User you voted for trump, but he wants to deport me. Will you save me??

>user you voted for trump, but he wants to deport me. Will you save me??

Other urls found in this thread:

Go save your own country of drug dealing commies

You have to go back.

Her eyes are huge


Why? Because you came here illegally? You have no right to be here. Get the fuck out and go through the process like everyone else.

not at all

post your tits and I'll consider writing a letter to Trump to keep you around

No. Sage

Ana is Cuban of Spanish descent

i'd save her illegal visit to a foreign country if you know what i mean

>sit down user, i think we need to talk..


Do you do windows?

you've never been close to a girl's face have you?

What is the process?

I would kill a man to live in the land of the free.

You have to go back.

I'd get her pregnant and send her back, doing my part.

Marry me joi and you'll never have to be deported

sure, i'll marry you if you dont have pancake nipples

no, fuck off back to srbija

You have to kill two men that are considerably browner than you.

I'd marry and breed with that, and anyone that wouldn't is a Trudeau-tier gayboy.

T-that will be really hard.


I could always marry you and pump you up like a hummer fueled by cum.

All the Juans here would rather get cucked than go back to Mexico


No. Sorry.


Nice tits tho, show them.

>user you voted for trump, but he wants to deport me. Will you save me??

I will save you the best way I know how.

The President, in his role of protecting the citizenry of the US, will deport you.

Once you reach your new home, you should immediately download and fill out the paperwork to return to America.

One last thought before you leave:


I would unironically betray the white race for a JOI hologram. The fuck have white people done for me lately anyways?

>wedding band
She's not going to be deported if she's married to an American white boi.

Depends on if you're marriage material. I doubt it though.

Yea just hide in my totally not a sex dungeon attic, Ignore the cage in the middle of the room besides that its quite homely.

>I'm bored user wanna watch some tele-novelas. Te Amo Muncho.

I believe you in Luiz Filipe.

Would be perfect if she has blue eyes.

why are cuban girls so hot?

Shit, I'll take it. When you're 30, any pussy is good pussy.

Plus, they are only getting lighter when they mix with us.

oy vey who could be behind this post

nobody cares bitch

Wow all these people saying they won't marry this just because she is latina. The delusion with these fat fucks is real. Blacks and whites are going to be bred out by Latin people in the USA

That's an Executive Order.

Nope, fuck off whore.

>No one took my bait, I'm mad

Yes you are, you worthless shitskinned piece of human garbage. Now fuck off and die.

Watch "Knock Knock". It's a shit movie, but at least you get to see her tits.

for u

The .000000000001 percent of Mexicans that look like Penelope Cruz.

I actually slept with one of them though but she was a stripper and then demanded to be my girlfriend. Fuck that shit. I'm a cold hearted alpha.

Ana de Armas is white, you fucking mongs. She's Cuban, but of 100% Spanish descent.

Id bleach her


>Ana de Armas is white,

the absolute state of bongistan

Just look at her. How the fuck can anyone claim she's not white? You must be trolling.

Who are you and how did you get in my room?

people here only orbit their political whores cringe lord fedora tippers

What bait? It's true. Feeling cocky? Wanna try and make me die. What part of us you from fatty?

She isn't real. She's a hologram.

NC, Charlotte. You know, that state you protested for half a year for kicking men out of the girls restrooms.

You fucking faggot.


>those green eyes
I saw this girl in the movie about the Jew gun runners who worked for the CIA. She's gunna be the next big thing, I hope she doesn't get weistein'd

>mfw not white
>mfw don't have to carry the burden of having white kids

I'm from Texas. You got lucky fat boy. It's not like you where man enough anyway.

Too bad for Texas, you a border hopping spic or just a lily white ivory tower faggot who's never had a day of hardship in your life?

If you let me suck your asshole, I’ll let you stay in my garage.

I'm married with 3 children and you have to go back. My the future of my white children hangs in the balance. Begone.

but i didn't vote for trump

Are you good with a mop ?

Fuck Trump and the US. Marry me and i'll make you norsk

Only of you're willing to live as a daruma girl in my basement

And you didn't vote Trump, so you can get the fuck out of the country you tried to destroy, you leftist cock-gobbler.

Not so fast Norbro.

all human eyes are about the same size, regardless of age. that's why babies' eyes look big, for instance. her eyes aren't bigger than normal; her head is just small. women have smaller brains than men even accounting for relative differences in skull size. she's probably pretty dumb.

>hope she doesn't get Weinstein'd
user, I...

You have to go back. Here, let me call ICE, they'll give you a ride.

Reminds me of lying shit eating she-beats like Whoopee Goldberg swearing up and down they'd leave the country if Trump won still fucking being here shitting up our existence with their opinions.

Stop breaking the law bitch.

Fuck that faggot. If you do the gay you're gay. He totally gay. And he's in the socialist party...

The RAISE Act will make European immigration the majority. Trump realizes he'll never win their vote so he decided to back it.

Yeah but he's your fellow white brother, amirite? only point is to tell this left leaning faggots that no white nation on Earth wants them to exist anymore.

sure your going to have to lay low in the basement. no thats not a prison cell its protection from ice. they cant take you away if they find you down here in the cel... protective room. now get in dont mind the legos glued to the floor in random spots i will be back after work and you can get some nice sausage to eat

*closes barred cell door

after a few days you should be to weak to resist and then i will "feed" you plenty. dont scream to much its a sound proofed basement and i wouldnt want you to weak to put up a little bit of a fight in a few days. poo where you want nobody will hear you

Half Portuguese half Spanish but born in the US. I'm from TEXAS. The toughest State in the country. I know alot of whites and hispanics who work their asses off, niggers are all lazy. I know real MEN. All you nc fags are all soft puppies who only complain about your problems but never do anything about it. Every single Mexican I have met have Ben hard working. Illegal or legal they run circles around you fat boy.

Blade Runner was torturous to watch

You've gotta go back

and I will whisper,

Divide and conquer someone else you wetback spic.

Pic with shoe on head and time stamp or not really you


>Green eyes
Castizos are white enough for me
hop on the dick sweetie

You aren't real

no you vapid idiot. my brother is going thorough the legal process with his wife and has been now for about seven years, even with the hep of pricey lawyers.

if he can do it, so can you. bye felicia

Time to call ICE.


It wasn't bad, but way too fucking long. I probably would have enjoyed it more if it was 45 minutes shorter.

No. I never loved you. Now hop up and down on my face one more time and then gtfo

Yes, we will make america great again.


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Why? :c Blade Runner 2049 is feels af