>she sees your dick
She sees your dick
>you show it to her
>you will never be close enough to anno to pull a gun on him and kill him for making rebuild
Why do I always think this shit, I was just talking to someone about a kid in one of my classes who now has 3 million subscribers on YT and I said "I was within murdering distance on a daily basis of someone who is now worth millions"
Story of my life.
>not "How cute."
I chose the correct image, trust me.
Stop look at me like that your embarrassed me.
She's scared it won't fit and wants it
speaking of dicks, didn't some of you lot send pictures of your dicks to the author of watamote? i think i remember seeing a tweet about it being the first time the author had seen a man's business.
don't have enough images of girls with disgusted looks on their faces
Is this good or bad?
>mfw she sees my dick and say its too big for her
Why would someone edit them to have more clothes on?
My dream is for my dick to be mocked my a cake or an obaasan.
Good thing I'll never even get to the part where I'll show it to someone.
You can always travel back in time and dick some of the other best girls
Kek. Damn you user
This is bad...