if the war with north korea kicks off, would you willingly dodge the draft? how do you justify it to yourself if you love this country
If the war with north korea kicks off, would you willingly dodge the draft...
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There wouldn't need to be a draft, war with Korea would last a week tops
>war with korea wont turn into war with china/russia
you're so stupid
Are you seriously implying Russia and China will go to war with the US, the one country keeping their economies afloat, over Korea?
they'll jump at the chance to reshuffle post WW2 order
For me, I was born with a congenital heart defect and had open heart surgery in August. I’m not going anywhere near a military base. Downside is I die in my 40’s
>drafting for a war the Jews oppose
Drafts are for Jewish wars. To force able bodied conservative men to die for nothing and create an anti America sentiment at the same time.
There will be no draft in an actual war.
You realize that if we go to war with China and Russia, we'll cut off trade with them right? and it'll take about a month for their economies to fall after that
as long as they dont come off as a direct aggressor
so that history smiles on them
and their people will support them
> it's a 'the jews did it' episode
end yourself
if we go to war with russia and china the economy will collapse due to the lack of humans on earth.
>implying Vietnam wasn't a Jewish war designed to kill off conservative American men and create communist sympathy in America
this is retarded
>inb4 some 16 year old has an orgasm over ”kek wills it!! trips!! xd”
Im not fighting for that drumpf retard
Why dodge? I'd volunteer.
By this point China and Russia might be the ones to end North Korea due to how much of a bad investment it turned out to be.
Hell yeah I would. Fuck Trump and Jew Wars.
china and russia's economies wouldn't fall after a month, they're more likely to actually just grow stronger without the US's hold on them
>Fuck Trump
>t. cuckold
>throwing your life away to serve people who are only interested in lining their own pockets
if anything i'll be taking a flight to alaska and losing myself in the 17 million acre tongass rainforest
>willingly dodge the draft?
Great question user
>Reddit & Meme image
>Chokes on Jew puppet dick
sorry ausbro for redundant working bud :^)
>kneejerk reaction
Also forgot to mention that Every country in NATO will be obligated to go to war with them as well,that's almost every european country, there's literally no way they could win a 2 sided war
>china and russia's economies wouldn't fall after a month, they're more likely to actually just grow stronger without the US's hold on them
How so? Russia's economy is already suffering because of the sanctions we put on them
The only commie sympathizers are paid shills and dumb college freshmen who buy into the shill bullshit. Vietnam abandoned communism, as did china. No sane person would willingly support such a flawed system.
Love my country, hate da joos
If the first course of action isn't nuking them, it's not a war I care about risking my life for.
I dont love america
I dont know why anyone with a sane mind would
>53% white
>home of BLM
>home of degeneracy
>home of the SJW
>Taxed on taxes to pay taxes for taxes
>Income taxes almost half my paycheck
>Literally a police state
>Muh freedom is a meme
>Some states might as well be communist tier
>ruined the middle east and caused massive refugee flow into europe
>Been in a "war" for almost 2 decades wasting tax payers money and just making terrorism worse
Place is overall hell on earth
No idea why anyone would run out to go fight for it in a war.
You love everything i listed above so much you deem its worth of running out and dying in a war for? What a fucking joke. And these people call themselves patriots.
Patriots of pure garbage.
in a real war situation, NATO countries will probably start growing their own sentience and you'll see countries like Germany and France just pulling out of the situation
countries like russia and china would be willing to just squeeze their people and resources through propaganda and fascism
Draft? The moment a war breaks out, I’m throwing myself into the USAF.
>would you willingly dodge the draft?
yeah i would
>tfw to smart for war
> hating your own country
unless you believe in the secession of a certain part of the US, you're a traitor to the USA
feel free to go die for the jews goy
>Your a traitor for not liking how garbage your country truly is
99% no war with N.Korea
I woud MOVE to the USA just to volunteer
blueball situation would be bad for the US
Why in the hell would there be a boots on the ground war? Why are we still wantingnto use tanks and primitive bombs like it is 1940?
What do places like Area 51 exist for? I understood they were developing sophisticated weaponry that precluded personal involvement trench warfare. It is inefficient.
wars are always fought by men, not machines
simple fact of life
Secret end-all-be-all weapons don’t pay the bills user.
nice slinking around a wasteland dprk in the winter with a barrett 50 and a ghille suit wouldn't be the greatest event of my life.
You're retarded. What they'll do is keep funding an nork insurgency until America eventually decides to pull out. The key to dethroning America is by bleeding it dry economically, not in direct conflict. Both Russia and China know this.
>if the war with north korea kicks off, would you willingly dodge the draft?
Why do so many people think a war with DRPK would lead to WWIII and the reinstatement of the draft? There's no way China and Russia are in a position to go all in to protect the Norks. They'd push back from the table and let DRPK go down in flames.
Russia has had massive inflation and their economy is in shambles. China has had a huge economic slowdown and money is fleeing to the West. They will not go to war with the US. It will not cause WWIII and the draft will not be reinstated.
>Not gladly signing up to go rape some brainwashed North Korean girls and fuck some STD riddled South Korean plastic girls
>would you willingly dodge the draft?
Why would I go die for yet another Jewish war?
But to answer your question directly, I'm too old to be drafted.
>how do you justify it to yourself if you love this country
I don't love this anti-White, Jew infested country though.
China has already stated they would back NK if america striked NK first. Also I havent read much into russia but i know putin is getting really feed up with the sanctions being placed on his country.
who said i love america? place is a shit hole
This guy gets it
>also trips lmao fugggg :D
maybe, idk
>The key to dethroning America is by bleeding it dry economically, not in direct conflict
yes the key to dethroning america would be to split it up after weakening it economically, which will eventually happen, the cracks are already showing
for warmongers you libs really suck at knowing wtf goes on during war
They said the same shit sixty years ago faggot
oops, meant like not nice. i suck at proofreading.
any of us who do fight will kill the dodgers when we return.
the jews have truly won
An actual world war would unite Americans, but an expensive occupation of North Korea would not. And nothing would accelerate an American collapse more than another 10 trillion dollars added to the debt for yet another proxy war.
this. their low t levels are obvious.
they havent won if i'm not going to die for them, goyim
>An actual world war would unite Americans
Wishful thinking.
Maybe for like 1 or 2 years like the middle east invasion did but after that it just falls apart. Its artificial unification. After the hype is gone everything returns to "Normal"
I love the USA, the history and founding, the great and diverse land, the art and tech and most of her people I've been introduced to/became aware of.
If the Yanks ever need an International Brigade to fight in the Revolutionary War 2.0 I'm in.
You have no idea what Hell is mate, I seriously suggest two weeks in Coventry to cure you of your stereotypical American parochialism.
relax you little faggot, i'm paying for your supplies and your salary
what i said stands.
>her people
paki fuck off
|f Trump wants me to fight or die for him I would do so joyfully, and kill the enemy even more joyfully.
Whether its against people trying to do a coup against him or NORKS, it doesn't matter.
I kind of like how everyone knows america is a dump, we all talk about whats going on, The western world is dead as fuck and you now have a new PC/Marxist culture.
and then you dingos, after complaining about it all day, and seeing how vile the west has become. are so dumb and fueled on blind patriotism you would sign up for a war and die for a big pile of steaming garbage.
I honestly dont know whos more retareded. most of this board or Sjws.
I don’t love this country. I would leave for Poland.
Not if our God-Emperor-in-Chief presses the Button first. And you know damn well he wants to.
>You have no idea what Hell is mate
You havent lived in america yet.
Travel to California or MA
>its hell on earth
>I seriously suggest two weeks in Coventry to cure you of your stereotypical American parochialism.
I've lived in america for 24 years i know what im talking about you dim witted retard
the point stands. dodge the draft and expect to be killed upon our arrival.
well, move you whiny little fag.
China also wasn't dependent on the US sixty years ago
So edgy,
You know how much of a retard you are?
Already planning on it
>t.edgy lord
Have fun dying for this shithole you massive retard
the US is also dependent on China though
I would look forward to the draft.
It's because our country is not what we love. And yes we would love it to be that way again, but we are not being controlled (leadership) by people that have that kind of future in mind. The "leaders" are going for more destruction.
That's why China won't help the North Koreans out lest they want to suffer the same fate as Russia
You can love your country without loving JewSA Inc. faggot
fuck you, get out already. enjoy your 50% tax rates, you massive lying retard.
I would object to any actual combat role on the grounds that I refuse to kill another person. It’s part of my fundamental moral and religious ideology. I don’t believe that my obligation to my country overrides another person’s right to live.
I would happily assist with medical operations or anything they need me to do back here that doesn’t directly result in the death of a human. But I’m not going to help people kill each other.
And I’m especially not going to do it for Trump. I’d rather die trying to save a mentally retarded ferret than die because Trump told me to.
Nope user, if they'd take me I'd go. Fuck the norks. Had a neighbor who redpilled me on them when I was a kid. Talked about them just sending wave after wave of looks. Said the barrel on what ever gun he was using would get glowing red hot and need to be swapped out or it would melt. Said they still kept sending gooks. I'd go just to melt some fools that have been threatening to kill all of us burgers
>le don't want to serve the jews meme
I want low t betas to get drafted just so we can wipe them out of the gene pool
>back here
cowards who try to justify themselves are the most pathetic
nothing edgy about it. go jerk yourself off to some chomsky videos or something and cry about hegemony. watch some rick and morty.
All i see is a bunch of edge lord larps in here that sit on this board all day complaining about the state of this country. I guess rightfully so this place is a hell hole. But they then all put on this massive inflated sense of "Patriotism" when talks about war start.
Its like yea im gona go give my life to defend the worst nation/culture to ever exist in time and If you dont agree with me your a traitor because I drink mountain dew all day and play CoD so i know what being a patriot is all about.
>war with north korea
>the draft
WTF are you smoking? Do you have any idea how such a war would kick off and end?
They won't need your COD-playing vidya ass to push the buttons.
go hug a tree, homo.
Kim Jong Un forfieted his right to live the moment he started threatening other countries with WMDs
You can just say you're a pussy, and not have to type so much
>Coventry isn't so bad when compared to the entirety of California
sure, go back to jerking off to hentai and slurping on moutain dew as your country taxes the shit out of you and shits all over you. BUT YOUR A REAL PATRIOT BECAUSE YOUR A WAR MONGER! HAHAHAHAHAH
>watch some rick and morty.
Nah my IQ isnt that high for that show
You sound like a 14 year old trying to be edgy and tough. Go cry in your moms chest about the evil communists under your bed you borderline schizo
California just legalized "bug chasing" if you don't know what that means. Look it up.
i get a strong 5' 10" manlet with daddy issues feeling from this faggot
Or a medical role. I’ll wander around minefields dodging bullets all day long trying to save people, but that is the only type of role I would be willing to do overseas. I would not shoot another person even to save my life or the lives of my fellow soldiers, so putting me in a combat role would be idiotic.
I don’t believe it is possible to forfeit your right to live. Any person continuing to live still has a chance to learn from and atone for the harm they have caused. Everyone should be given that chance and the worst thing you can do is take that away from someone.
If they ain't paying me I ain't joining.
I went to their schools and paid my debt.
I don't owe the government shit.
Kim's goal in all of this is the forced reunification of Korea, what do you thin is worth more, the freedom of millions of people, or the on man who will take away their freedom?
Whoaa fuggg