>Most mods/admins have stepped down.
>neofags are awaiting Malka's "statement".
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>Most mods/admins have stepped down.
>neofags are awaiting Malka's "statement".
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So... is Sup Forums cucked beyond belief?
>tfw NeoGAF's influence in the industry is now completely collapsing
>tfw one horny numale leftist accidentally saved video games
I guess Gamergate and pedogate go hand in hand.
>pm a mod
>there aren't any left
mass suicide imminent
The Trump curse is real
Yes, some fag from these threads made it sound like a raid on Sup Forums, so the reddit Sup Forums mods are going to town.
Evilore must be kicking himself for not selling the site while he still got those huge offers. Now the site is basically worthless. I'm sure he got some money out of it during the years, but sheesh...
timan, if you're reading this, you know what to do
ban all accounts and delete the database
you are our only hope
Well it isn't surprising, one horny slut got Trump elected according to NeoGaf after all :^)
>dude lets discuss E CELEBS XDDD
Sup Forums you have your fucking dead board , go spam there
doubt anyone cares, but it looks like a lot of them are migrating to Giant Bomb
if you're still watching GB, now is the time to stop
Posting just to say I am enjoying this news lads, expecting a 48h ban from a Sup Forums mod since I posted in a few neogaf threads there.
Nah. They'll drive em out in a few hours.
We need to raid Sup Forums
i just wanted to play videogames
>Evilore took the servers down so no one would see his shame
last I was there it was like 50/50.
GG did bring a shitload of neogaf cucks there though
>yfw neoFAG died in your lifetime
I miss Sup Forums for 16 hours and this happens. Good riddance neofag.
With how fast the mods are jumping ship i will fucking bet my ass they are all just as bad as the rapist and the pedo.
>mfw Trump's crackdown on "human trafficking" nabbed someone high up at neoGAF, and the harassment complaints are just a diversion
the FBI rounded up over 120 of them a few days ago
is it true that neogaf is a hivemind for sony shills?
Doing it again for the newcomers. This is what the NeoGaf downfall is all about - an unverified accusation from an entitled slut. And yes, it's a beautiful thing.
mods on Sup Forums are spineless fucking losers
I made one comment on Sup Forums just asking why mods were deleting threads and I got a 3 day ban for "criticizing the mod staff"
>Sup Forums - John Dunsworth (Mr. Lahey)
>/o/ - Holden (Australian bogan car manufacturer)
>Sup Forums - Neogaf
Is Sup Forums allowing threads or still cucking out? This is bigger than E3.
nah Sup Forums is gonna be alright , reddit and gameinformer however are gonna get fucked
It's a video game board, not a politics board.
Stop talking about politics there you fucking cancer. If we want to shitpost about politics, we'll come here
Pt. 2
>women and niggers retroactively removed from COD WW2
God yes!!!
This is the problem now that Neorefugees will probably move to another website or go to Sup Forums considering their echo chamber is no more.
Is this a victory for videogames or is this a defeat?
>meanwhile there's waifus, loli, softcore porn, dunkey, DSP, Easy allies, and superbunny hop threads every fucking day
Kill yourself fag
>Largest video game forum going up in flames shouldn't be talked about, but we better allow those forums from the diaper fetishist!
>it's true
It is, but there isn't a place I'd rather talk about vidya than on Sup Forums and Sup Forums is one of those places. I just avoid it when I don't see a thread about a game I'm interested in.
>8/v/ is Sup Forums as it used to be before the jannies fucked 4 Sup Forums over permanently.
>At least it woke one hell of a lot of people up then.
The problem isn't about which Sup Forums is better.
The fucking culture war is going on right there!
Someone needs to set up a site to replace Neofag. Let it look like the SJW oasis, with heavy modding, at first. Then slowly red pill them over time.
nah, they've been Sup Forums-tier for years now
Jesus, the absolute state of these fucking snowflakes. Our ancestors would weep.
when is the statement coming?
can i get a quick rundown on how Sup Forums killed john dunsworth and /o/ killed a australian car manufacturer ?
what could possibly be worth leaving and missing this?
Very much so. People got banned for expressing pro-Microsoft views during the Xbone/PS4 hype.
He's online. Is he typing that statement yet?
Who is this? GG guy?
it's a furfag, who even cares
Not all of them. Its the mods who fuck things up. They are SJW's to the core.
Let them. They need to know we were right. Again. Sup Forums really are the only ones, Sup Forums included, who can save Sup Forums
Hopefully the details of the secret Sony-GAF deal will be unveiled soon. But he's probably busy wiping the evidence as we speak
btw, I'm not getting 404 or 504 anymore, but "NeoGaf Database Error"
So this is all due to some tweet by some random girl that no one even knows really exist and all the Gaf faggots are taking it as gospel without a shred of evidence?
Does no one else get the significance of this? Running psyops couldn't possibly be easier for us if this is all it takes to trigger them
Basically a Harvey Weinstein level of destruction for the SJW/lefty institutions in the video game industry.
>set up Neogaf 2.0
>collect their information
>mass dox them
Wouldn't that be a shame :^)
Is this the best year for vidya since '98?
Dawn of a new age
Yeah, I got warned for calling a sony nigger a sony nigger.
It doesn't matter what he says now. They're leftists. He took too long.
>furry pic profile
>ill be dead in a week
Fucking jej this is what they get for virtue signaling so hard
It's happening everywhere. Male feminists have been getting exposed for weeks.
Why are mods running away? there is no proof, there must be something more behind this.
>without a shred of evidence?
That's SJWs for you.
SJWs are eating themselves.
What a show
God damn, I can't believe we made it this far
Who would win?
>one of the largest gaming forums on the internet
>one random facebook post
>tfw GG is what kickstarted my interest in politics and now i get to see neogaf implode
Literally all they had to do was leave the games alone, but the communist/jewish/faggot filth couldn't stop trying to ruin every single thing on the planet
fuck yeah
the site is down.
NeoGAF is trending #1 on Twitter right now. Do not let the mods on Sup Forums censor it. We can save Sup Forums. We can take it back. Don't give up the ship
That's what gets me, too. Their platform is build on just taking people's word for it, so why didn't this happen sooner?
>mfw gaf is kill
The fucking admin in question responded and he pretty much confirmed it while trying to rationalize the whole thing.
Check him out, he's pretty good.
>Evilore took the servers down so no one would see his shame
Maybe game devs should stop putting politics into video games, then there wouldn't be politics to talk about on Sup Forums.
What the FUCK is wrong with you?
Incoming statement
>foster the mentality that every allegation should be respected, women are always right in those things, no reason to ever lie or exaggerate
Sup Forums here, loving the irony. What other boards are having fun tonight?
Is there any quick way to register in NeoGAF quickly right now? If there are no mods I'd like to spam redpills there.
every single admin has left
fuck that was quick, half a day and one of the most trafficked gaming websites is wiped out completely
Makes you go hmm.
Proof? What's that?
v fucken sucks there all under 18 and do not even know shit you got a favor being banned from that shit hole.
probably just forgot to log out before he used Cobains mic for a last blasting song
Can someone spoon-feed me what's going on? It would be nice if the OP had a summary about what this is all about.
Did Neogaf get busted for sharing CP or something.
its a L for Sup Forums thats for sure.You think their cucked now, wait till gaf fully migrate over
be funnier if it pretends to ban 'mean' posters
but they can keep posting and continue eroding their world view
These threads are comfy.
Also, lets all say hi to the neofag lurkers, I know a few of them are lurking here.
What was Gamergate about?