The Shahada is an oath that Muslims take which declares Allah as the one and only true God and that Muhammad is his prophet. This is blasphemy for Christians since Jesus, The Father and The Holy Spirit are God through a concept called the Holy Trinity. Taking this oath denounces this and calls Allah the one and only true God.
>Dude, Muslims believe in the same God! No they don't. This is a misconception that has been made by many due to Allah and the Father being of same origin and given the same characteristics. Christians were given the Son to know who the One True God is and the Christians will find that God through Jesus.
>Why does it matter? Do you believe in magic? No, but I believe in honoring my faith and my God like my ancestors before me. Taking an oath before another God is distasteful to me and I refuse to do it especially if I trust Jesus Christ as the one true savior and our lord.
>Where would the Shahada be? Well, considering that it is in elementary schools across the globe and the teachers are actually making them cite it then I see no reason for it not to start leaking into other aspects of our life.
>What is happening? Is this literally nothing? No it isn't. Your children are taking their oath and denouncing their God without you knowing it. This is happening in certain schools in both Europe, America, Canada and Australia. They are doing this to push cultural tolerance.
>Don't mean it when you have to take it. You apply faith when you cite an oath, even when you aren't serious. This would be considered as blasphemy towards Jesus.
NEW >That's not the Mark you fucking moron! It's a microchip! God doesn't care about a chip being implanted in your arm and no constituitive authority will force you to do so. Unless that chip is associated to a worship of a god it is meaningless.
dude nobody has to sign that you might work for ISIS or some shit; get sorted out, wacko
Asher Brooks
>Video showing the start of the Freemasonry. Quick Rundown; Templars and Assassins once integrated and the Assassin's knowledge of mysticism lead to Templars formulating what was later to become the Masonry which started the Illuminati and finally lead to the "Luciferians" you see today.
>This clip shows a prophecy being scientifically accurate under the interpretation of the man who made the video. It can certainly be believable, but what "Allah" had told Muhammad to tell his scribes to write in the Quran just sounds downright creepy…
>Dr. Pesta and Stephan talk about the truth of the Crusades. Know that the Christian Europeans put up with Islam's raids for 400 years before the Crusades happened!
You know what, I am so sick and tired of hearing this. It is as if you have been pacified or just lead a really sheltered life that you could not formulate an ounce of thought beyond the existence of the four walls the surround you.
So let's sort this out so I can show these plebs what the actual fuck they are dealing with here and see for themselves how ludicrous it is not to prepare for what is unfolding in the coming years.
>1. The importance of a faith in a God
Some of you aware of Muslims will know how they integrate with one another and see the world around them in a very similar way from one another. This is because of a commonality which allows for them to join together and this is found in their description of their God. Their God is in turn a reflection of them as they obey it and follow in its steps. How do they obey it? They obey it through their scripture because they believe it is the word of their god. Therefore, the scripture and the God take priority over the laws of a nation. This influences actions that will push people to make risks that Atheists and Agnostics normally wouldn't do. A God and a premise of an afterlife is ultimately the most powerful ideology there could ever be.
>2. The Power of Worship in a God I know that for some of you deny the existence of a god because it sounds like Fantasy and that is totally understandable. But... There is a science and the reason why I didn't go to deep in this is because it will unsettle some people and drive every shill on Sup Forums to this thread.
Worship is an energy.
At an individual level, worship of something may seem like it is practically nothing in the grand scheme of things but it is far more greater then you can imagine. When we draw up a concept of a God and start to rever it and get enough people to rever it, it will begin to actually have an impact on the behaviour of people. Just look at Pepe/Kek, he had become your icon and influenced a plethora of actions.
John Martinez
>3. If enough Worship is applied then the God becomes REAL! A wise man once told me that Reality is a majority vote. We put out votes in what to believe and if enough people believe it we can make the illusion real. This is because of a factor I like to call "Truth Decay", every proposition of what is said to actually happen is usually contested because the one hearing the story can't justify it with their senses. This is because of a time coordinate being missing for the person percieving it (I will go in more detail on this later).
When you have enough people worshipping a God, that God would reflect off on to you and you will behave according to its word. This word is said to come from scriptures.
>4. Man created scripture No! Muhammad also didn't pull some of his stuff out of his ass. It actually came from Lucifer and this isn't a lie. There are things in our reality that we can't even comprehend but given enough time we could. This is because everything about the known universe is locked inside your head. But we have been created to be severely limited to the amount of information that we can actually pull out it.
>5. Imagination and its relation to this Universe So, now that we have a concept of the Universe being locked inside our brains, we begin to draw what is from it and apply to the world around us. We do this by "creating", which is our relation to God (which would make sense when Jesus told us we were Gods and how the old addage says of how we were created in his image.) The certain intrusive thoughts that enter our heads and affect our conscience are coming from somewhere on a total different plane of our reality. They also give us images that we tend to try and introduce in our reality. Think about your artist friends, how many times have they created creatures? How many times have you found that all these creatures look the same as creatures made by other artists? That's because they existed before the thought.
Juan Nguyen
>Theurgy This is why Theurgy is so powerful. It is a method of rediscovering what was hidden from Man all along through intrusive thoughts. All of our creations and what we will ever create has already existed. This is also reinforced with the fact that if we look at Hindu scripture, particularly the Mahabarata, there is mention of atomic weapons and flying machines in 8 to 9 BC. Theurgy needs to be practiced if any scientists wants to actually discover something. You can't do theurgy without coming to terms with the fact that there is an existence of a creator and many scientists who deny the creator aren't actually denying it but are unsatisfied with what they have observed thus far. Theurgy will use the imagination to draw from the actual Universe.
>6. Imagination applied with worship Great, so now you drawed out a conscience being from your imagination that is hypothetically in the universe. What now? Well the things is, you have to be careful which one you are following and if it convinced you to follow you that there must be something wrong. If this being wants to come to existence how would it do it? Through possession or revealing itself as the energy based life form it is; a White Light! This is the Dangers of Islam, Muhammad saw a white light just like Joseph Smith and many other polytheists. Your creator, the father made you in his image, made you a creator and left his blueprint in you. He needs your worship because we are his creation. When you start worshipping a false deity then you bring that deity to Earth and it starts to bring its spirit inside of people. It's why people go to war suddenly change in the heat of battle or when trying to pick up a one night stand and they change completely. This spirit doesn't want you to know it's there, it wants you to believe that this behaviour is all you because if you know it is there you will fight it off. It's the belief itself that brings it to affect your psyche.
Ethan Bennett
>7. Applying this concept with String Theory So now that we hypothesize that the universe is essentially within our imagination we can move onto applying the science of string theory. If you are not familiar with string theory, the first dimension is a line, a kind of string, until you reach the second dimension, that is when the two lines take shape and form a 2d object. Then when we move to the third dimension, depth is applied and we have a three dimensional object. The fourth dimension is time and as humans we are trapped in it. Because we can not experience it as a solid coordinate we can't travel through it. Experiencing time as a coordinate would mean that you could visualize your birth and death at the same time. Now have you ever heard of someone dying and saying "my whole life flashed before my eyes"? What they are referring to is them experiencing this new fourth coordinate. In the fifth dimension you experience multiple times which are connected to different routes depending on certain types of consequences. This goes on until you have finally reached the 10th dimension and you are now in control of coordinating all timelines and spaces within your dimensional diagram. Having complete control of this would mean you would have the Characteristics of an omnipotent God. If in the 10th dimension, you will be able to imagine so many spaces and times that your fan fic would actually be a reality and the characters within it would be much like us in this reality. >Look at Pic related for an understanding of these dimensions used within this context.
Aaron Reyes
>8. Applying Elon Musk's Simulation Theory Simulation theory is the idea that our whole universe is a simulation. There is truth to this, but it isn't going to work in favour of Atheists and the whole "this will absolve our responsibility" argument is conjured up to hide this very truth. Our Universe is composed of what this 10th dimensional being is imagining... This universe is its simulation and we are the ones in a tiny string. There is a reason why God doesn't get involved with things is because it will disrupt the entire quantum time/space continuum. That is why he would send his Spirit, the spirit Christians worship to alter events and guide people out of danger is from the one that created in them and loves them as any creator would to their invention. We are but thoughts but we are eternal and the soul, the data that we created will be transported from here into another system. This system is called heaven, and when people end up corrupting their data with all this sin, there is no way it can enter the other folder because it would be like a trojan horse virus. Pic related is the concept of what the Father actually is working with. Those strings are time lines and if he fucks around too much with it the whole thing will collapse! That is why we have to try and connect with him so what we know what to do within the string. In the picture, you see these tiny lines attached to the bigger lines? One of those is our universe, one of many he created, now you can imagine why they called the Big Guy omnipotent, all knowing and all loving. This is a complex and intricate design.
Sebastian Phillips
>Your children are taking their oath and denouncing their God without you knowing it. This is happening in certain schools in both Europe, America, Canada and Australia. They are doing this to push cultural tolerance. >You apply faith when you cite an oath, even when you aren't serious. This would be considered as blasphemy towards Jesus
But it is written: children cacn't lose their childly faith
inb4 forgive them lord, they don't know what they do
Ryan White
and timestamp leaffag
Juan Adams
>8 posts by this id
still waiting for response
Ethan Anderson
>9. Who is Lucifer and what is Hell? So at some point, we had to have beings that are able to tranverse throughout these strings. They were tasked to get up and personal so not to disrupt the space time continuum. These were called Angels. They were beings identified as celestials, it was not until the creation of terrestials that they had been instructed to attend to them. This pissed of Lucy and made him go detest the command. Long story short his "wings were nipped" and now he is here disrupting the power inherited by God to disrupt thought processes through intrusion. This is where he turns the gift of creation into destruction. He does this by distracting us and making us focus only on the third dimension and the time around it. Remember when we interpreted it as the cube? Well he does a good job in doing that seeing as we all have been so invested in the philosophy that we are our own Gods. This is his trap and he will conjur up any identity to make you eat it up and enter the Cube. False doctrines are everywhere but none are as powerful as the doctrine taken up by the sons of Ismael, Islam... Once satan gets you to go astray he leads you to death. It's because that's where he will grab you, he needs you to form his own 10 dimension so that he can become of the Likeliness of God. See, Hell isn't a data folder, it's you literally being kicked out of the WHOLE FUCKING DIAGRAM! If you literally detest God you are telling him that you want out of this. Maybe you will see a perpetual black but the truth is that you aren't sharing that perpetual Darkness alone... Those creatures you foolishly thought were your idea reside there and they have been giving you their image for a very long time. They hate you, because they didn't want to serve you, they will torture you for the spite the whole time you are in that darkness. Funny, the Kabah is a cube, maybe we came up with that all on our own? lol, I only pray that this is the case.
Nolan Brown
>implying sheeple can break through the lies
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA Sup Forums is chosen by god to expose the evil jews and reign with him we wont have this gay microchip or shahallahballah on our hands
Asher Green
Charles Collins
>HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA Sup Forums is chosen by god to expose the evil jews and reign with him we wont have this gay microchip or shahallahballah on our hands Wait, what do you mean? What actually is this site? Is this God's recruiting ground for heaven?
Daniel Baker
Hi, OP. The Mark of the Beast isn't so blatant. Satan is the prince of lies, and the master of deceit; therefore, his mark will be subtle. When Scripture says his mark will be in one's forehead, or the back of their hand, what it means is blasphemies will be in his thoughts and his works. It does go on to say that those who deny the mark will be unable to, say, buy or sell, stuff like that. Well, what have we seen today that parallels this?
How about "BAKE THAT CAKE BIGOT!"? Or the Hobby Lobby debacle? There is an orchard somewhere in Wooper territory which is owned by a Christian family. A lesbian couple requested they allow them to take their wedding photos at the orchard. The family, of course, denied them, and was subsequently slandered on Facebook by the lesbians, delivered up to the courts and BARRED from selling their goods at the market in, what I believe was Milwaukee, some thirty miles away and far out of their jurisdiction. Of course, the family asserted suits of their own against the county for gross First Amendment and other violations, and won easily, but do you see where this trend is going?
The family refused the mark in their foreheads and the works of their hands, and although only briefly this time, were barred from buying/selling, even against several laws of the land. So what I hope to convey to you here, is what the true meaning of the mark is, but also how close you are to the end. It is no longer on your doorstep. It's in the house. Hope this finds you well, and you glean some usefulness from it.
Noah Kelly
Nice time you got there: 02:22:22
I think we and some other people will get on the street murdering our loved ones to safe them from the number of the beat and getting behaded afterwards for it, but it's wotrth the pain & tears
Brayden Anderson
Yeah, but that sounds so lowkey man
Imagine your a evil jew and want the final shit goin' on
the sheeple are stupid enough and you just give them this super cool microchip and they can do this now with it and that etc.
Caleb Diaz
>When Scripture says his mark will be in one's forehead, or the back of their hand, what it means is blasphemies will be in his thoughts and his works. This. Islam is still a pos in this regard though. And often atheism too.
Jeremiah Foster
It very well could be, user. Consider that Jesus didn't take the company of those He felt didn't need His grace, but rather sinners of all stripes, deeply entrenched in wickedness. He came to SAVE, not preach to the choir. And we all know that God makes all things work together for good, even evil, itself, whether evil likes it or not. Sup Forums has done good work in ways nobody ever dared dream of, like exposing pedophile rings and assisting Russia in locating and destroying ISIS training facilities. It's certainly not impossible!
Elijah Davis
Just let that sink in, yes, a site full of racist assholes are the savior of the people, I just can't
Gavin Parker
Or you could just run and take them somewhere safe instead of becoming the absolute embodiment of cuckoldry.
Nicholas Long
Ye, ye, even an option
I'm curious if we can break this satanoath if we chop off the hand with the chip
Ayden Reed
Joseph Johnson
You are an idiot. Arabic is older than English. Allah is God. Every ARAB Christian bible God is called Allah in that language. Fucking idiot.
It's Elahi in aramaic not allah; and hebrew is older than assrab and allah means curse in hebrew
your god is lucifer and you suck his dick and swallow the semen
Sebastian Miller
>Dude, Muslims believe in the same God! >No they don't. This is a misconception that has been made by many due to Allah and the Father being of same origin and given the same characteristics. >Christians were given the Son to know who the One True God is and the Christians will find that God through Jesus.
not an argument christ nigger
Julian Davis
The greatest trick Satan ever played was convincing people he doesn't exist, user. (((Sound like anyone you know?)))
Islam is SATAN WORSHIP. Period. Sources: >Revelation 19:16: And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. And now look at this, from the Hadith of Islam: >Sahih-Al-Bukhari Bk 73; Num 224 Mohammed said, “The most awful name in Allah’s sight on the Day of Resurrection, will be (that of) a man calling himself Malik Al-Amlak (the King of kings).”
ALLAH IS LUCIFER. HE HAS DECEIVED MANY, AS PROMISED. Islam is just another means for him to oppress Christians and attempt to wage war on Christ, Himself. No wonder (((they))) endorse Islam being foisted upon white Christian nations, they're birds of a feather!
Jaxson Gonzalez
Oh shit, good job mate. I know Canadian politicians have been working to implement sharia and other Muslim stuff. I really appreciate your post. Kinda confirms my bias that public institutions are openly subverted.
Oliver Hernandez
your shitcuck land was made by christniggers
Leo White
>10. Where does Christ fit in? Think about simulation theory similar to a video game. Now let's say God is the guy with the controller, who is the player in the game itself? JESUS! This is what was meant by him being the Son of God. He was specifically in bond with the Father through the Holy Spirit. Jesus was the vessel in which we were communicated with and the very concept of Christ predates even him! If we look 10 000 years ago we would find yet another Christ in the Hindu scriptures whom also was of the right hand path. Chances are, the Hindus who had their society were contacted and informed of God but the corruption of the word complimented with Truth decay lead to them being highjacked by those precise fallen angels to distort the image and mask the Truth. The annointed one was Krishna which in sanskrit would be translated as Christ, the annointed one. Jesus was necessary to be a Jew, it was the center of the world at the time and the truth needed to diffuse to all four corners of it. This was the Father's way in trying to get us all back and it was millenias of work to do so. See, Lucifer is tough because he knows the principles that the Father tries to keep. Lucifer causes suffering as a means to provoke him and crash the whole entirity of existence through what he hopes would be a contrived action from God. But God is far more smarter than that and instead is pushing his Holy Spirit to wake everyone up, and it's working, it graced me and it's gracing many. Lucifer's plan in enslaving the world is so close. The plan is as follows, disrupt the family to believe that their values are diminishing, get them disconnected from God so that they live in constant trepidation and when they have been weakened introduce the Islamic doctrine. Islam is also, as old as Christianity. Have you heard the phrase same shit different pile? Even though we didn't call them Islam and Christianity back then, the concept still applies.
Jonathan Rivera
Allah isn't a word for god, it's a name, the name of a pre-islamic arabian pagan god.
Nathan Morales
Wow thanks rabbi i knew it was those damned pesky muslims destroying the west.
G*d BLESS america and g*d bless ISRAEL
Democraps do NOT support israel and if you do NOT stand with ISRAEL then i do NOT stand with YOU!
Easton Ortiz
You seem like a nice lad, I have a difficult question
Inb4 if anyone hurt the little it would be better for him to drown and shit
David killed the (((moabites))) and even their children and babies, so my question is should the euros spare the children and babys in case of civil war or going full david on them?
Ethan Kelly
And who was Paul, before Christ found him? Don't be too quick to laugh it off, friend. I don't doubt God's power so easily, and neither should you. The website as a whole shouldn't be too encouraging, no, but look instead at the INDIVIDUALS. Many have done great things here, and many others have even been converted and saved because of it. There's hope for individuals.
Austin Gutierrez
moloch the moonfag god
Kayden Adams
fuck off new zealand
William King
I'd just really like to kill some mudshits and maybe eat one liver like duterte
I wonder how hes doin'
Hudson Roberts
Digits check out. Muslims are bad, checked.
Ian Stewart
First off, I realize my ID keeps changing. Not sure why that is, so I'll namefag for this thread and point out the posts which I made here: Secondly, consider that David, although close to God, not only committed a very serious crime to lay with another man's wife, but was also a warrior. A killer. There was a refrain back then, "Saul killed his thousands, but David killed his TENS of thousands!" That might have played well to the people of Israel, but not God. God barred David from creating the Temple, leaving the task to his son, Solomon, because, even in service to the Lord, David had blood on his hands.
It is, however, not unacceptable in the eyes of God for one to defend his own people, even to the death. Just because David had blood on his hands and didn't build the Temple, doesn't mean that the Temple was never built, or Jesus came from his very own lineage. Stand up for your volk. God endorses it.
Andrew Perez
Of course a faggot Canadian would call Muslims Satan worshipers.
Evan Gonzalez
looks like someones mad that figured out who you shill for
Cooper Ross
>or that Jesus didn't come from his very own lineage* Pardon me.
Cooper Cox
>11. Where does Islam fit in? Islamic concepts predate the word itself. Usually people will pair up with Lucifer, unknowingly that it is him or even knowing that it is him. Islam works in a way that it defames the concept and opposes the Christ. It works by force and works in submission where the Christians work by invitation. God doesn't want someone who converts based out of fear of dying, that's not going to clean the sin and demonstrate to him that you wouldn't corrupt the Heaven Data Folder. Islam spreads like fire, burning any idea we have of the Christ with ideas that work like doubtful intrusive thoughts. This is why Atheists are really fucking stupid, they don't come to realize that Islam isn't going to be like Christianity where you can turn down the invitation. You will be persecuted until put into submission! This is what had lead to the wars before the flood and what will lead to wars after the Flood. The concept of bartering sins come from a God that works as a dealer rather than a father, this should be your first clue how morally deprived such an ideology is. People will not break out of believing that their life is based strictly on Karma which literally puts them in the cube. The cube which is where the Devil wants you to be so that you don't pick up any talents and are in complete submission to his will. Christianity will always combat this, will always stand on the right side of the spectrum. This is the balance of our Universe, the ultimate Truth and now it is your sword and shield, WEILD IT! For at the Kabah, the Muslims pray before the house shaped as a cube, unknowing of the truth behind its nature. It is the the trap, the reality we choose to hide behind, the belief that our conscience is confined and through worship of the entity that controls it will give us peace.
No, for if you flatten this cube, you Christians might find a familiar shape. The shape adorned on the back of our King... The King of Kings, Jesus of Nazareth...
Logan Gray
I am still at the NT ... temple?
Also was that a yes? Although I'll be honest couldn't hurt a child ... but there are other angry people/parents
Jack Taylor
I shill for jesus
Jonathan Thompson
>11. Where does Islam fit in?
in satans ass
Jeremiah White
I've always said that Islam is the antichrist. Their "savior" fits the exact profile of the antichrist.
Dylan Campbell
too bad their too inbred to realize it
Alexander Diaz
>and swallow the semen lol german, this would be your concern, not the dick sucking
Kevin Sanders
im a slav living here
at least i dont eat shit from pissrael
Alexander Powell
Owen Hall
Sorry for the spoiler concerning the Temple, kek. It's Old Testament, but you'll get there.
What I feel, PERSONALLY, would be a proper method of dealing with this, is to at first pressure a peaceful resolution by whichever means are lawful in your land. If all else fails, spare as many as you can, but kill those who would kill you first. God knows the nature of the world, and that ultimately, nobody really wants to die. If what you do is just and you know it, you have nothing to fear when you stand accountable for it before God.
Evan Richardson
inb4 press money to inflation to drive niggers and mudhits out
no money, no shitskins, but almost impossible
Noah Carter
Not required for purchasing or selling shit. Revelation 13:16-17 16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Landon Lopez
Jose Gray
Your making me hungry Achmed
David Parker
volere è potere
Jaxon Williams
>A wise man once told me that Reality is a majority vote. We already did this experiment here. In this reality we created OP was cum guzzling faggot.
Nicholas James
I believe you.
James Wood
Consider that sending a plague of frogs and even the death of Pharaoh's firstborn weren't enough to free Moses and his people from bondage, that he had to collapse a sea on them all and kill them for freedom, and your way is clear.
David Ramirez
The Bible says the AntiChrist will have the name Hussein. As in Barack HUSSEIN Obama
Julian Perez
Our Military was formed to fight the infiltration of Islam on Christianity.
Owen Allen
also said that lucy was the most beatiful angel
this nigger ugly
Colton Evans
you lost to rice farmers
Colton Davis
Sahahavadbaggabadagad whatever, claiming islam allah is god isn't required to buy and sell.
But OPs right, they have no right to force that shit on school kids. They took the lords prayer out, so fairs fair, no islam either.
Gavin Morris
I bet you the pharoah wanted to kick the jews out and (((they))) just made up all that moses and curses from god crap to save face.
Nathaniel Sullivan
>excuse me mr shekelstein would you stop forcing islam on school kids >...
... L E A F
Henry Parker
its three hours after midnight hope you make more/similar/general threads about it to spread this all over Sup Forums
Good night everyone except 146171415
Anthony Collins
sin worshiping pig fuckers
Ian Ward
Citation needed. No fan of Obama, but if you're wrong, just know that those who teach will be judged more harshly than others.
In regards to this, let me be clear. See The greatest trick was convincing people he didn't exist. The SECOND greatest trick was convincing people that they have more time. To wait on signs and conspiracy theories of men, while the end walks right in through your front door past you and helps itself to your loved ones. See Again. Microchips are unnecessary when Christians are already denied the right to buy/sell/trade based solely on virtue of being Christian. In other words: >Christian = no mark >not Christian = mark Satan WANTS you to expect a microchip is coming, to deceive you into thinking the end is not here yet when it very much is. Don't listen to ALEX JONES, listen to JESUS.
Nolan Ramirez
death to the nigger lovers
Benjamin Barnes
Jackson Reyes
Lucifer =/= antichrist
Kayden Flores
You can ask God all about it when you're standing before His throne to be judged, user. Just know that Jesus identified a specific sect, whom He branded the "synagogue of Satan," who call themselves Jews and are not; who, in the purest form of Satanic evil in history, encouraged and facilitated the crucifixion of the one who is undoubtedly the Son of God.
Angel Gomez
reminder that you are a true jew and these fake jew kike shemites are the the beasts
Kevin Allen
Brayden Hall
Naa I'll ask God why he gave me such a great desire to paint but made me poor eyesight and colorblind.
Evan Kelly
Revelations 13, 15-17: "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name."
The RFID chip is implanted in the hand or the forehead and is used to buy and sell, and the serial code number on the back is 666.
Yes they will soon make it law to force the mark of the beast on everyone or you wont be allowed to work or buy or sell anything.
Quads confirm I am right
Luke Evans
Beethoven was deaf, user. =) Show the world what you're made of for the glory of God.
Liam Phillips
Does anyone know how to screencap? Would like to get my words down on an image so I can just respond with an image and not have to write all this stuff out again. For the rest of you, Jesus is real and we have to get the word out.
Mason Turner
Thanks was good reading
Dominic Nguyen
Been trying but I always get the lowest votes in contests...
Camden Adams
Ctrl + Print Screen on your keyboard, then select Paste in the Paint program if you're on a PC. If you're on a phone, it varies by model.
Landon Edwards
Printscreen key and paste it into mspaint, edit, save, done. Although I think there's an addon that does it too.
Mason Brooks
That is the most beautiful plate of bacon I have ever seen.
Ian Collins
Don't do it for contests. Do it because your heart compels you. Do you have any pics of your art?
Zachary Brown
yeah but I'm not posting it here lol
Lincoln Lewis
I believe it's a sin to claim to know how history and God's Prophecies will unfold, but we are also meant to interpret the signs with reasonable predictions so we will know it when it unfolds.
This honestly makes perfect sense.
It will be in the EU first. People who don't accept diversity shouldn't be allowed in the market place. We need to boycott bigots. By trading and engaging with bigots we empower them.
It's impossible not to believe that people will accept this logic 100% in the near future.
I can easily see the Shahada becoming the test whereby we prove we aren't bigots. It's perfect "Why not take the oath if you believe in God? This is just one way of affirming God. Allah is just their name for God." (Remember that in the old testament God instructs that those who forget his name are cut off. I believe it's repeated in Romans). Are you an Atheist? Well then you shouldn't care about this as a show of solidarity. Just think of it as affirming the basic reality of the universe or something."
Blake Murphy
That's too bad, I'd really love to see it. It would provide a lot of insight into your situation, particularly whether or not you're simply dealing with a bunch of contest snobs. Regardless of whether you decide to post here or don't, I highly encourage you to continue producing art, but art on your own terms, of your own passions, and in your own time. Just bear in mind that you're anonymous here, so whatever you post will likely be lost to time once the thread dies anyway.
Ayden Campbell
True, but all antichrists are possessed of devils, and The Antichrist will be possessed by The Devil: Lucifer.
Jordan Ortiz
Thanks guys, this is everything I just wrote put out on a screenshot. If anyone contests your faith, know that science and history along will be able to support it. Look at my theory and build on it or demolish it. I can not say in absolute that this is correct but applying all my knowledge and my motivation here is to try and bridge the gap between the believers and non-believers. I want Christ back in the lives of everyone who has gone astray from him. I know, I have so much faith in him, that he will set things right and people no longer have to suffer anymore. God bless you all for the support you have been doing trying to keep this thread alive.
Tyler Thomas
Nathan Parker
>Hope this finds you well, and you glean some usefulness from it. Very much so, thanks user.
William Morgan
By saying "There is only God, *and Mohammed is his messenger,"* you are affirming that the nature and *identity* of God are revealed in the writings of Mohammed. Mohammed writes that Jesus is not God. This means that by saying the Shahada you are affirming that Jesus is not God, and the the god you worship is not Jesus (and therefore not God). The shahada is a blasphemy.
Justin Collins
By saying the Shahada, you are affirming that you believe Mohammed revealed the Identity and Nature of God. Therefore if you say the Shahada you are denying that Christ is God, and are affirming that a false god is God (since Christ is God).
Angel Rogers
>Go out and baptise all Nations in the name of The Father, and The Son, and The Holy Spirit
>I and my Father are One. If you deny me, you deny my Father who sent me.
>I am the way, the truth, and the life. None come to the Father, but by me.
He complains that there was never a biblical controversy around the Trinitarian doctrine. Well, duh! These are accounts of Christians in the first decades after Our Lord's Ministry. They all would have known that Jesus revealed God in the Persons of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit!