Canada Thread

Liberals are done for, even CBC is thrashing them.



>Argentina is whiter than America

Except there is no opposition party, so even if the Liberals are shit there is nobody to vote for who would be different from them

Singh here we come.

>USA is literally darker than Mexico

>he thinks the ndp could win, ever

Why are you linking me to boomer tier televised jewry?


I'm an Asian living in Canada and I'm here walking your syrupy streets and breathing your maplefag air. What are you gonna do about it leafs?

I'm just relieved at this point that you're not a muslim or spic rapist. The worst thing I've seen asians do is shit in public.

Free 1-way boat ticket in a few years

It's going to be the liberals again, regardless of pretty much anything. Scheer doesn't have the charisma to be opposition.

I ain't never seen a spic in canada in my life. Also most of those "Muslims" are actually Indians and Hindus/Sikhs, t. Friends with a Jordanian girl. Real sandniggers do not look like the Browns we have in Canada,

I honestly wonder why Scheer is even bothering with politics. Who needs a more autistic version of Justin Trudeau pumped up on even more soy, but with the same policies?

it's not homecoming king and queen

Once the mass immigration has stopped? Your women will go after white guys, and you guys will either go back east for a wife or date fat ugly Canadians, either way in a few generations it won't matter.

Actually, it kind of is. Look at elections historically, the most charismatic leader nearly always wins.

People don't vote of facts.

I'm not attracted to Asian women. They look like fish with 10 year boy ass. Canadian women are decent looking but not as attractive as American, Slav or European imo. That said, I have seen some very nice leaf women and men, I'm kinda bi.


It literally doesn't matter. Trump and Brexit proved that the common folk are able to vote in the contrary to the elite. Even if CBC stopped sucking Trudeau's dick, it doesn't necessarily mean that the average Canadian will.

>what is the conservative party

Like i said, asians males and hapa males in general are bottom tier, have to go back or take the bottom of the barrel whites. you will be bred out in a few generations. just have to turn the faucet off.


I disagree, I do okay with Canadian women. The Asian guys are hated meme is only real among sad, old white men who have yellow fever because they can't get white beaver,

What is the difference in policies between the conservative and liberal parties? Both love free trade, immigration, etc. The only real difference seems a fraction of a percentage point they think taxes should be at

Full progs will go with the brown guy. He has lost Quebec. Khadr, Monreau, pipelines, mass debt.. he wont' win.
Check the stats on self identified "feminists" in canada, only the media gobble that shit up, everyone is sick of it.
Worst case scenario is that people swing fully over to the ndp and we have a minority gov again lead by scheer.

Yeah ok there buddy that's not what you said in the other threads where you whore for attention

What chips do they have left? Love your genocide?

I'm pretty eternally impressed by their foolishness to be honest. If I were trying to be some evil schemer like Prince John who literally got off on taxing the poor, I would do my best not to look exactly like Prince John lmao. I mean, it's bad they are shitty people, but they couldn't even put in the forethought to not look like evil misers?

Everyone hates the rich, it's one of the base denominators. We've hated taxes for as along as there was taxes, the far right wing calls it the jews and the far left calls it the 1%, but it's all the same. The biggest sticking point in any criminal political conspiracy is that I simply don't believe Hillary Clinton or Trudeau or any politician could possibly be smart enough to get away with it. I've seen them. They are fucking idiots.

>Jagmeet Singh
Even though he is a very diverse individual, he is literally who right now. But we'll see how he'll promote himself in the next two years.

Keep telling yourself that. I didn't say they were hated, just not desired. effeminate and weak.
like you.

I have no idea how it is in Vancouver/Toronto where 30% + of the population is Asian. But in rural Canada, Asians are still considered a rarity and most people are friendly towards me.

Lots of girls find me exotic. Lean, not Bald, not grossly overweight like many men here, Also Asians are still a rarity in most parts of Canada. It's only vancouverfags and the likes that beef on Asians,

problem is the conservative party elected john turner 2.0 as their leader. tfw maxime bernier could have fixed this cuntry

I never trust asians when it comes to judging how other people see them socially, since asians are a naturally autistic race

There's like 2 billion of you and you are all exactly the same

"Exotic" like holy shit, no need to pull out vintage 1990s memes that encouraged racemixing

I also love to tell the story of the time Trudeau interviewed a banker on live television and the banker accused him of being Robin Hood. I mean, at the time, it seemed like an accurate statement, but that's beside the point. The point is, the man speaking it actually thought it was an insult. He thought that Robin Hood was a bad guy. How far gone would a person have to be to see Robin as the villain?

Anyway, if you want to see the video, I dunno, Trudeau did a series of interviews with "average canadians" right after his election, which was predictably not random at all, he had crying indians and muslims and every minority, but if you search for it you can find it.

They are though. I have never encountered racism as an adult while living in Canada. On Sup Forums yes, but that's just weird guys blowing off steam.

There's actually more whites in the world if you count all of Europe, North American whites, Australians and Latinos along with middle easterners.

I think that real-life racism is something that is too subtle for asians to catch on to. Like do you think I go up to asians in the street and tell them to fuck off back to asia? No. But I'll never invite an asian to any events that I'm having and will never ask questions about the asians who talk to me

The middle east isn't part of European civilisation, and I don't think "white" is a useful concept to begin with

Bill Morneau Makes $135000 a month from his shares in Morneau Shepell but Some how he feels its his duty to Work for Canadians and take another $450000 a year + benifits in salary as Finance Minister. NO CONFLICTS OF INTEREST.
metacanada discord: discord gg/Rz7f9w

Fuck the MSM even if they trash the liberals. Fakes news.

>voting for the we'll sell out the country, but get a better deal party
No thanks

Plenty of people have covert racism. Like you said, not socializing with X or refusing to date X or not hiring X. But then there's plenty of people who are not that way, and rarely are there assaults because of race.

ROFL - the cuckservatives will never amount to anything except pure stupidity. Mad Max had the chance to clean-up the shit but anglos refused to have a leader with a French name. At least his Scheer stupidity will be easy to remember.

I've lurked both because I've seen people post about it here, but r/Canada seems more right-wing than r/metacanada

It seems like you didn't understand what I'm telling you at all, which I expected because you're an asian, so if it's not explicitly spelled out like in a textbook, you don't get it, so I'm not going to bother explaining further since it isn't worth it

Yeah, middle easterners are considered "white" due to looks, but no shared culture with Europe besides abrahamic religions. Also I understand Anglo and nords do not consider pan-European identity to be a real thing. It's like saying a Japanese and a Filipino are similar just because they got small eyes and a wide nose. But no real cultural ties there,

>since asians are a naturally autistic race
As an autistic white male, I take offense to this statement.

That's peanuts. I'm sure Trump makes a lot more more. And being managed by his family is not exactly blind trust.

You're not very smart because you said you don't socialize with Asians or associate with them and I admitted that is real. Also how do you know that I'm really Asian? How do I know you're really white. We're on the Internet.

>I've lurked both because I've seen people post about it here, but r/Canada seems more right-wing than r/metacanada

are you out of your god damn mind?

le anime guis xDDDDD

>middle easterners are considered "white" due to looks

By who?

>abrahamic religions

That's an idea invented by muslims to give themselves legitimacy. Christianity is not a religion "of the book," but a religion of the Logos

Well I hope you take offense. Maybe you'll get out more and help yourself out a bit. I know an autistic German guy and he makes a serious effort to be socially normal (he's a very likeable guy who's just noticeably a bit socially slow, but otherwise fine) and he even has a girlfriend. Autism like you have is no excuse.

What is smart about asians, imbecile?

No, metacanada seems like an imitation of the American right (ebin assimilating immigrants and low capital gains tax) while the conservatives on r canada seem to actually approach conservatism from a Canadian point of view

More Mexicans in the US than in Mexico

>but with the same policies

Why is he even a conservative?

Well I know for sure that the criollo Mexican ruling class like to dump its excess mestizos in the US, so the US not only gets lots of Mexicans, but it gets the browner Mexicans

No idea. The Conservative Party shouldn't even be using the term conservative

Thin-nose, facial hair, eyes with no Asian fold, narrow face, small cheekbones, narrow head shape. Thin jaw, big chin. Looks pretty white to me, just darker and with bigger brows.

You're drunk.

Lol, this clip demonstrate the exact opposite. Here the liberals are being criticized for being too conservative!

no mister

Hmm... narrow slit-eyes, living in colonies with no personal space whatsoever, total lack of individuality except for the leaders... are Asians part of the insectoid race?

You wish, slit-eyes

They're still making 22 Minutes??

I'm Japanese.

You clearly didn't watch any more of this show then what you posted did you?

Are Japanese not Asians?

Sheer has the most punchable face in Canuck politics right now. I cannot stand that stupid look on his face. Plus he's clearly just disagreeing with Trudeau because he's the opposition, and not because Trudeau is stupid.

If Sheer manages to win, it will be a minority Government. The NDP are going to split the left again with Identity politics: The candidate.

This is a pretty shitty time for leaf politics desu

I'm actually Korean.

NDP are expecting a record low turnout that might even be worse than the time from when they weren't even a party.

Did Harper have charisma?

None of that is relevant. Canada is confederated, not federated. Alberta will be a state soon enough, followed by Yukon and BC.

They're only gonna pay for Quebecois junkies for so long.

I wish Scheer would "adopt" Trudeau's fag policies, then go full white nationalist. Beat the left at their own game

No, but he was smart and had been working on his Master Plan (TM) for a decade before taking office. Scheer is literally who and also the most generic neocon to ever generically neocon. Harper was generic but managed to convince neocons he was a neocon, traditionalists he was a traditionalist, libertarians he was a libertarian (for a while), etc

No, but he was also a pretty shitty leader that every mediocre loser in the Conservative Party thinks is a model to emulate

>I know nothing about Canadian politics and this is my opinion

Well I'm sure that Scheer is a homosexual just like Justin is, if that's what you're saying.

What's up with all the fucking racist pieces of shit in this thread?

Yes, Argentina is white
Yes, Irish are white
Yes, etc...

>I wish Scheer would "adopt" Trudeau's fag policies, then go full white nationalist. Beat the left at their own game
>Scheer runs on DUDE WEED
>Goes full white-nationalist
>Legalizes weed right away though

How would Canada react?

In America, everyone is white. We all know that

>everyone has the same skull-shape

Whine on social media and vote against him in 4 years.

There are less blacks in Mexico.

t. Leafs thinking what they have to say matters

I think Trump has an appointment to fuck your first lady tonight

small business is such a toxic thing to go after. it was bad before they turned out to be hypocrites, but man, do you know how many canadians work for small businesses?

even subways and mcdonald's count. franchisees are small businesses too, though the workers might not know it.

We don't have the concept of a "first lady," the Prime Minister is just the leading minister in government, among the other ministers

Tell us what happened to the missing and murdered indigenous women, Justin.

>I think Trump has an appointment to fuck your first lady tonight
That's what we get for electing a cuban anglo

Yes, I am sure Canada is going to become an alt right country any day now


>what is the conservative party
The liberal party with a 2% tax cut?

Only for the capital gains tax :^)

Learned something new.

Good for you for acknowledging it.

You mad, Leaf boi?


he would've saved Canada but we can't have nice things

oldfags as usual ruined yet another election cycle

Bernier is an idiot, the only thing he would save is the money of rich people

Say it with me /canapol/

Mr. Prime Minister

do you think he smells?

all politicians in Canada r fucked