Why are asians obsessed with trying to look white?

Why are asians obsessed with trying to look white?

They are obsessed in general

because whites are objectively more attractive

this is a slide thread

Because white is beautifull.

>why isn't anyone responding to my shit thread?
Fuck off faggot

Because they can only copy, not create

They recognize the superiority

>Because they can only copy, not create

idk why do whites use spray on tans. your president looks like a orange

>leaf making a good post

>paper, anime, ramen, sushi

They can create, just not with the raw tsunami of creativity that whites bring.

In Asian culture, the whole being white thing is still seen as a sign of higher class.
In American culture, Caucasians with tan skin convey a sign of being wealthy, while being pale gives off a sign that one works in an office all day, stuck in a 9-5. For reference, check Instagram.

...Why not?

Why are wars fought with guns instead of bows?
Why are cars made faster, not slower?

They want to attract a white husband who can give them superior babies.


All jokes aside, it's a class thing. Asians that never need to be in the Sun are much wealthier than those that do. No one in China wants to look like the farmers. The poor look isn't something that the middle groups want to imitate.

Chinese care remarkably little about the US and west in general and are focused on self advancement. This is not about looking white, but looking more like they are higher class. girls that can pose as high class and hang out at high class places are more likely to marry up.

In evolution, this is called peacocking and it's literally why lighter skins always emerge. Kings and nobles don't need to go outside and become the imitated, while the poor farmers that are stuck outside become the look to avoid. This natural trend will always cause a shift in lighter skins as countries emerge into the second and first world.

It's happening in India, and Spanish countries as they head towards 2nd world countries.

Middle East doesn't see women first so they might actually not have this trend.

Because they are white 2.0 and want white men to breed with them.

go look at r/aznidentity its hilarious they bash whites constantly but in the end seem to be obsessed with us.

My favorite was the guy who dyed his hair blonde and insisted that it had nothing to do with him wanting to look white but that he liked how it shocked people.

If they only spent half the time improving themselves instead of hating they would be much happier.

It's not just Asians either. Nogs do it just as much if not more.

They can also preserve, unlike actual whites.

Only the koreans

My friend, you have performed an amazing feat. I can knight you if you'd like.

why dont you have an asian side slag yet Sup Forums?

You're fucking blind if you have to ask. Every non-white has brown skin and black hair. White people are exotic, a novelty race with different hair colors, eye colors, and skin colors.

Yes please

Praise him
For he is the god of gods
In kek we trust


Your baby is gonna be ugly

I would create an army of Elliot Rodgers and Filthy Franks with her

>skin of the stars
>eyes of the sky

pretty obvious desu



The females be very, very hot.
The males will struggle.

Colonize internally