White people:
We were the first illegal immigrants never forget that.
White people:
Other urls found in this thread:
>Implying that there were any rules, regulations, laws, inventions or economy in America at the time
Also, Americans bought land from the Native Americans (mainly), and sometimes conquered when they said no.
Friendly reminder that all the slave ships that brought niggers to America were owned by kikes
But I thought there was no such thing as race.
Whites are conquerors, not immigrants. The last time white people got pissed off we split the atom on one side of the coin and placed the entire western world on it's knees under a swastika.
You keep that in mind, Goldberg.
Might makes right. So no, we weren't.
We didn't immigrate to squanto's tribe, we settled the land and bought it with beads.
Yeah and look at what happened to the natives with uncontrolled migration
Indians are white.
I always feel like comics like this are in fact against the liberal argument.
>illegal immigrants came and killed everyone
>lets let illegal immigrants in
it was within the natives rights to take up arms and defend their god given territory
Actually, if every human comes from Africa, then africans are the first illegal immigrants.
>the indians were wiped out by unchecked immigration
>we need more unchecked immigration goyim
Yeah if the injuns had border control they wouldn't have been genocided and had their land taken away from them. How the hell do people think this is an argument for open borders?
>Lol dude it's ok, last time this happened the original inhabitants got totally fucked and live in reservations. Why don't you want that to happen to you?
Boy if those Indians were able to enforce an end and reversal of all whites moving into their homelands it would have turned out much better for them if they did. If there were an Indian off the panel that was arguing for greater diversity and more immigration he'd rightfully be seen as a maniac and executed for treason.
Love the portrayal of whites as helpless and the natives brandishing weapons. Ya thats exactly how it went down.
>if every human comes from Africa
They don't, so there's that
We were invaders, not immigrants. How does it feel to be part of the largest occupying army in the history of mankind?
/thread saged
That pic is the best argument AGAINST immigration though
>illegal immigrants are awesome and benefit our society
>unless white people did it 500 years ago, then it's evil
They native tribes didn't even have a country of state to begin with to have immigrants. They were made up of different Stone Age tribes who were fine with the English settling there because they would provide them with weapons and alliances against rival tribes.
lol, best reply
yeah because raping, pillaging and genociding native americans was definitely the best way to settle on a foreign territory and then claim it was yours in the first place
Europeans are INVADERS not cuntquerors
The AmerIndian nations aren't in a position to complain, they followed the principle of right of conquest. Every one of those AmIndian nations took territory from other AmIndian nation through conquest. It was the European colonists who introduced formal treaties and voluntary exchange for territory. The treaties often failed because the young bucks wouldn't respect the treaties made by the old council of elders. To get respect and status, the young bucks needed to make war and be great warriors.
A conqueror is simply an invader who wins.
>Our great great great grandparents showed up illegally and destroyed the Indians - despite the Indians fighting back.
>So it's only fair that we should lay down and allow others to do the same - without fighting back.
>yeah because raping, pillaging and genociding native americans was definitely the best way to settle on a foreign territory and then claim it was yours in the first place
your judging 300 a 300 year old society by modern ethics. That's ridiculous and means nothing. That behavior was normal for ALL peoples at the time. Including africans and asians.
Also, the native americans raped and pillaged and genocides other tribes regularly.
WHat laws did they break?
And get their asses kicked.
>immigration is good
>immigration destroyed indian culture, killed tons of indians
>illegal immigration is good
>don't worry, you're probably just being racist.
I'd love to meet someone retarded enough to draw this IRL someday just to pick what's left of their brain.
Let me guess. The cartoonist is a Jew.
i wish my walls were lined with indian scalps
Yet you and your ilk have no problem taking part in that invasion and think that pointing a finger of white people who are equally complicit as you are in the genocide are somehow more guilty of it because they share a skin color with those 'invaderrs'.
Check your fucking privelege and stop enjoying the fruits of that 'invasion' if you're too cowardly to put your fucking money where your mouth is. Go and enjoy the fruits of Native American acheiveement: corn, peanuts, and typhus.
Fuck you;
>placed the entire western world on it's knees under a swastika.
>applied mostly to the subjugation of other white people.
How much longer before the stupid liberals realize that the way to illegally take over a land is to simply go in and kill everyone around you and beat them in battle? Are they too thick to understand this simple concept? If immigrants want to come into the United States or any other country illegally and get away with it, the only way to do it is to just completely crush everyone living in that country. That would be fine. Go for it. Give it a try. The whites came to North America beat the living shit out of the Indians and took over the land. End of story. Case Closed. Fuck the hell off. If you feeling guilty about it then just acquiesce and give up your house and your car and your other belongings to the natives and offer yourself up to them as a slave or something. Whatever it takes to rid yourself of the guilt. The rest of us are just going to live our lives normally.
Almost every bit of developed land in the world was taken by force from someone else at some point in history.
How do you get through your day hating the entire planet?
I totally forgot that we just came in and stole all those great accomplishments from those indians that make the USA so great
What do you mean by we, Schlomo? Sage btw
We got kicked out of our homeland and shit had to end up this way.
>way to illegally take over a land
They're the group that wants a communist revolution and for the other side to die but don't realize that's the same thing that every country has done ever.
>Europeans are INVADERS not cuntquerors
these aren't really different things; you are free to argue that we weren't in the moral right to conquer them, but we did conquer them nonetheless
No. We are not illegal, it was we who instituted law into disorderly, savage lands.
Wrong. There was no formal nation founded in America at the time. No real resistance to our presence. So we made a nation.
And fuck you with your bullshit propaganda.
Native Americans didn't believe in private property or defined borders, therefore by definition European settlets could not be considered illegal immigrants.
Regardless they did try to fight us off and got their asses handed to them. So they can rot in their burial grounds and drown themselves in their alcohol-drenched casinos for being an inferior race.
I hope you just created that for the lols, cause it is the most retarded argument i've ever seen. No immigration laws back then, which is why we implemented it in the first place.
Also our country was founded by immigrants but difference between today's immigrants and back then = northern europeans vs skinshits
Yeah and look how that turned out for the indians.
#build that wall
>So they can rot in their burial grounds and drown themselves in their alcohol-drenched casinos for being an inferior race.
Damn fucking straight.
How about you show us your real flag, Rabbi?
you can actually make a good argument that the native americans would have been better off rejecting the european settlers, they would have kept their culture and their land, seems to me that this cartoon is very anti-immigrant
This only strengthens arguments against illegal immigrants. "The Indians let people in, look what happened to them."
that is not how you spell conquerors you faggot
I didn't know that 22million dead commies were of importance.
How's that diversity budged working out for ya, kike loving cunt?
Illegal is defined by the context of maintaining a legal & judicial system, the indi*ans did not understand, or undergo such things, which means their land was rightful clay.
>white people are first immigrants
>but somehow Columbus is a bad guy and symbol of oppression
Explain this.
Incinoman said different nigger.
>slide so the knight can stand in arrow fire with no worry of penetration.
fuck that was a rich noble
Manifest destiny makes it legal faggot. Also saged
more like, amiright?
>First illegal immigrants
Modern immigrants and pioneers have important differences, learn them, it could save your pathetic life.
Skills- none
Culture - Commit crime, use welfare, avoid taxes, and make their new country look like the shit hole they escaped from.
Work/innovations - Be labor force
Legacy - Their future generations don't assimilate, hate the country, and only some try to be culturally American.
>Pioneer / colonizers:
Skills - Farming, Carpentering, Hunting, they forced themselves to learn in order to give a better future for their generations.
Culture - Christians (maybe too much -Salem-), adaptable, civilized.
Work/innovations- They had to clear the land of trees, savages, wildlife, etc. in order to make farms, which they also worked on. Some innovations range from culinary, to farming Technics on hard land. They also were attempting to construct their own civilization, a self-sustainable one.
Legacy- Thanks giving, literature works, mistakes that we'll never repeat (hopefully), good farming soil, farms, anything we needed to make this country thrive into phase II, industrial revolution no. 1.
how do you illegally immigrate to a place with no laws against illegal immigration?
why are all leftist talking points so stupid>?
we didn't come here to immigrate, we came here to conquer
I haven't....which is why I am against illegal immigration and want legal immigration cut way back
wow and then the natives wouldn't have been genocided. really makes me think.
>White people:
>We were the first illegal immigrants never forget that.
Well we were illegal until we conquered their nigger ass and took all their stuff.
The entire world's history is no more than a sequence of wars. Every nation in the world has a built-in drive to conquer as much land and resources as possible. It's not good or bad, it's just how the natural selection works. Those nations which weren't trying to conquer and enslave their neighbors were fucked by their neighbors themselves and ceased to exist. So, there was no such thing as "bad" Europeans and "good" Indians. Europeans were just more numerous and had more advanced tools and weapons. Similarly, there's no "good" White Americans and "bad" Muslims and Latinos. Muslims and Latinos are just more numerous, have greater birth rates, and are better at organizing into pyramidal structures (clans/tribes/cartels etc). White Americans are trying to protect their territory, which is good from their perspective. Muslims and Latinos are trying to get into "rich lands", which is good from their perspective. Who wins will depend not on some abstract terms like "legal" or "illegal", but on who has more strength. As a white man, I'm rooting for white men simply because they have one less reason to kill me than Muslims or Latinos.
I have nothing against white europeans but I do hate the fact that you people try hard to hide the of the evils you have committed against the native americans by labeling it as an innocent "conquest." A great example being the Trail of Tears. You cant hide the truth buddy
Whites were conquerors, not imigrants
>1 post by ID
>People still taking the bait
>Not knowing Anasazi Empire
Why are Aussies acting like Americans these days? Is Internet so slow you can't use Google?
we haven't you total bell end...
Top kek user
How long do dead people's actions apply to people vaguely related to them?
10,000 years? I think everone in the world might be related to a murderer.
Why they got tidday eyez doe??
>Live in American for many thousands of years with many different tribes, but all homogeneously similar in race
>Religious zealots show up, "seeking a better life"
>They act nice at first, and set up deep roots
>Realize you fucked up too late, try to remove them
>Under 400 years later, over 99% of the cultures in your land are gone, over 98% of your people, and you live on "reservations" to quarantine you from the general populace, living as the poorest of the poor
But we should not learn from them.
"White people were wrong for immigrating to a new land and taking over. Brown people should be allowed into the country and their cultures preserved"
>be a white man in Europe
>have to fight tooth and nail against Muslims
>finally get them to fuck off after literal centuries of my ancestors and I fighting them
>begin to focus on building up my country since we finally have the money for it
>develop new technology for sea faring
>go exploring on the seas for new land
>find new land
>the natives seem nice
>go back home to Europe and share my discovery
>Get told to introduce them to our culture and also to civilize them
>return back to do such things
>they begin resisting
>fight back and eventually beat them since I'm fresh out of fighting the Moors back to the deserts of Africa
>decide to just buy the land and begin negotiations
>they accept literal beads
>buy slaves from Africa to help with farming
>years later, get into a fight with the British over ownership and also tea
>win the fight and claim the entire US, even set up a government
>later on get into a fight with my "friends" about the slaves
>war breaks out, slaves are freed and some are sent back to Africa while others stay here
>years later some shit happens including Trial of Tears, Two World Wars, Civil Rights Movement, Go to Space, Terrorists destroy 7 buildings and a Black President
>currently, my kids hate themselves for being white, statues are coming down everywhere and Europe is once again being raped by Muslims except this time, they are actually enjoying it.
name the indian tribe that owned the land the pilgrims landed on, and show proof. I'll be waiting.
>all homogeneously similar in race
There were wide racial differences in the western hemisphere
the tall noble Lakota were completely different than the short squat Mayans
old AmerIndian tales speak of a nation of very tall redheaded people that existed in North America
the land was taken by force by a militarily superior force, just as kangz butchered each other to establish tribal dominance, just like the spanish wiped out the aztecs.
The ruling race sets the laws and rules of the land and those laws are guaranteed by the armies and peacekeepers (police).
The only way those laws and rules change is if a more powerful military force defeats the current rulers, as with african tribal warfare, spanish conquerors and the million other examples of military dominance throughout history.
Nothing illegal happened as the law of the indians was void as soon as a more powerful force arrived and challenged their rule.
It's the way of the world and always has been, just because a race has been fucked up the ass because of weak military and leadership, whether via technology, strategy or sheer weight of numbers, the rule and law will always be set by the more powerful army.
video very fucking related
An intruder on the other hand...
we are part of the first world
usa, canada, britain, new zealand, australia
south africa is borderline along with a few euro countries like the caliphates of germany, france and nordsvedecucks
the rest of you are subhuman browns, relegated to the status of terrorism, war and being statistics. Time for your prayers, roachslime, lucked out on this life being born oily black hairy filth, at least you believe you'll be chilling in a better place when you die. false hope is better than none
respond to that faggot
rekt by white might
Bigger pic.
Strong enough and smart enough to take what was needed by force, if necessary.
Wow good to see this thread is still getting replies.
I don't want to sound too controversial, but even though the migrants do bring some level of cultural discomfort you also have a declining birthrate and you need for a flourishing economy and society for that matter, you need some growth, and in Europe and Americas case it has to be replaced by migrants from outside. So there is a need for migrants and naturally there is a need for growth as well.
there's a difference between being an illegal immigrant and a conqueror
>(((we))) split the atom
What do you mean 'you people'. You're every bit as guilty as whites, and pointing the finger at the them or labeling it an invasion does not absolve of that guilt.
I actually find it quite funny that they have come around to bite their historic oppressors in the ass.
No, they weren't. They were welcomed by friendly tribes who wanted to learn the white man's big magics he brought on his big canoes. LOL, that didn't work out for the stupid red niggers, did it?
Fuck off kike
Jews aren't white
if the natives did this irl they would obviously have been better off. haha