Midwest Alliance General: Flyer Nationalism Edition

Why not create a white ethnostate in the midwest?
>Germanic/Anglo/Dutch heritage
>family/traditional values
>breadbasket of the nation
>completely self sustainable
>huge industrial potential
>high IQ
>great work ethic

States Included: IL, IN, IA KS, MN, MI, NE, ND, OH, SD, MO and WI
Honorary: PA

Email: [email protected]


Website: midwestalliance.squarespace.com

Welcome: All Midwestern states, all white people, foreign supporters,

Not Welcome: Niggers, Spics, Kikes, shills, trolls, Liberals, civic nationalists, queers, cucks, commies etc

What you can do to help:
>Join the Alliance
>Make propaganda/memes
>Spread the message about our movement
>post flyers in public

Pic related flyer I posted in public today

Other urls found in this thread:


Do it op.

Why is PA honorary.

Spawned the original culture plus generally being white, badass, and having access to the Delaware river.

Because why not?


You're doing the lords work user

Please let Idaho join

Are you retarded

>commies and anarchists are migrating south from chicago to springfield

You da hoe

I’m in, I’m ready for a coherent, civilized, White country, diversity has killed national cohesion, every couple generations or so borders change, maybe our time now

Just think about stopping millions of future interracial crimes, murders and general discrimination for your children’s children

It doesn’t have to be a Nazi facscist regime, but it should be

What should be our first land acquisition? Should we exert our military forces and move into PA, our rightful clay? If we send reinforcement to Ohio now we may be able to have Pittsburgh occupied by December without stirring up too much attention from the East.

From there, we prepare for war.

Are you black

Im in but I'm only mobilizing if other anons do first.

Inb4 that's why nothing ever happens because everybody thinks like that

>military aggression against an ally
user, I...

We must unite the Germanic peoples under one flag.

Someone post flyers in chicago. I'm tired of this nigger and beaner infested shithole.



Top kek

> Minnesota
You mean Twin Cities
>not knowing about bigger containment cities
Have fun in the bigger overrun South user



Top kek

Stay mad yankcucks. The south will rise again and gas all you yank cucks.

What was that Johnny? I can't hear you over the sound of your cousin *cough* wife being raped by niggers

>yankcucks still think anyone cares about their shitty movement

What must we do to get Illinois and Minnesota onboard? Forced annexation then purging/deportations of undesirables?

yay, another militia that's ran by feds and informants.

P-pls love us again

Just move over here. If you’re white, conservative, and Christian (preferably Protestant).

You knew this was coming. Here you go.

The only thing the South rises in is failure. And cousin-fucking.

>cousin fuckers still think their completely embarrassing, and defeated movement is still relevant

Self proclaimed whites don’t count. See pic related.



Thanks for bringing all the nignogs to our country and effectively ruining every city on the continent.

Where do you think the blacks in the Midwest came from? The South, you fucking retard. If they couldn't put up with your shit.


>meme flag

You wanted them anyway yankcuck. Yankcucks love the BBC




"The percentage change in the multiple-race population was 70 percent or greater in nine states — South Carolina, North Carolina, Delaware, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Mississippi and South Dakota. Each state, with the exception of South Dakota, was a southern state. The multiple-race population grew by 50 percent or more in 22 additional states."


This pic is proven right again

>ywn bayonet wounded southern manlets who literally fight barefoot in their pajamas

>ywn burn down their cities and make them have nigger mayors for banter


cousin fuckers ITT trying to act like their spic infested shithole (that was always full of niggers and half niggers and quarter niggers dressed up like confederates) is still relevant


>ywn enfilade the southerners on both sides and from the front when they autistically hide in a railroad cut with no tactical advantages

More flyers

lmao they really all fucked their slaves


Pic related used for dlyer


Are you behind that email account?

No someone else is

midwestern infantry were superior


Where would you prefer the Midwest movement fall on the political spectrum? I want to know whether or not to join your movement.

>confedera-cucks btfo

>on the political spectrum
We're not currently involved in politics, but ideally we would be far right.

Are these things getting torn down by leftists?

They haven't yet

>be a butthurt teenage alt-righter
>be a shut-in vidya player filled with rage
>what is the least I can do to get off my computer and do something?
>I know! I'll print up a flyer, and post them around the neighborhood at 2am, a couple of hours before bedtime!

lol at Sup Forums

Please sterilize yourself

Right wing in the fiscal sense and social sence?

punch nazis everyday, be afraid scum.

We can beat you without trying.

Day of the zyklon can't come soon enough.

your kind will never win, we outnumber you.

We have better quality people than you. One of us could pwn 20 of you.

>Please sterilize yourself

Self-sterilization by non-reproduction - the final Sup Forums redpill lol


The midwest isn't yankee you retard. Culturally we're more similar to the south.

Also, as MN/WI guy i think we should annex Ontario. Minus Ontario they're about as midwest as it gets

why did you ban people from the discord

can we please drop mustard gas in cleveland cincinatti and columbus

Anyways going to bed keep this bumped for Midwestern glory

Night user

>be a butthurt teenage leftie scum
>be a shut-in vidya player filled with rage
>what is the least I can do to get off my computer and do something?
>I know! I'll POST ON Sup Forums, and post them around the SLIDE THREAD at 2am, a couple of hours before bedtime!

why gmail though?

Vetting purposes.

Remember the difference! It could save your life....

Southern minn is cucked. The north is somewhat right.

Since it's not mentioned in the
>Not welcome

I'm mixed, it's okay I join?
I'm white, trust me goy