>ITT Something a millennial would say

>I'm having a sex change.

>oh look it’s the millenials and malls leaf faggot who posts once

>Being over 35
>Browsing an internet forum
You were one of the fags with an apple II weren't you?

My shitty job that requires absolutely no qualification should earn $25/hour plus benefits, 401k and inflation indexing
Also open borders and legalize weed

"Fuck my wife, jamal"

>Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump

millenials are such losers!

not me though im above all that despite being a millenial

"jews don't rule the world of banking and finance, this is a conspiracy theory aimed at harming them"

I believe they're calling it 'Gender Affirmation Surgery' now.

i am totally not pushed by my conditioning but i am totally self aware and my choices are free yet i react with anger to anything wich doesn´t fit my belief sytem because its my free choice to do so.-any milenial ever.