why do you all turn your backs on the ONLY people willing to go out there and defend your rights and YOUR future?
Why do you all turn your backs on the ONLY people willing to go out there and defend your rights and YOUR future?
>based Israel
israel is an ethnostate, it's fine as long as they don't come here.
how do you stop non-Jewish Zionist carrying out Israel's agenda?
i don't speak for an entire movement of people dude. i'm just a person, and there is no "party line" in the alt-right that i am aware of, other than to provide a future for white people where they don't become oppressed minorities.
how do you stop non-Jewish Zionists carrying out Israel's agenda?
I don't. Constant character assassinations on an anonymous image board are pretty damn transparent.
i am not sure what you mean? are you talking about restricting peoples freedoms of speech?
like i said, i don't speak for any kind of movement as a whole, i'm just a person, but my personal beliefs are deeply rooted in american civics, which worked well for 200 years before the franchise was extended to groups that did not deserve it and should not have had it.
how do you stop non-Jewish Zionists from assisting Israel in subverting their native Governments just like they've been doing this entire time, ie. Joe Biden who is a self-admitted white Zionist and who thinks white people need to die off..? You can send all Jews to Israel but you're left with the same problem via non-Jewish Israel supporters. So whats the answer to this?
How do you plan to do that? The tiki torches aren't doing shit for the huwhite race.
bro you are entitled to your own beliefs but i don't support any sort of state sponsered jailing or suppression of people for their political beliefs if that's what you're talking about.
no. just no. just absolutely no.
change has to come and there are a great many problems with democracy and freedoms but if you give them up, you have nothing.
also like you alluded to yourself, i have absolutely no problem with israel existing, as long as they don't come to OUR lands and infect OUR people and bring US down.
Democracy is communism lite. Fuck democracy. Do you honestly think you can get your white ethnostate by voting?
if all you can say is "muh tiki torches" then you're clearly totally ignorant to the problems besetting you on all sides. you have shrinking demographics and a population that does not want to commit to providing a safe and sustainable future for its own children. "fashion" and "ooooooh, but what will they think of muh tiki torches" shouldn't even be an idea entering into your brain.
beside that there is literally nothing wrong with the tiki torches. they were great. they were awesome. they evoked the proper, somber, emotional and vigilant tone of the evening as we were watching our national and cultural heritage be stripped from us. if you have a problem with them then you are an uptight dude full of neurosis about what the leftists will think of you. get over that stuff and be a man and do what you want to do, that's my advice to you.
you arent even trying to answer my question.
>how do you stop non-Jewish Zionists from assisting Israel in subverting their native Governments just like they've been doing this entire time
yes this country was essentially a white ethnostate for a long time, up until very recently actually. if you forfeit some form of democracy, even if its just a franchise extended to white, landowning males, then you're forfeiting all of your rights, ultimately.
I respect these guys. Especially bc antifa spergs out in mindless mob violence and everyone realizes our side is right.
because anyone with sense wouldn't make the points he has the way he does.
He= (((He)))
ok well i don't think "non jewish zionists" are really a problem? more that there are a lot of jewish people who have an ideological disposition towards communism and cultural marxism, and ultimately want to use those as tools to rule over us and cement themselves into a seat of ultimate power? i don't think "people who believe that israel should exist" are really a huge problem for the united states?
like i am actually answering your question fairly clearly, you just aren't HEARING the answer. israels existence is NOT a problem at all. do you understand? or are you going to just continue to ask the SAME question over and over because you dont like what you're hearing??
who is "he"? are you talking about Richard Spencer? he just coined the term and organizes a lot of evens / speaks publicly about the movement. he is a figurehead. it's not a fucking cult or even an organization of any sort. it's not even an organized party like republicans or democrats. it's a loose umbrella term to describe a group of people who are fellow travelers on the issues of race and the survive / protection of whites.
jesus richard spencer is basically a socialist as far as know, his views certainly don't "speak for the movement" anymore than someone like Sargon of Akkad speaks for Anti-Feminism. or Ann Coulter speaks for paleo conservatism.
I suspect most Sup Forums users are in favor of their activities and wish them well. I know I do. The efforts of the libshit shills are pretty obvious and I bet they amount to a very small % of Sup Forums readers.
>ok well i don't think "non jewish zionists" are really a problem?
You dont think Joe Biden and others like him are a problem...the same people who allow open borders and anti-white policies? Youre cool with them?
>"Russia is our friend."
Grow the fuck up man, Richard Spenser is a state sponsored cuck and a face to hate for any valid point he makes.
i of course think joe biden and those like him are massive problems lmfao but you are conflating two different things. maybe you have an incorrect definition of the word "zionism" and that's where confusion is coming from.
zionism is simply the support for the existence and continued existence of israel. which i totally support, personally. why shouldn't a people have their own homeland? that's why i want for myself and my people. why would i deprive others of the same? i simply want them to stay out of our borders.
open borders and anti-white policies are a cultural marxism problem. we need to beat these ideas culturally, absolutely. we can't militantly just murder off all of the people who disagree with us. no. i don't support that one bit.
and another thing to remember is that a lot of these forces are USING open borders and anti-white policies just so that they can sow social dissent and unrest within the US's borders, with the ultimate goal of bringing our nation to its knees, abolishing the constitution and the bill of rights, taking our guns from us, and rendering us totally subjugated.
so your strategy here is really very much playing into the hands of what people like, for example, George Soros want to do.
we have to win through education, enlightenment, grit, intelligence, wisdom, decency.
>why do you all turn your backs on the ONLY people willing to go out there and defend your rights and YOUR future?
Because you're all literal fags and larping teenagers. Many of you have criminal records and have probably never done any community service in your lives that wasn't court ordered.
If Joe Biden is a massive problem...and Joe Biden is an anti-White Zionist... then shouldnt you conclide Zionism itself is a massive problem?
why did you just say "russia is our friend"? why did you put that in green quotes implying that was something that i said? can you explain to me? i'm just totally not following what point you're trying to make or why you would attribute a sentiment or statement like that to me when Russia wasn't even remotely in our discussion??
and i don't really care how you feel about Richard Spencer. he's not our "dear leader", he is just a guy. he happened to coin the term "alt right" years ago and has been active in the movement, but he's not our "leader" or anything. i don't see what any of my post has to do with him. i mean, i certainly don't think he's a "state sponsered cuck and a face to hate" or anything like that, and you definitely have no evidence of such a thing, but whatever. believe what you want. i just don't see what spencer IMPLICITLY has to do with "the alt right".
I absolutely support their efforts. If they do something in my area (UCF area) I'll join them. I'm already unemployed because I talked about white rights on my facebook, so who gives a fuck
14 not 88 by brothers
im not a victim, and i don't support that type of thinking, even if its the most popular ideology today
that's like saying because Stalin used toilet paper then everyone who uses toilet paper is bad.
no not "all people" who hold an idea are bad simply because you find one or a few that hold that idea that might be a problem. lmfao. come on man. that's really a silly belief to hold.
want to know some prominent non-jewish zionists? Rupert Murdoch, David Duke, Richard Spencer, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and pretty much EVERY OTHER RIGHT WING PERSONALITY IN THE WORLD because there is absolutely no reason to be opposed to the existence of the state of israel. none. no rational reason at all. it's actually a much better alternative to the Islamic states that would likely inhabit the region if it weren't for Israel.
like i said, keep them out of the US. we need an ethnostate here and we need to become culturally wary of people who are different from ourselves once again. but no, there's simply nothing inherently wrong with believing that israel has a right to exist.
i agree, i'm really into the 14, not the 88 at all though except for ironically. i think most people on the alt right feel the same way. seems like the real "nazis" on Sup Forums don't feel too positively towards us, that's for certain.
Is Zionism toilet paper or is it an anti-European policy of Israel First?
I agree, the 88 is mostly just larpers. But it's really holding us back from growing further, and it needs to be countersignaled in a big way at every opportunity. Fuck Nazi's, fuck Hitler, I just want to defend my people and to live with them
They’re making asses out of themselves and we were a lot more powerful as a silent majority than as a bunch of retards carrying tiki torches and picking fights with noodly liberals.
well i never said i believe in israel FIRST and i would never deny that there are a lot of jews, disproportionate numbers of them, in the upper echelons of the ruling elite, which provides them with a very powerful lobby. there is no denying any of that on an intellectually true level. but that's still a totally separate problem from "should israel have a right to exist as an ethnostate and be self-determinate". of course it should. there is no rational person that would tell you otherwise. that is the exact same destiny and self-determination that we seek in the united states and europe, for white people. why would we oppose it elsewhere?
>why did you just say "russia is our friend"? why did you put that in green quotes implying that was something that i said?
The way you're jerking over this fucking faggot is why I "green quotes" you.
> he happened to coin the term "alt right" years ago and has been active in the movement
He didn't coin the term (((Alt-Right))). You're completely wrong and that's your bread crumb.
You sound like a shill.
I was in this thread, were you?
well, i know that i do not support their views from a political perspective even in the very least, but i think what holds us back the most is the more mainline conservatives and civic nationalists who throw us under the bus as some sort of wasted virtue signal to the left.
the left is NEVER going to come around. you will never "convert" a leftist through reason, logic or temperance. their ideas are based on a pure irrational hatred for you, your culture, your heritage, your ideals, your beliefs, your values and your race. our political system has moved tremendously to the left over the last 50 years as conservatives have tried to placate, compromise, dignify and capitulate to the left. no more. they need to stop now because it is already at a point where it's basically too late. if we wait any longer we really will have no more chance at survival.
I'm asking you how to fix the problem of non-Jewish Europeans who embrace Zionism and who work on Israel's behalf in secret even after all the Jews are kicked out :) Do you have a solution or no?
>The way you're jerking over this fucking faggot is why I "green quotes" you.
what does richard spencer have to do with "russia"? because he has a russian ex wife? wtf?
>He didn't coin the term (((Alt-Right))). You're completely wrong and that's your bread crumb.
i dunno what you're talking about, he literally did lmfao. take your meds and calm dude hahaha
Oh I know, we're never gonna convert leftists whether we use swastikas or not. But there are people on the right who would join us, if it weren't for some in our movement who love to meme about Hitler and Nazi's. The alt right is viewed by the left as Nazi's because we're pro white. The alt right is viewed by the right because we have some people who consider themselves Nazi's, who call themselves alt right and claim to speak for us
We don't. This torch event was emphatically supported by Sup Forums if I remember correctly. The aesthetics were amazing and it's definitely something we should aim to do again some time in the future.
What people don't like is Nazi LARPing or white trash rednecks/skinheads.
bump for answers
there's a website called google.
i am happy to discuss things but i have answered this question of yours 1000 times in this thread and you keep on asking it over and over again. i have already told you if you don't extend the franchise to groups that shouldn't have it, like women or blacks, then you have no such issue. if you HAVE an ethnostate and your make sure that ethnostatism is written in your constitution then the things you're talking about don't really present a threat. and also when you don't have a bunch of jews here in our borders, running things, then it's even less of an issue. nobody is going to just "shill for israel" if they aren't jewish AND don't have something to gain from it (as they do in our society right now).
democracy comes with risks, everyone knows that. we all know the threat of subversion is there, but we accept those risks and realize that we need to find constructive ways to overcome them because otherwise we've already given up everything that is worth fighting for and surviving for.
the people you are talking about are mostly doing what they do JUST TO GET US TO GIVE UP OUR FREEDOMS and our democracy. that's the whole point of someone like George Soros and what i'm telling you is that you're playing into his trap.
i know you see the problems with democracy. we all do. we all know they're there. what you DONT see are the problems with your own ideology because they aren't right in front of your face. you aren't living them in an immediate sense. but they're still very real and concrete.
unironically good to know.
>long block of text
>still not giving the solution for non-Jewish Zionists who create pro-Israel policies over pro-Nativism policies
You have no answers because Spencer and Enoch have no answers. They have no answers because they have no intellect. The answer is to destroy Jewishness altogether and then re-create it.
you just block out the answers. every time the answer is given to you and then you just block it out because you don't want to hear it. you just want to believe what you want to believe. fine. that's fine man. i'm not trying to stand in your way. do what you want lol. the answer has been handed to you on a silver platter 1000 times in this thread though. seriously. it's whatever bro.
where is the answer given? LOL can you post a simple sentence or two which answers my question and not a block of unrelated babble?
What do these gay rallies do other than provide the media an opportunity to frame a message? Furthermore, why were people yelling russia is our friend in a rally ostensibly for preserving a confederate statue? How is that relevant?
no dude, i am done. i wrote out many answers to you, over and over and over again, because i'm happy to discuss things and provide answers when i am asked, but every time you just gaslighted, blocked it out, and pretended like no answer was given. it was almost comic-book-level absurdity dude. and not for nothing, but you also obviously don't even know what "zionism" actually means.
>no i cant give a simple and direct answer to your question and can only post walls of unrelated babble to hopefully make it look like I answered when really I didnt
are they paying you to lose to me?
yeah bro, i am the JIDF and i am being paid to "lose you". you've got it 100% you figured it out. you cracked the code. congratulations. all of this time, i was really JIDFing you.
why the fuck would it be ironic? Are you just looking for a reason to say "ironic"...? Probably, cause you're a cuck that doesn't belong on this website.
Finally...an honest Jew.
richard spencer is a carbon copy of that Kony 2012 psyopping faggot
The C.O.D.spiracy
Crowds On Demand’s inventive PR stunts with PR crowds
The number of these media hoaxes has increased dramatically since 2012, From Kony 2012 to Sandy Hoax and now the Vegas Hoax, the Smith Mundt Modernization Act, which altered the original act to allow foreign propaganda, to now be used on domestic audiences, in other words its legal to hire Crowds on Demand, and crisis actors and lie to the public, and because of non disclosure agreements, its illegal to talk!
2012smith-mundt modernization act, en.wikipedia.org
the bill’s purpose is "to authorize the domestic dissemination of information and material about the United States intended primarily for foreign audiences"[35]
yes that's me.
i am so jewish bro, you have no idea. the entire alt-right is jewish, actually, we were secretly flown over here from israel and we're going to get into your politics and subvert your democracy and there is nothing you can do about it. i fully admit i am the jewish boogeyman, you figured it out, but nobody will ever believe you!
>when the goyim know and you're forced to admit the truth but you try to make it ironic
why not just hear out my arguments and perhaps admit the altright is misled?
I guess we should just kill everyone, since ya never know, eh? That'll surely happen soon.
dude do you really honestly believe i am sent here from israel and paid by the JIDF? i mean you posted a meme of a dude with a JIDF yamicha, i mean is this literally what you fucking think?
dude i care about the future of myself, my family, my people and those like me. the future of whites everywhere. we're facing serious threats of extinction and we need real solutions and answers. if movements like ours don't get support and get it soon, there is not going to be any time left to right this wrong. we're all going to be living in tyranny under race-based persecution. that's the reality. that's what all of this comes down to. nothing more.
first do no harm then kill antifa
God, that headline. You know that they just pulled some random 80's skinhead for some zinger because WN is getting more popular now.
that's literally what people like him want to do.
i am actually vaguely open and supportive of maybe abolishing the 19th amendment and taking the franchise away from women maybe its necessary. i dunno. and that's pretty extreme, i know that. thats not a view that "represents the alt-right" as far as i know, either, just my personal view.
but my god, i still believe in civics and freedom and self-determination. people like this other user are straight up psychotic and cannot see how they have been manipulated just as badly as antifa to give up their own rights.
tagging him so he sees this
Cause I'm not a stormtard and I hate populism.
I believe the Alt-Right is sent here by Russia and paid by CIA. I honestly believe your shilling damage control. But I'm not sure if you maintain allegiance to the (((ALT-RIGHT))) because you have a secret pro-Israel agenda or because you realize how fucked the world is and the Alt-Right just happened to be the loudest answer so it's what you're going with no matter what. There's a lot I don't know about you personally that I'd like to understand.
National Front is one of the largest groups n the area..and he was LARPing for decades..
>our only choices are genocide or doing what the Jews want
why are you trying to force this meme?
ok but why? i guess you're as good a person as any to ask a genuine, straight up question to. if you are white, then why? why do you hate populism? why do you hate the movement that is designed to protect YOUR interests and YOUR future? and particularly why the alt-right, when without some sort of white pride or ethnonationalism your children will surely be doomed to a life of racial persecution and tyranny?
genuine questions, can you give me a genuine answer?
>I believe the Alt-Right is sent here by Russia and paid by CIA. I honestly believe your shilling damage control.
well alrighty then.
Do you have an argument or just bad Jim Carey impersonations?
bro what argument? an argument that i'm not a russian spy? or paid for by the JIDF or the CIA? no bro. i have no argument for that. none. you may feel free to believe it, lord knows i cannot stop you from doing so.
Now where have I seen that Russian/Bolshevik ribbon before..
Not you..the Alt-Right.
Richard Spencer... Anglin... Weev...Enoch..
They're all Jews.
They're all Zionists.
And they're all National Bolshevik commies.
How is it extreme to go back to the way things were for thousands of years. 99.9% of women never had a say for a very good reason.
I personally don't care about rights outside of nature, really. I think people get lost in thier rights and forget about duty. That being said, there's shit that works and shit that doesn't. WN has steadily tanked by suggesting things the way this guy does, or calling other WN Jews because of disagreements. It has 60 years to be popular, and it isn't. Now that a sane movement is actually attracting white people, cucks start to counter signal over whether Israel should be nuked, like they're even in the position to do so in the first.
dude every reasonable rational person supports israels right to exist. when you say "zionist", that's all that means. there are no reasonable, rational, informed people that want to "invade israel and slaughter everyone in it". those people don't exist because people who want to do that are insane. plain and simple. wtf are you talking about? you are psychotic, that's all. you need meds. you need to be medicated. i am sitting here right now and i can't even believe i let you lure me into a discussion where i entertained the idea of revoking the franchise to women before, since that's not even really something that i believe and only advanced it as a hypothetical to your charge of there being too many subversives in the US government.
you're just insane bro. you are not in touch with reality. that's the problem. whatever. can't help you.
fuck your shitty torches
you fags better start talking about environmental issues if you really give a shit about a sustainable future.
that's my advice to you.
You're changing the topic back to Israel now? Why dont you explain why the Alt-Right is led by Russian Bolshevik Jews? Then we can go back to Zionism if you want ^_^
This is such a normie civic nationalist pic, it's unbearable. No, there is no proof of any "CIA" shit, Russia isn't a boogeyman, Trump isn't infallible and Pax Americana has done nothing but encourage mass migration and perpetual war that drives hoardes into Europe.
i know but i genuinely believe in the rights of people and individuals, and their need for the ability to self-determine their lives.
and beyond that, i feel like women need to vote because women need to expected to make real, rational, informed choices and decisions about the world around them, or else the people raising our children will just continue to be underdeveloped, neotenic adult-sized-children with empty, vacant heads.
you know what i mean? the women have to be strong. a lot stronger than they are. that's my opinion anyhow.
Ummm, no it's fucking not an ethnostate lol youtube.com
Populism has a way of ending up in mass murder, followed by the rise of a small group of sociopaths to authoritarian power.
The alt-right is mostly made up of spiritually hideous human beings, deformed and psychologically damaged. They cannot be trusted with power. It's basically a cult organized around a giant victim complex.
There is cause to be concerned by immigration, etc. But I insist on attempting to address those issues within the framework of liberalism. The populists would destroy the village in order to save it. Whatever problems they fix, they would cause enough new ones that the West would still be fucked, just in a different way.
Why is the Alt-Right full of Nazbol cancer when Nazbol is a Jewish trick?
They don't care, Nazi larpers in the alt-right ruined it. No one will touch the alt-right with a 10 foot pole.
why? you mean the "environmental issues" that are going to make africa a little bit warmer and make the winters shorter everywhere else? the "environmental issues" that are going to result in a longer growing season in temperate zones where we live?
no, i don't really care. africa should have its rights to be self-determinate, and blacks should be able to live there and carry on their lives but i'm not actually going to lose my shit over the fact that their desert is going to get 2 degrees hotter on average.
>what is answer
Roughly 6 feet of rope and a sturdy tree.
>NF is one of the largest group's around
Don't give a shit, two different methods and NF group's really isn't big outside of UK, parts of Scandinavia and the Balkans. NF has been operating for years with little to show for it. Its big in comparison to some Shitty US group's, but it's not "big" and has little outreach.
good answer
>all these white nationalist and altright leaders actually have Jewish ancestry, are pro-homosexuality, and support Communism
>this is not a Jewish trick tho...
everything you're saying is just unsubstantiated ad hominem and moral judgements on people you probably don't know anything about, but have passed based on hearsay. you haven't pointed out a single policy discrepancy or disagreement, all you've done is say "no, you people are BAD!" for no reason, providing no evidence, providing no reasoning or argument for it.
You're the one pushing the meme, not me. You literally said that there's no way to prevent infiltration from thier surrogates, so kill em all is what you inferred.
>St. George ribbon
>Russian nationalst symbol
Wat. It is something our government forces along with anti-nationalism, lmao. It's more like a gay pride flag.
i think you should wake up as to who the real subversives are and what their real tactics are, personally
>You literally said that there's no way to prevent infiltration from thier surrogates, so kill em all is what you inferred.
Where did I infer genocide? Work on your damage control. Listen: if your political gurus can't think of a solution other than:
>doing what the Jews want
>gassing the kikes
Then they're worthless and you're retarded for following them.
>muh ebil natzees!
Explain how they're all communists. Yeah, ethno state for whites sounds prettyJewish, eh? The truth is you just call anyone a Jew who isn't exactly in line with you.
why are you avoiding this:
Oh but they are, if unintentionally. The /reaction/ to c'ville 2.0 was to start defacing and tearing down statues /of Lincoln and Jefferson/. This showed POC's hand way earlier than they intended, and white were put on notice that there's a war on. Again, way before it was safe for the left to do so. So these provoked an inoculatory backlash. And, it tells whites that there's /somebody/ who sees a problem and is trying to do something about it, whatever the particulars of the antics.
I used to think marches were a waste of time, they'd get boring. But I've been proven wrong. They may yet get boring again, but, these happenings tear at an open wound that all whites should remain aware of.
>explain how the guy who promotes Marxism and who married to a self-admitted communist is a Communist
>75% Of population
>Free land for returning Jews
>Literally castrated refugee niggers
Yes it is, Sarcuck.
because when you just say something stupid and unsubstantiated like "the alt right is run by russian bolshevik jews" and you say it without a hint of irony or humor, then there is nothing left to say to you.
you literally said you thought i was being paid by the CIA earlier bro, what do you want me to say to you? you cannot be reasoned with like most people who use the nazi flag.
Look at the hate that flows like a river of sewage through most alt-right websites. Look at the total disrespect for human rights stormtards here on Sup Forums show. Look at the idiotic cultlike arguments stormtards use to defend nonsensical alternate history theories. Look at the joy alt-rightists often show at happenings that they think can be exploited for their own agenda. Look at the lying and subterfuge they show when they pretend to not be Nazis but then going on torchlight processions, etc.
These people are scum.
Jews dont think of themselves as just people following a religion, They look at being jewish as a race.