That is American education for you
Chick tracts hardly qualify as "education" desu
>It's a amerifat that doesn't understand evolution tries to prove a point episode
Evolution is a fact. Sorry to break it to you, but it is how it is.
>What is endosymbiotic theory?
Endosymbiotic theory is the growing collection of solid evidence that mitochondria and chloroplasts evolved from ancient bacterial symbiotes.
>What evidence?
New mitochondria and plastids are formed only through binary fission, the form of cell division used by bacteria and archaea.[40]
If a cell's mitochondria or chloroplasts are removed, the cell does not have the means to create new ones.[41] For example, in some algae, such as Euglena, the plastids can be destroyed by certain chemicals or prolonged absence of light without otherwise affecting the cell. In such a case, the plastids will not regenerate.
Transport proteins called porins are found in the outer membranes of mitochondria and chloroplasts and are also found in bacterial cell membranes.[42][43][44]
A membrane lipid cardiolipin is exclusively found in the inner mitochondrial membrane and bacterial cell membranes.[45]
Some mitochondria and some plastids contain single circular DNA molecules that are similar to the DNA of bacteria both in size and structure.[46]
Genome comparisons suggest a close relationship between mitochondria and Rickettsial bacteria.[47]
Genome comparisons suggest a close relationship between plastids and cyanobacteria.[48]
Many genes in the genomes of mitochondria and chloroplasts have been lost or transferred to the nucleus of the host cell. Consequently, the chromosomes of many eukaryotes contain genes that originated from the genomes of mitochondria and plastids.[46]
Mitochondrial and plastid ribosomes are more similar to those of bacteria (70S) than those of eukaryotes.[49]
Proteins created by mitochondria and chloroplasts use N-formylmethionine as the initiating amino acid, as do proteins created by bacteria but not proteins created by eukaryotic nuclear genes or archaea.[50][51]
proofs here
Please present your alternative hypothesis with supporting evidence. Only peer reviewed studies published in accredited, reputable journals please.
RIP in Peace, Jack, RIP in peace
>nearly all experts agree Lucy was just a 3 foot tall chimp
btw, how can you be red-pilled on Race and NOT believe in evolution?
>btw, how can you be red-pilled on Race and NOT believe in evolution?
by pretending that Bible stories say things they don't to square "God made all men in his image" and not all men are the same
Genesis 1
Realizing races are different but not hating blacks because they are black
Don't hate a nigger because he is a nigger, hate a nigger because he acts like a nigger.
Well you're going to have to prove that it came from God empirically. Faith is not evidence.
Evolution actually works better from a theistic point of view than from an atheistic point of view, because things like DNA seem to have teleological properties.
Also if evolution was false then what besides creationism would there be?
I think you missed the prove empirically part
It's another thread where all the bandwaggoners/underagefags cry about atheists.
Well you can't with evolietion
Theories > Theocracy
Nice argument, Abdullah
Evolution is just a hypothesis though
So basically Trump ruined Sup Forums
Sup Forums used to be dominantly atheist before the cringy soccermoms invaded with their "muh scary degeneracy praise jesus" bullshit
This is a philosophical argument, no proofs that meet a scientific standard of evidence are presented here.
There is much more good evidence for evolution than any other competing hypothesis. This does not guarantee that Evolution is true, but it's certainly the best option we have with the available evidence.
>There is much more good evidence for evolution than any other competing hypothesis.
Ha no
It's a metaphysical argument, since science can only make physical claims, not metaphysical claims. Science does, in fact, rest upon certain metaphysical assumptions that it takes totally for granted, like the fact that there is a reality that exists outside of the mind, that the human mind can develop an understanding of this world, that the laws of this world do not change over time, etc.
So to claim that science can prove or disprove God is to make a scienTISTIC claim, not a scienTIFIC claim. On questions about God you need to argue metaphysically.
Why do biblefags find evolution so hard to believe but have no problem believing some talking snake told a woman to eat an apple that somehow fucked up the world?
>t. uneducated or shilling
>t. no argument
Sup Forums grew up, edgy atheist faggotry is for people with no future.
>Sup Forums grew up
>Sup Forums grew up, edgy atheist faggotry is for people with no future.
t. reactionary numale who is scared of the future which will be dominantly scientific and atheist
His retarded ass following did, though the rest of the boards mostly returned to normal after the election.
Sup Forums has just remained a massive newfag circlejerk. This is why people call the 2015-2017 newfags "bandwaggoners" since that would be unfair to the regular newfags who didn't join to circle jerk over Trump.
I remember when someone posted a discord server, and well over 60% of the people joined sounded like fucking chipmunks.
>Sup Forums grew up
>the majority of people who post on Sup Forums didn't start posting until 2015
t.godless eurocuck faggot
>the majority of people who post on here are nufags, I'm the true alpha guys, I'm the oldfag
Shut the fuck up you pathetic retard, you don't know how long anyone has been here.
Actually it will be locusts from the bottomless pit. But I won't be around for that.
there's observable evidence of evolution everywhere you look retard.
Compare Australian animals to American wildlife and see how they both evolved to fill out certain niches, e.g. they look and act similar but have not shared ancestry for dozens of millions of years
TL;DR: kys
Even if this is bait, there are people who really believe it.
>"I need a (jewish) fairy tale to guide me because I'm too mentally impaired to do so on my own"
Literally schizo-tier
Saw another study that counters it with some pretty harsh criticism, think it was called genesis 2 or something like that.
Yes the jews are the ones pushing traditionalism and Christianity, sure thing dude. They definitely wouldn't promote godless societies that have no morals and values.
Get fucked kike.
You don't need god or some autistic religion to have morals and values. I'd recommend everyone to make their kids Aesops fables from a young age, that shit is pure gold.
>he's now unironically trying to deny that christianity is 100% semitic
the absolute state of christcucks lmao
A three foot tall upright Chimpanzee.
>Heidelberg man
Other bones have since been found.
>Nebraska Man
Granted, but it wasn't as if it was ever very widely known or accepted.
>Piltdown Man
Granted, but it was evolutionists who identified the appearance
>Peking Man
But other fossils of Homo erectus are still found, including the original Java Man
>Neanderthal Man
He said that that individual was a Neanderthal with arthritis, not that all Neanderthals were just humans with arthritis.
>New Guinea Man
This one is the most baffling, as it seems to exist only in this infographic and related media. Only a single fossil human has been found in New Guinea, and it is incredibly obscure and unremarkable, dating back only 5000 years.
>Cromagnon Man
It's not at all different from a human, no one ever claimed it as such.
Nice argument faggot, you're still trying to deny that kikes push degeneracy, and the quickest way to degeneracy is to abandon the traditions that got you where you are today. And an EU flag to boot you fucking kike, shut the fuck up.
>being this mad at being called a bandwaggoner/newfag
Sounds like someone's a little mad.
Calling out newfags/bandwaggoners has nothing to do with claiming to be an alpha, this place isn't a fucking gym.
But considering how you brought that up, I take it that's how you see oldfags. It's really easy to tell who's a bandwaggoner and who's a generic newfag, and it should be pretty obvious which one you are.
I know Sup Forums isnt one person but you have to admire the shit that happens here. One thread will have a bunch of "studies" trying to prove niggers are a different species than whites, and the other thread will be like this one, where some american thinks evolution is a lie.
Answer my first question - Is Christianity a fully semitic religion?
Humans turned wolves into dogs by breeding. You can do this with just a few generations by "manually" selecting traits. Nature does the same thing as the human selecting dog breed traits, except it does it "naturally", i.e. only traits that benefit survival are past on. So lets say in a population of apes, if only the smartest survive due to external pressures, maybe such as long harsh winters for just one example.. well you get the idea. Small changes over millions of years can lead to big changes. Also consider that most of all species contain similar hand bones, even winged creatures such as in the related image.
What is this "pede" shit? Why is plebbit lingo so stupid?
Only people who believe in dumb shot like gods are women and children and "men" who are basically women because they're as dumb as women.
When you talk like a newfag it's pretty clear you are a newfag.
>I do not understand evolution so I cherry pick select scientific mistakes from years ago
No, I've read from kike texts and we share nothing alike. How about you provide some evidence lmao. I'm interested how a nazi faggot can have an EU flag. That's a good one.
So is gravity, the big bang, and lots of other things we believe to be likely true.
HYpthysises need ot be backed up
>I've read from kike texts and we share nothing alike
Except, y'know, the Torah and the prophets.
>because different animals have some what similar bones means they evolved
Do you expect God to make billions of species and they're all 100% different?
>gravity is a hypothesis
NiggerI can prove gravity from my room with just a pencil
Thats not an argument. "Do I expect?" What do my expectations have to do with anything? Do you realize how stupid you sound?
God created man in his own image. There is no place for monkeys
>thinks evolution is a lie.
>No, I've read from kike texts and we share nothing alike.
LMAO absolute delusion, as expected. It's pretty much pointless to discuss this with you further
But to answer your question
>I'm interested how a nazi faggot can have an EU flag. That's a good one.
The actual "nazis" who really do care about Europe and its population are significantly pro-EU, they simply disagree with the current leadership. It is the commies who are strongly against it because dissolving the EU will cause a massive financial crisis which will cultivate the entire continent (which is already leaning towards socialism in a way) to become communist. Every single commie party in Europe is pro-Russia/China and anti-EU.
And finally, the very first pro-EU mentality started out from *literal* nazis, and not by any other but by the Anglos themselves youtube.com
Yes that's cool and all, but it doesn't really answer how a complex code that's RNA and DNA were formed out of mere chance.
He's a newfag, don't even debate with him on any level other than calling him a faggot.
>american education
It makes sense god would work with a workable template. I'm a 3d animator and rather than make a completely new skeletal structure for every model I just modify the current one to suit my needs. Only make a new one when it's radically different.
>mexican education
>the newfag announces his faggotry to all around
Welcome to Sup Forums
Did you just compare yourself to God as an argument? Wow.
Doesn't really mean that they are all related. I mean, yeah, there are supportive bones, some sort of rotation point, and supports. What fucking else would there be?
Nebraskans confirmed subhumans.
The problem with trying to track human evolution is that Man himself is the missing link
Do you have an argument against what I said?
How the fuck am I a newfag? I've been here since the start of summer.
The theory of evolution is correct
Now post the other hundred fossils.
Hilter did nothing wrong.
>Also Pol:
Hitler was an atheist! CHECKMATE you need GOD for morality.
> Believing in a story concocted by a bunch of primal goat herding jews more than 3000 years ago
Just looking at niggers is enough evidence of evolution for me.
americans are fucking retarded
Sounds like relativistic jew shit to me so no I'll just call you a faggot that moves goalposts.
What is relativistic? What goalposts have I moved? If you think you can only use scientific methods to learn things, then please use the scientific method to show me that the scientific method is a valid way to gain knowledge, without presuming any metaphysical ideas beforehand. So use only the process of testing hypotheses to explain that there is a universe that exists outside your mind, that it has a rational structure, etc.
Or you can admit that you need to discuss metaphysics if you want to discuss God
I cant believe how Sup Forums beeing as racist as it is can have such a bad time
accepting evolution
Beat me to it.
He doesn't have to you're entire post was auTISTIC
No one is forcing you to stay.
Ebin post my reddit friend. Go on being a proud atheist if you want, but just don't call yourself smart or rational unless you can argue against what I said.
i didn't say i want to leave, i'm saying that americans are fucking retarded.
Is that why you believe in evolution?
you seriously need to see
One in a quintillion chances, reactions occuring in the primordeal oceans millions of times a second + three hundred million years of waiting
Literally Monkey and typewriters writing shakespear, except it's all of his work in chronological order back to back, and there are a few billion monkeys & typewriters