Remember the 14 words. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. It's your duty as a white man to have as many white kids as possible so long as you can provide for them all. Don't be afraid to speak out against anti-white rhetoric wherever you find it.
Remember the 14 words. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children...
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Remember the 14 Words.
thanks for the reminder. guys don't be skinheads please. we need to keep ourselves clean cut and respectable.
No woman wants me, I'm still a virgin at 23, I've already lost. Good luck to the rest of you. My pathetic genes are out of this competition.
Daily reminder that the best way to secure a future for white children is to eradicate the white subgroup that would sacrifice or significantly limit it in the first place.
Why do skinheads shave their heads anyway?
>A FUCKING LEAF can't pass on his genes
You're doing the white race a favor, user
Maintaining a "hairstyle" as a man for purposes of vanity is degenerate. Having hair is also solely a disadvantage in any combat situation. It only makes sense that all men should keep their hair as closely cropped as possible, and this is now very easy to keep up with so you have no excuse. My wife shaves my head for me every sunday evening.
You should cut your own hair. Barbers are gay, and probably communists.
Ever since zyklon b has been taken off the market people needed to find another way to combat the lice problem.
this, prob gonna end it by 30 anyway
>My wife shaves my head for me every sunday evening.
Oh wait
Oh wait what?
Ever heard of something called sexual dimorphism? Population numbers depend on women reproducing, not men. You could literally kill half the male population and it wouldn't make a dent on the rate of reproduction. To save the race you have to get liberated cunts to reproduce, not men. Good fuckin luck with that
>To save the race you have to get liberated cunts to reproduce, not men. Good fuckin luck with that
Yes, as I said here
this. guys how do we get women to be women again instead of lesser men
I hope ya'll be good and spread the whitness across the world.
>how do we get women to be women again instead of lesser men
You don't, and why would you settle for a sub-par product that can only reproduce (legally) from the age 18 to (optimally) 35? That's 17 children per woman if you cut the recommended recovery of half a year in half, assuming there are no twin births.
Is it really worth it having to put up with the ovarian jew for 18 years before they become even useful, and then 50+ years (average female life expectancy is somewhere around 87 years now) after they stop being useful - just so that you, realistically speaking, may be granted 1-3 children?
Face it: we need to do what white men have always done, and replace this farce with a machine.
how many years away from artificial wombs working for human births do you think we are?
Depends on how fast we can normalize the idea of it.
I could see it being possible in 20 years. All the individual parts required for it are already possible, now it's about making the jump.
Can you imagine a society that doesn't have to suffer the cancer that is the nigger of genders, user?
making your way in the world today takes everything ya got
google "cd3wd" it's a massive library of everything needed to have a developed country from raising animals and crops to building power plants.
why... it would be Utopia! a world entirely populated by white males. imagine the progress that would be made. we would own the stars.
>a world entirely populated by white males. imagine the progress that would be made. we would own the stars.
preppers are cancer. fucking gearqueers
Sup Forums screwed up that pic, should've been the engineer from the Prometheus movie.
good movie