What's Sup Forums's angle on the Japanese Election?

Will the government sway left or right as a result of this?

Will Abe pull a Theresa May and actually lose seats as a result?

Is Koike a nationalist or a leftist in disguise?




Give me a TL;DR dont know shit about japan


Shinzo is a Conservative
Koike is a Nacionalist (But have a aliance with progressists)

Abe loses hopefully. Japan needs more diversity and he's against it and very anti Muslim.

>Will the government sway left or right as a result of this?
My knowledge of the nation of Japan is that they have an essentially crypto-fascist nation where the same party has been in control of the government for the past 60 years, and said party also works in tandem with organized crime

Nobody knows anything about Japan except it was bombed twice and produces strange porn as a result. Who actually cares who leads them? Rocket Man will wipe them out soon anyway.

Koike is supposedly a nationalist but she was shilled by the media so that was a bad sign. She turned out to simply be incompetent.

Leftties are in a disarray, dissolving, switching and making new parties.

Cuckservatives (the best we have) main party is probably going to have a pretty big win.

Oh so it is very much like Mexico.

How right am I

Abe will finally make the dream of the east asian co-prosperity sphere a reality

You have no idea how cucked this country is. Not as bad as the spicced and niggered up USA, but still. Anybody who thinks that my former axis country somehow slipped out of Jewish control is completely delusional.

I honestly have to wonder how Australians have this talent to shitpost so terribly.

Hehe Japanese would pronounce it "erection"

Now there's 2 of us... What ya gonna do 'bout it? Fuck an octopus?

I thought Abe belongs to Nippon Kaigi, seals japans off from refugees, pushes for for greater naval presence in the Pacific and the right to wage war and have a real standing army, and wants the emperor back in power.

The decling birth rate and the fucked work culture are the real problems here but when Abe was campaigning in my city he was just going on about Korea, which the old cunts in the crowd were lapping up.

People here are even more politically ignorant than they are in the west.

The people in Japan wouldn't invite murderers and rapists en masse, so no.

>work culture
97.6% employment for college graduate is a pretty good step
>birth rate
He's going to subsidies education which the cost hitherto is the biggest reason why couples don't have another child, although I think more gibs for pure-race babies are better.
That damned peninsula has been the curse of our nation for a century you gook apologist bastard, Abechan is right to talk shit about them

you mean corporate culture, which is almost as fucked up in the west

>97.6% employment for college graduate is a pretty good step
there's more to life than slavework you cuck

When Naruhito becomes a Emperor?

>The decling birth rate ... are the real problems
Confirmed proxy.

the Japanese mind is binary much like a pocket calculator, except instead of 0 and 1 it is honor and status

Emperor has no power

Higher employment = more demand for work = higher wages = people can afford to take some time off of work to pay their rents, tuition, etc

What happens if Abe wins and gets a larger majority than he currently has? Article 9 gets repealed?