I joined the Alt-Right. What's the next step?
I joined the Alt-Right. What's the next step?
Other urls found in this thread:
Leave over a minor disagreement.
>I joined a CIA psyop
Not calling yourself the alt right
Crashing this plane.
With no survivors!
Admitting that it won't change anything
Leaving because of
Suck implicit faggot cock from the kike honeypot.
drink a gallon of petrol and smoke a cigarette
The next step is deniing it exists so it seems.
Cantact us again at that time for step 3.
black men have BIG DICKS!
I said...
black men have BIG DICKS!
I said...
black men have BIG DICKS!
I said...
black men have BIG DICKS!
put dildo up ass, cuck for israel.
Alt-right is for cucks, go full blown White supremacist elitist.
you didn't get your tiki torch yet?
you're no alt-right member, you fraud. everyone gets one when they join
>le post
>le meme
>le neu-faggot
>le (((1 post by this id)))
Hol up senpai.. are you sume conspircy terist?? Dat alt right shit beez legit moneca.
Realize a majority of Sup Forums are full of uniformed individuals and obvious shills who either say the Alt-Right right isn't real or it's a Jewish psyop.
>pic related
There is no "Alt-Right", that a myth.
It's boogeyman for sjw's to justify there fear of personal responsibility in there lives .
Subverting the Republican party in order to get rid of the RINOS/neocons a la what Bannon is doing with primaries is the only really effective way forward I think
But that's just me
I agree. But what will the movement be called? Serious question, since there is a movement being hashed out.
fart in a bag and inhale it, kek commands it.
As I said, these people are either uninformed or shills.
2)Believe that a Power greater than yourself could restore you to sanity.
Its just populist conservatism vs neocon corporate pretend conservatism
The lefties and neocons both try to point to online fringes and say "see its hitler!", when its more like grandma and grandpa that got Trump elected. We encouraged the lefties and neocons of this behavior. It worked.
The Alt-Right is an real thing and gets more attention than the new right or republicans because it's ideas are controversial.
Assuming you are actually serious.
Find redpilled friends locally. Join a Republican Club or something.
we are gonna hack this timeline through equal digits in post numbers and other cool gets
here is my get.
Alt right is what middle schoolers whisper when the teacher is preoccupied surfing Salon to feel edgy.
You're better off going to church tomorrow and brushing up on the Western literary canon.
Once you've proven not to be a complete dumbass, connect with friends at the gym, or in class, as your teacher rambles in sex ed.
leftypol/antifa are sperging out because I came on to say it wasn't me starting shit with Spencer
They are butthurt that they ended up pushing me this way instead of towards becoming a filthy Marxist I guess
Don't even try to compare yourselves with the NSDAP you goddamn faggots.
>muh movement
Worry about pushing for actual policies.
This thread again. Your probably a data mining shill.
>I joined the Alt-Right.
>Find a thot
>Breed her
We secure the existence of our people and a future for white children
Buy Sup Forums gold pass
Next you become a Neon Nazi.
killing yourself
Lose weight.
Try to red-pill your friends (or not)
Having an ideology/opinion isn't worth a whole lot. Taking in knowledge is. The more informed you are, the better you can draw conclusions, and someday the knowledge will be put to good use directly (if not daily by making responsible decisions)
Faith , love , honor , bravery Scottish born.
Fuck these gifs make my head hurt
This (even though I can't seem to do it yet, that's the only reason I still shit post instead of Larp activism, even though being fat doesn't stop Enoch)....
1. Activate your almonds
2. Hack the Gibson
3. Weaponize your inner spectrum
4. Practice the old dark magick of memes
5. Achieve mental anarchy, break the condition
Leave the alt-right and BEGOME CADOLIG