They're going to kill him, aren't they?
They're going to kill him, aren't they?
Depends on whether he's releasing the actual files.
For what?
They docs were scheduled to be released anyway.
This fuckhead is just trying to act like he has some control over the National Archives.
I figure even mentioning JFK files would trigger deep state action
no they weren't. doing so requires presidential approval
One does wonder why the CIA asked him not to, though. And if you think a discharged Marine was allowed to go to Russia AND come back without the CIA being involved you really are brain dead.
Nah, they've had plenty of time. I mean it was only scheduled.
Not if he's releasing faked files to "put conspiracy theories to rest."
Fuck you nigger.
Oswald was either CIA, or FBI, or both.
? its true
well it only has to be marginally more believable than the LV shooting at this point... seems thats the bar we've set
there's no way the CIA would allow themselves and their cover up to be exposed by anyone
>The Act requires that each assassination record be publicly disclosed in full and be made available in the collection no later than the date that is 25 years after the date of enactment of the Act (which will be October 26, 2017), unless the President of the United States certifies that: (1) continued postponement is made necessary by an identifiable harm to the military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement, or conduct of foreign relations; and (2) the identifiable harm is of such gravity that it outweighs the public interest in disclosure.
oh. then i was wrong ty
drumpf is the biggest puppet for israel in a long time
hes going to be fine
Bump (line of cocain) for some comped JFK revenge porn
>if you think a discharged Marine was allowed to go to Russia AND come back without the CIA being involved you really are brain dead
>mfw I was also stationed at Atsugi
Oswald was a McVeigh prototype.
He legit thought he was on a security op to root out commies and got set up as a patsy.
and to be given a loan by the state department
and no file opened up on you when returning
especially when threatening to disclose top secret information about the U-2 spy plane
I mean why would he release shit if the conspiracies were false
President can constantly extend the length of which they are kept secret
>They're going to kill him, aren't they?
Not now. It'll draw too much attention to (((them))).
Why would trump protect the cia, honestly? If he does it lowers my validity of him, but I don’t think, seeing his stature against bullshit, to cover up anyone
You literally can't get away with Killing a president in the current social climate.
I don't think they care about attention anymore desu. They just blew up that bitch that was exposing the clinton foundation with a car bomb
No. The files will be released, and they're going to tell us all about Oswald and how he was this real shooter. That's what's going to happen.
they would try to blame it on russia. then they get the war they've been begging for.
A chilean educating a burger about his own country from mile away
What "further information" Donald?
Oswald literally acted with only the help of his Russian wife and her employer, the KGB
Vladimir Putin is going to be legitimately pissed about this
you're cute
no. they will kill his body double or something to that effect.
Trump has the ability to block the release of jfk files. He is merely stating that he will not block the release
>subject to reciept of further info
>I have received further info and no can do eet
Mr. President, if you are reading this, thank you. Also could you please release the Roswell files?
The world isnt ready for that
There is a reason Assange is shitting all over the CIA right now.
Trump releases JFK files so we see how corrupt CIA was
Assange ( I hope) releases something so we see how corrupt CIA still is.
Then we get our pitchforks
The CIA was urging Trump to postpone it or not release everything according to what some of Trumps advisers have disclosed to the press. That is why he is even bringing this up.
>I think Hillary would've released them too!
Yes, CIA doesn't want the files released.
What about the theory that he was assasinated bc of Exec Order 11110?
What about the whole George HW was behind it?
Depends on who really killed JFK.
I'm hoping it was Mossad.
sauce plz
No. He said subject to further information. Meaning unless something comes up.
>over 50 years to scrub files in preparation for their release
>expecting any relevant facts to actually be given to the public
Trump is gonna do full disclosure once the Deep State/Pedos/Jews get taken down.
an obvious distraction from the paddock story
Nah. They are released by default now. The release may be blocked by POTUS. He only has to do nothing and they will be released.
"This represents the calm before the storm"
Why even ask? He's already gone.
Literally the only thing that could save him.
I can see only 2 possible outcomes if the documents are released:
1. They actually confirm a conspiracy and all people who believed it will say, they knew it all along
2. It will proof the main narrative and those who believed it, will say they knew it all along, while all conspiracy believers will say it's fake.
this, sadly
This line of thinking shows a lack of experience and lack of foresight.
The act of "scrubbing" is almost impossible without a full stop delete of all related files, which is impossible in this country without screaming that you are guilty. Using other verified documents to do parallel construction to figure out what was deleted, edited, or misconstrued would not only be possible, it would prove them to be 100% enemies of the State.
Honestly, I hope they do give us some bullshit that has been redacted. I'd love a reason for their shit to get pushed in, instead of gently "reformed".
Don't listen to him is either a larper or a troll playing a larper.
Or it could be Hillary
>operation paperclip was declassified
>Operation northwoods was declassified
>The syphillis experiments on the black community were declassified
>Nixons actual intentions in the war on drugs were declassified
>But the Kennedy assassination, they will have scrubbed clean
You know how much energy his face took, right?
he died in 2001
(((They))) tried to in Vegas. But the GEOTUS knew their plan and fucked it up. Now he's unleashing the "storm"
I'm so open to this being true.
They already tried in vegas thats why he gave the popwers to mattis and is just saying "fuck it" and releasing everything. Trump is a man staring death in the face and saying "try me"
Not really, though. You just thought an affirmative action was required to go ahead with the release when actually it takes an affirmative action to block it. Bottom line is that it's still up to Trump.
I'm scared senpai
Get ready to fight for whats right user. Be brave.
My guess, it has HUMINT reporting from agents that might still be alive.
damn you really shitted yourself here
apropos of nothing, i think it's interesting that they are releasing them on the 26th which is Hillary's bday
Roger Stone called this, he also said Johnson had Kennedy killed. Who knows....?
Be ever so brave user
This might be a turning point in the country. Here's why: Everyone is so convinced that there was deep state fuckery going on, that if this report doesn't confirm it, then it will be classified by them as more deep state fuckery. At some point, if deep state fuckery is not confirmed by Trump, he will be accused of deep state fuckery himself. At that point he loses his base.
If anybody harms one hair on his head it'll mean a civil war.
this. It wouldn't be Antifa NEETS, it would be real grown ups in the streets.
>city people voted for hillary
fuck off cunt we don't like you
Was there any source that the CIA asked him not to release them apart from Roger Stone?
Bush Sr. said he didn't remember where he was when JFK died and it later turned out he was in Dallas.
its still up to him whether or not to postpone it.
>Not knowing that a PI already figured out a fucking secret service member killed JFK.
Someone already figured that shit out and nobody fucking listened because it wasn't as glamourous as people wanted.
And hand the country over to mike taz the gayz pence?
Why did someone add shit-stains to the bottom right in post?
yeah but why'd he do it?
there is film that corroborates this and everything but it doesn't answer the why of it all
Lol. Literally, precisely. The documents were scheduled to be released 25 years ago, and many other times. That is literally how it works. They seal the documents because 'national security risk', they seal them for maximum reasonable duration, making it the duty of the president who is serving 25 years later, to determine if they documents will be released. The president will then keep the documents sealed, because of 'national security', or because it will do to much damage to our moral, or because it exposes corruption, then says its natsec. The assumption has been that whoever won the 2016 election, would re-seal the documents, however the opposite appears to be happening. You're a fag.
Read the entire executive order for military reserves & national emergency, that was just passed. Also read each section of law it refers to. (((They))) won't, because it won't do any good; it's out of Trump's hands, Mattis & co know what's going on, and know what to do, and how to do it, and now have full means to do it without permission.
What if it was the Koreans all along?