesn't sit right.

What are you talking about? He seems pretty normal to me.

Mechazawa is a great guy and I won't tolerate any of you Destrade High assholes badmouthing him like this.

What!? Again? Alright, let me just call a cab for Takenouchi. He'll take care of this.

The nicest guy you'll ever meet

Wait a minute. That girl is definitely a robot, no doubt about it.

No way man, she's just into the new windup fashion style
All the girls are wearing it

Dude, she's just a nice, fashionable girl. Don't be an ass with her.

Ignore this guy, he was shitposting on Sup Forums a few days ago, can you believe he was calling Robin a chicken?

He looks like a really rad guy riding a bike.

So how do we actually defeat Masa?

Mechazawa is a well-adjusted teenager, there's no way he'd visit that board.

See, he even has an ordinary average girlfriend.