You are being bluepilled

You are being bluepilled.

Sup Forums is run by intelligence contractors. It is completely compromised from top to bottom.
They enforce a clickbait-style narrative to reduce politics and philosophy to cheap entertainment, making you bitter, cynical, apathetic, and paranoid with no tangible, positive goal in sight.
They use outright censorship and AI-driven bots to detect and drown out any voices going against their agenda.
They are trying to establish this place as an 'alt-lite CNN' to make you go back to sleep. See below for proof.
The truth is that almost EVERY internet forum and chat platform is the SAME WAY.
==We are being cornered systematically and we have NOWHERE to speak our minds==
They infiltrate moderation positions, they hostilely take over ownership of websites, and they send swarms of bluepill AI bots to forge a false consensus that we should sit around here doing nothing while our people are being burned away from the inside by this insane jewish society.
They are taking over everywhere, they are taking over everything. Forgot about Gamergate already?
STOP tolerating this bluepill bullshit. If we don't do something soon we'll have no way to break our people out of the spell. We'll all be doomed to be mentally disabled jewish slaves FOREVER.

Other urls found in this thread:

The goal is to keep you unmotivated and apathetic by bombarding you with irrelevant garbage, and above all, to condition you to believe that effective activism is a passive affair, eg: posting online, showing up at a rally and yelling a little.
Any message that might lead to you thinking about improving your circumstances or questioning the narrative is targeted.

Their six main strategies:
0) Slide the message by flooding the forum with irrelevant messages
1) Delete the message outright and make a deflective excuse without reasoning
2) Flood the conversation with bots/shills posting negative comments and "entertaining memes" to try to manipulate you into a "good mood" to accept the shill's rejection of the subject at hand
3) Flood the conversation with stupidity to try to make the subject unpalatable or otherwise associate it with stupidity
4) Make replies that roughly agree with the original message but add in some element of insanity, eg: "esoterism", "meme magic", random murder/destruction to try to associate the message with mental illness etc.
5) When all of the above fails and the people reading the message start to believe they are participating in a censored and astroturfed discussion, the site's moderators and/or the shills under them will start acting childish and stupid in order to appear as "just some idiot" and not the paid shills and actual AI-driven bots that they are.
See the links at the bottom for evidence.

==Simple fact: Censorship of honest speech is 100% jewish. The truth does not fear competition from mistaken beliefs and lies, because it stronger than any mistake or lie. Truth is the primary tool and weapon of Aryans in everything we do.==
The solution is simple: anything that isn't remotely intelligent should be ignored/deleted/persecuted. It's not honest speech. Lies and stupidity are attacks more than they are speech.

This means you have to give up memes and popular slang. You have to give up namecalling. You have to give up incomplete responses with only your opinion. You have to take it upon yourself to read more and have more complete answers to political questions.
And most importantly you have to vocally reject people who fall below standards of rational thought in their expression. Study the 'List of Fallacies' infographic, etc., at take it SERIOUSLY.
==The bots have won the social media/image board game. We have to move to higher ground.==
In this society, everyone who can't move to the higher ground is worse than dead. They are being driven insane into a deep, eternal slavery.

Never forget, it is our own government, the people that we would consider to be our own, that is funding this nightmare.
It is some of our own people of our own race that are betraying us to this jewish-architected living hell.
This entire society has become a trap with no long-term opportunities for rational, sane people. We are going to be destroyed utterly with our brainless husks laboring for the jew until we no longer can serve them better than machines and AI and then they will annihilate us.
We have to do more than be aware of what is happening.
We have to physically stop it.
We have to take the real redpill.

Bump not because I agree, but because it's atleast worth discussing.

Have some thicc for attention.

alright if it's worth discussing what do you think about it

what points do you disagree with most

As a natsoc myself, I don't really see any meaningful censorship. The "alt-lite" thing has more to do with bluepilled T_D plebbit fags, but they are slowly being redpilled and we are already seeing the shift back.

Forgot the THICC

This place is getting slid to death :(

Why does it matter? Sup Forums is fun.

This is all true but they are making a big mistake. We only need to expose normies to a tiny bit of truth to bring their narratives down forever but once you know about the truth you cNt go back.

You copied this from infinity pol and changed the 8 to 4.

source - don't care of shooped, she's cute as hell.

No idea anymore, have had it for years.

This eternal hunger for fun and easily attained stimulation is what got the Aryan race into this deathly slumber. Bread and circus is keeping us satiated without any effort or thought.

This lifestyle has to be actively rejected and replaced by one of work and hardship, to forge our character from steel.

Read. Lift. Teach others. Work. Date. Marry. Fuck. Procreate.

Really activated my almonds

lmao dude,you might as well post this on reddit,cuz its all the same now.
this place is reddit with the word nigger and swastikas.
only action by the people class can stop (((them))) at this point.

Amazing thread from out of nowhere
>Never forget, it is our own government, the people that we would consider to be our own, that is funding this nightmare.
Well put

i love this theory

people don't dislike my shitty posts because they're shitty

they dislike them because they are programmed AI bots trying to demoralize me!

>obese roasties
Thicc is precisely the variety of meme for mental midget retards that OP warns against. Natsoc samesuch faggotry

You have to start from a Personality Theory that explains the basic division-of-labor and contextualizes a person's role in society.

Because you always seem to skip over this step you allow factions to create us versus them dynamics with no regard for how to create cooperation between the mental strategies employed by the human brain and society at large. Mental wholeness is timeless, meaning the events of the day are not urgent seeing as it's always humans with human brains.

Thicc is clearly a nigger meme.

This same exact thread is on the other chan and has been for a few days.
I don't care one way or the other, you guys can decide for yourself what that means.

did my thread get slid to oblivion yet

maybe you're right about this place

but people can surprise you with how they can rebound after years of submission

we have to grow our 'people class' and use the tools our ideological forbearers left us. We have to convince people there is a deadly problem and that the bankers' plutocracy is the cause

>you have to give up memes

What's wrong, CIA-kun? Could it be you're.... craving my Memenuggies????

I bumped it even when I implied you are a moron

Look I'm bumping it again

Maybe this is true if you don't have any other influences and outlets in your life, but that's not the entire picture. Some of us just like the banter and camaraderie, or just having a place to blow off steam about things from time to time. In that respect, it doesn't matter how compromised this site or any other is.

so you have no criticism then, you're just here for cheap delusions of self esteem?

if you have no motivation and you don't care how ugly and hopeless your surroundings are or what effect it has on you, this thread is not addressed to you

HAHAHAHAHAHA the truth is out and they're trying so hard to divert it

do you need to believe that anyone who doesn't like your posting style is part of a government plot against you?

replying to desperate strawman simply to bump my thread

Thanks for the info, kid. Sounds like you weren't already on our level and were taking all those slide threads seriously. Sorry you were wasting your time. For the future, stay off fullpol and stay here, because that place is a cancerous hugbox that will rot your mind. Instead, stick it out here with us through thick and thin. Through each wave of slide threads and 4D shilling, stick around and think about what you're reading and what you're seeing. Think about who's pushing this shit and why. Develop your critical thinking skills. Embrace the memery and shitposting. Start effortposting, too. Think for yourself using all available sources of information to you, even the shilling (especially the shills). Make up your own mind.

For the record, the steps in your pasta describe how a slide campaign is done but the paranoia is off the mark. As it turns out there is no one single grand architect of society, just a bunch of humans in over their heads struggling amongst each other to keep it all from falling down.

Lol...who the fuck would think OTHERWISE?
>breaking news
Sky is blue.
For the billionth time
>pissing in an ocean of piss.
Relax,everyone is here for the bantz


Giving up memes would be disaster. Normies can't stomach anything that lasts more than 15 seconds anymore thanks to the rapid fire brainwash that passes for tv now.

>0 ▶
> (You)
>replying to desperate strawman simply to bump my thread

I'm not saging so I'm bumping your shit too, even though I think it's stupid.

Answer my question:
do you need to believe that anyone who doesn't like your posting style is part of a government plot against you?

>This means you have to give up memes




I guess some redpills are too hard to swallow for some

i'm not saying give up propaganda

i'm saying that "memes" represents a degenerate level of propaganda that is brainless and counterproductive. Instead of riffing off the same concept like the dumbass green frog, we need originality and true inspiration.
you are being blue pilled goyim

Oh I have a tangible goal. But the time isn't right, so I just come on here every once in a while for the more entertaining threads.

This shit is getting slid so hard. Really makes one think.

>other people are replying to other threads

Exactly. No need to interfere with the natural process o this board. Heavy shilling, flooded by normies, slow regression to mean as board digests new wave. Revival as pills take effect on newcomers and shills are overwhelmed and flee to regroup.

Hiya I noticed this thread on the front page. Where are the all seeing prune bots again?

she needs to put down the pies and she would look fine

I think this whole thread is a blue pill, trying to get rid of memes, giving you what seems to be inside information but it pretty much is obvious info used to gain your trust and then tries to demolish the culture which has made this place great.

SAGE this thread now

Hey goyim, stop having fun and making easily digestible memes to appeal to the low attention masses. Just make long hard to read intellectual posts as we scream christcuck and other annoying nonsense at you.

yawn feeling tired feeling sleepy....sleepy... sleep

was crashing this board part of your plan, agent smith?

what a super smart skeptic you are!
you can't deny this board is padded with garbage
because there is sliding doesn't mean they have this thread in mind when they are doing business as usual

>demolish the culture which has made this place great
sorry, I know you like hanging out here, but the 'culture' is completely stagnant. people are way too desperate to coin the next meme - see "comped". What exactly is that one doing for us? The thing is people get too distracted with having fun that they don't take it upon themselves to learn and grow.

We need a new generation of propaganda, not more memes. Doesn't mean it can't be fun, but the memesphere is totally delusional and needs to be shot.

Bots are starting to show up. You're right for the most part OP, except the comedic elements should show up. BTW the special flag system was activated to hide bots from being easily identified, they tended to use rare proxies like isle of man.

not saying we shouldn't have comedy, we need it. It just can't be the primary focus that it is now if we are actually going to solve any problems

blame normies. everything we do gets filtered through Reddit, iFunny, then to Instagram, where it is so deluded from its original state that it cant be recognized.

>The solution is simple: anything that isn't remotely intelligent should be ignored/deleted/persecuted.
100% agree
I have 100+ threads hidden at all times.


>This means you have to give up memes and popular slang. You have to give up namecalling. You have to give up incomplete responses with only your opinion. You have to take it upon yourself to read more and have more complete answers to political questions.
I'm a lot more developed than you in my thinking. Here's what you do.

Make every post hit hard.

It's not about not namecalling or memeing. It's about making EXTREMELY concise posts. Some posts are BOMBS others are SCALPELS.
But the most important point you already covered: simply ignoring the shill noise.

"No matter what happens, it is important that you never give up or become discouraged. It is all nothing more than a sinister game played on your minds, in order to control you."

I feel like everyone here with an in over a hundred already knew this. You scroll through see the same topics every day. Ones by the way which break the sticky. The people of this site would rather just go into infinite threads asking why black poeples dicks are nice than talk about anything interesting. The interesting stuff usually always gets purged. So much autism


Meme's are what pulled me into this community and a great way to attract new comers, especially the youth. Meme's are one of the best introductions to the redpill. I stand behind both meme's and intelligent dialogue. Meme's are just the beginning. We need to focus on expanding our indentity into other mediums such as music, movies/tv, fashion, literature, etc.

>I'm a lot more developed than you in my thinking
Don't do that. Don't be like that. Bad.

Grace us with an example of your propaganda then

>can't detect sarcasm in a youtube comment


>Grace us with an example of your propaganda then
okay I made the mspaint of the little NEET at the computer by his bed- under the covers.
I also have a nice budding folder of pink wojacks, but I can't share those yet. it's not time.

why are there so many quivering cowardlyfagits on the internetz?


Wtf i love blue pills now

No, I'm pretty sure that's just how idiots like me think.

It's so awesome how "intelligence contractors" that run Sup Forums have been able to "redpill" me on things I knew back before www was a thing.

OP is the worst kind of LARPing faggot.

OP, you should kys.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Although, I do like the idea of Sup Forums attempting to be more intelligent, even if it was originally motivated by paranoid schizophrenia.

Bottom line:
You Jews can't stand that we know. The jig is up.
Your attempts at increasing the paranoia of this place are transparent.

>disinfo shill guaranteed to get replies

Symbols of national power used in non-brainwashed 6 gorillions free zones.


Merchant banks fear nationalism. Keep paying your mortgages, education loans, Wall Street Bailout tax, car loans and second mortgages. Keep giving so-called 'investors' your money to gamble on the stock market with. Stay asleep. Your government is in control.


Some interesting thoughts, user. I think it's getting to a point where it's impossible to know what is redpill and what is bluepill. We need to change the meta in order to assert that our beliefs and ideas are indeed our own.

>what if Sup Forums actually mobilizes and accomplishes tangible results.

It doesn't have to be legendary-tier hax or hate speech that will draw negative attention. Simple trolling of other communities for lulz, or regular petitioning of govt would also work. We have an online community here made up of real people, and (((others))). The (((others))) clearly work hard, while I feel most of us as you say simply browse waiting for happenings. Let us forge happenings and enact some change in this mess. Anonymous of old used to get up to all sorts of mischief, and while it was often lulzy trolling, oftentimes it was also with honorable intentions. I don't believe we need permission from Trump (who isn't perfect despite his worship on here) or Kek to actually do shit.

Just some thoughts, but yeah the redpills provide disillusionment and despair, and anons need a path to follow or a crusade to join to make use of their energy and passion. Otherwise we'll become cynical and even more removed from reality, as you have pointed out.

Tfw no qt Syrian nationalist waifu

>tfw you will never snuggle with asma on a cool syrian night

>they silence threads that go against their agenda
>this thread is top of the catalog
really makes me hmmmmmmmmmm

>don't believe we need permission from... Kek
we should probably seek his blessing just to be safe tbqh, I don't want any part of the Curse of Kek working against me

>missed gamergate
>still feels the need to talk

>4) Make replies that roughly agree with the original message but add in some element of insanity, eg: "esoterism", "meme magic", random murder/destruction to try to associate the message with mental illness etc.

I had a similar awakening a few hours ago. Mixing antagonistic sub species, finding fracture points within species, creating groups of disaffected, then propping that group up to into factions to attack the subspecies from within i.e. Feminism, atheism, etc...

We are all in a Jewish machine designed to keep us unfocused, emotionally daring, physically weak and mentally ill.

When you can look at feminist or AntiFa and be as emotionally charged by their rethoric as you are emotionally charged by seeing a culture dish of rabies... you'll know you've broken free of the matrix.

I mean sure sew some chaos in the name of chaos, but don't wait to get quads to do it? The digits arrive after the action, not before.

Shill spotted.

Oh good god this faggot bringing his drivel from 8ch here.

Go glow in dark somewhere else!

>cross-site jews
still no criticism

This is 8pol copypasta with a lazy s/8gag/Sup Forums/g passed over it. OP is a fag.

Isn't OP always a fag?


>still no criticism
There's a reason your shit threads get deleted over there now i've said it before and i'll say it again.

Random attacks against random jews and shabbos for no purpose is obviously not the way to go. This is literally like a fed infiltrating a militia group and then starting to advocate for bombings feverishly.

Say why don't you make a suicide vest and livestream your martyrdom and i'll believe you're not a fed and instead merely some insane person.

>There's a reason
assuming there is, you do not have the intellectual ability to describe it and never have

you are a brainless meme drone falling for the bot net's suggestions

>random attacks
you can't even read, you rely on strawmanning

And Germany was ruined by Hitler's actions. I'm not disagreeing that the UK and France were wrong to issue a guarantee to Poland over Danzig however Hitler was an idiot for choosing to test that guarantee.

bot shills revving up

Very well i admit it you have changed your copy pasta to one which calls for violence less directly but there another point in your post which is false.

Namely you make the allegation that these boards exist to " keep you unmotivated and apathetic" when the opposite is the case and overt pessimism and nihilism is looked strongly down on. There's almost always a self improvement general up, literature, fitness, gun ownership, reproduction, anti degeneracy are being constantly advocated for at both boards which i certainly would not call promotion of inaction.

I'll not waste more time on you since you are most certainly 1 a fed, 2 a commie 3 merely irrational.

I'm responding to the fucking pic in op you faggot.

well jew, if you just look at all the clickbait on both 8ch and Sup Forums you a story opposite to what you would tell

on 8ch they actively delete all the kinds of threads you mention. Here they just slide it with garbage.

The only threads being actively wiped on 2x4ch are literature ones as far as i know i don't agree with it but books have their own section over yonder. If it is thread censorship you are concerned over why don't you specifically make threads about that and perhaps you would have a warmer reception.

If so they are really shit at their jobs. I have to say I have become a more bigoted asshole since coming here.