Why do people make drinking and driving out to be some horrible crime?

Why do people make drinking and driving out to be some horrible crime?

Think about it. There are millions of licensed drivers in the US, and tons of people drink alcohol, yet there are only a few thousand crashes involving alcohol each year.

Those are actually pretty damn good statistics considering how many people go out and get drunk as fuck every weekend.

It's not really that big of a deal.

open container is the gateway drug to libertarian

Alcohol effects people differently.

While some people seem to be fine driving drunk, others are an extreme danger to themselves and others.

>Ban women and old folks
>Allow drunk men
I bet accident rates would plummet

it's a good statistic exactly because people who drink don't drive.

I don't know many deaths resulting from DUIs, but the few I do (including my grandfather) are enough to justify its ban to me.

Compare it to pedophelia, I'm sure you don't know many (if any) victims of pedophilia outside meme-tier "ewwww an ugly 20yo DARED talk to me when I was 17" drivel, but I'm sure you oppose pedophilia anyway.

Any crime that causes harm to other people is a bad crime. If you wanna go drive your motorcycle drunk fucking go for it. Dont get in an SUV and drive drunk because then you put other people at risk because of your own selfish stupidity.

Drunk driving can be dangerous, but 0.08% BAC is bullshit.

kill yourself.
Drinking and Driving is no laughing matter.

>Why do people make drinking and driving out to be some horrible crime?

My father was made an orphan by a drunk driver.

So why don't you go fuck yourself.

trips of truth.

seriously, if you legally condone inebriated driving you are opening a can of worms.

I generally hate the slippery slope argument. But I've seen mere social acceptance (within smaller social circles) condone this behavior "because they can handle it" right into unsuspecting innocents.

Have you considered how prevalent DUI would be without the stiff penalties and social stigma?

Nothing wrong with open container (legal in NZ). Just don’t be over the limit.

No federal law against drinking and driving.

Uncle lost his arm in a motorcycle crash because a drunk driver drove into him. He was a professional motocross racer and had his entire life stripped from him because someone that can't handle their alcohol decided to drive home. Think about what you're trying to argue for a second

After drinking 4 beers I still drive better than that old lady down the street when she is sober. Assuming the stats back me up, how is this acceptable?

>There are millions of licensed drivers in the US, and tons of people drink alcohol, yet there are only a few thousand crashes involving alcohol each year.
maybe because drinking and driving is illegal and even one incident can literally ruin your entire life


Agree. Think about how shitty of drivers many people are when completely sober. The truth is that you can't drive for shit if you can't drive on a couple of beers, but driving is inherently risky and there's no reason to make it moreso. Also, wear, a seatbelt.

Driving sober is difficult for most people.

I've noticed minorities can't seem to drive well. It has to do with being unable to process information quickly and efficiently or plan for the future.

because there is a large industry built around DUII and a lot of it is owned by the judges and their friends, any state that has gone zero tolerance only did so to make their buddies rich. in my state a judge owns the non-profit "victims panel" that you are required to attend when you enter diversion. half the people I was in diversion weren't even driving when they got their DUII, only 10% are driving while at a BAC of .08 % or above.

I have to go to court for a dui next month. Flipped my car over like 20 seconds away from house. Feels bad

>this banned thing doesn't kill many people so let's unban it

It doesn't kill many people BECAUSE it's banned you fucking subhuman ancap nigger drunkard piece of shit parasitic waste of space welfare queen NEET fucking faggot.

Why is it so fucking difficult for you to just not drive when you can barely walk in a straight line? Just hire an Uber you fucking cunt. It won't kill you.

Massachusetts is going to rape my bottom

I can go out, get in my car, chug a 5th of vodka and race on the interstate right fucking now.

Bans don't stop shit.

I drive drunk all the time and I can confirm I'm a danger to society. I've been pulled over like 5 times and not given so much as a ticket. If one of these lazy pigs doesn't take my liscence away in going to kill somebody.

Saying four beers doesn't mean anything. What really matters is the percentage of alcohol in your blood stream which depends on your size, time between intakes and the strength of the drink.

Also, just know that alcohol can effect ones own judgment. Under the effects of alcohol it can be really difficult to recognize your own lack of balance, coordination and risk assessment.

Carrollton, KY (1988)... Drunk driver plows into school bus, killing 27 children injuring 34

Tell us again how drunk driving is no big deal

Statistically speaking, driving drunk isn't as bad as being a nigger. With that being said, know your limit or accept the consequences of your actions.

>0.08 is meme
I can attest that 0.08 is probably the absolute maximum I can have in my system and safely drive. I've driven below 25mph through my own neighborhood above 0.08, I regret deciding to do so, and I can attest that I would absolutely have put my passengers' lives in danger on a highway or faster rural road.

Many people can't accurately judge their own BAC, and it's important to note that even if you have a pocket breathalyzer that's still an inaccurate gauge. There has to be an arbitrary legal line somewhere.

the next year of your life is going to suck...I had to ride my bike to work, and attend those stupid classes all while being rapped for every cent they can get from you. I had a BAC of .05 there was a guy that got popped at .04 while riding a skateboard, and others that were riding bikes.

I have a coworker whos wife’s sister drove drunk and ended up driving 80 mph on the wrong side of the highway and crashing killing herself

>Alcohol effects people differently.

I can't consume booze at all, let alone drive under the influence. I don't see any reason anyone should in this day and age. If you can't have one or two at the bar after work, you may have an issue.

t: alcoholic in recovery

old people need to pay the same penalties as drunks. rode in front of some old fuck who decided two lanes were better than one for probably 2-3 blocks. should have to pay 10k and go to months of driving school classes for that bullshit

Your argument is logically unsound. Her bad driving is a red herring to the argument that DUI is dangerous because it inhibits rational driving ability.

Sounds like you haven't come to terms with a drinking problem.

Alcoholic father used to say this while arguing his drinking wasn't bad.

And you can also get arrested if you do that. How old are you? Are you just realizing that legislation isn't coupled with space lasers that will immediately detect anyone starting to break a law and incinerate them? You could go out right now and break many laws. But there is disincentive is you probably value your freedom more than you would like to do that thing. You could also lose your license doing that, and nothing is physically stopping you driving without a license, but again, you are strong incentivized against doing so.


fuck you op their are enough faggots on the road who cant drive for shit and you want to add something that impairs driving further.

Personally i think anyone who drinks and drives or uses their cell phones while driving should be shot. Waste of spaces and prone to accidents. Normally they are rosties too.

do you live on a mountain at least? trying to wrap my head around how you flipped a car in a neighborhood.

I can't drive after 2/3 beers, but I can do a dab and smoke whatever joints are around and still drive fine, if a bit slowly

>be white
>be republican
>never be arrested for drunk driving even though I did it

It's literally the "lockup the spics" law.

The only people i've met who were arrested for this were totally fuckin liberal weirdos and the police fucking know this. It's selectively enforced.


it takes two cars to crash, your dad was a shitty driver he shouldn't have gotten hit

Japan has zero laws against open container in public or drinking while driving. Cops will even offer to help guide you home if they see you driving wobley, check their drunk accident records....

This is Jacqueline Saburido.

The picture on the left is what she used to look like. The picture on the right is what she looked like after crossing paths with a drunk driver.

In 1999, Austin Texas, her car was hit by a drunk driver. Two in the car died instantly.

The car burst into flames, and this is the face she will have forever as a result of the drunk driver.

>woman crashes
hold the phone

dude losing his arm probably saved his life if he was a "professional motocross racer"

british 4/10

>wahhhh muh absolutes jail & destroy people's lives because they had one beer

I'm a rural retard drumpf voter. My car spun out from me hitting the brakes wicked hard around this big curve right down the street from my house and I hit this little lip of a curb and it somehow flipped my fucking car. I was going 40 which is the speed limit.

I'm from Montana and in our state Drinking and Driving is tradition. Drinking WHILE Driving is a tradition. It predates the car, stagecoach drivers used to be as drunk as they wanted. Our state is the only state to have consistently gotten an F from Mother's Against Drunk Driving every year since it's inception. F for Freedom! And will tell you all this: Practice makes perfect. Some liberal wrote a book a few years ago where is this was if you spend 1000 hours doing something, you're an expert. If you spend a 10000 doing something, you're a master. Master your drunk driving skills!

Fuck off MADD. Yes it's bad to operate heavy machinery while drunk. No it's not bad enough to ruin someone's life forever. Increase punishment is the wrong way to go, instead make drivers licenses harder to get in the first place, like Japan.

Bad drivers are bad. Some of them are also drunk. Honestly, alcohol becomes only a problem if you're so wasted you can't walk straight or if you're so tried you're about to fall asleep. I wouldn't recommed drinking and driving, though, since you'll go to jail if you get caught.

Ya. My grandpa was really in the wrong sitting there at that stoplight just waiting for that drunk driver to plow into him.

driving at a .08 is literally no big deal
driving at .14 is absolute negligence and is a rightfully jailable offense

mckill yourself & join your dad

you don't get drunk of one beer moron.
If you're suicidal enough to drink and drive, do everyone a favor cut it out and go to church or kill yourself without harming anyone.

drinking a driving is about a dangerous as living around Muslims, it would seem, given how far back you have to find stories about it.

seems a bit high for a residential area, but damn. were your struts absolute garbage at the time? you only hit a damn curb

Amerimutt reading comprehension everyone

Fact: that's how it used to be in all countries. Until MADD got involved, the police would help you home and give you a ride.

Source: My friends father told him

Should have let her die too.

She has pretty genes. Would you do it? For the children?

ive unironically clapped during plane landings the past two flights ive had. im not sure why others join in, but i felt power during that moment

Christ I don't remember driving with any adult in the 80s that wasn't drinking while driving. This was in Arizona. All our politicians were roaring drunks for decades.

Stupid progress

It didn't used to be a big deal, but there are to many people on the roads these days to drive on the curb.
I think it's more that people get over confident.

>Source: My friends father told him

In Ga. there's now case law as of this year that suggests the coppers can't demand you submit to a breathalyzer, the idea being that it is self incriminating.

Drinking at 1.25 is somewhat unsafe

Brooklyn, 2013

Raizy and Nathan Glauber were on the way to the hospital because Raizy was in labor, expecting the birth of their first child.

That is until a drunk driver in a BMW plowed into their car.

Raizy and Nathan were killed. They tried to save the unborn child with an emergency c-section, but the baby died later in the hospital.

But it's OK, because the BMW driver probably only had a few beers, right?

wait wait wait wait wait you actually want to make drivers licenses harder to get like in japan so you can justify people drunk driving

Drunk drivers killed my 7th grade science teacher, my co workers brother and my uncles best friend.

Please kill yourself before you take out an innocent bystander. Drunk drivers should be shot.

>I'm sure you don't know many (if any) victims of pedophilia
Myself for one. And there are way more than you'd expect. Huge amount of kids don't report it. But my mother drove drunk and is now crippled from the waist down. I don't have a problem with people doing that to themselves but putting another person in danger is degenerate. Especially if you're just driving drunk for the hell of it.

Then go drink and slam into a pole

Give your uncle a hand for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, shit happens kiddo

Refusing to submit to the test is meaningless, since then they'll just arrest you, drive to a hospital and have them draw blood from you. If you're innocent, you're wasting everyone's time. If not, you would have gotten caught anyway.

>0.08 is th maximum I can have in my system and safely drive
Just because you’re a little pussy lightweight faggot doesn’t mean everyone else is bitch nigga.

Ita very obvious, legit alcoholics suffer zero consequences since their life is in shambles all ready, yet god forbid I with my absolutely clean adult record get caught after 2 beers.

4th and 5th amendment violation, they will just do what every other state has done and pass implied consent laws and suspend your driving privileges and fine the fuck out of you if you refuse to blow and your car insurance will double because it will be considered a major traffic violation.

>t. pussy faggot

I've done it before. As a 200 lb 6'2 man, alcohol doesn't do much to me, I'm fairly certain the amount I need to consume to get to what most people call drunk is enough to start doing liver damage.

What happens is you get distracted really easily. It's incredibly dangerous, driving a car is something that really requires your full attention. I have also found that controlling speed is a challenge, at one point I was doing 80 mph in a 35 and didn't realize it.

Even 2-3 drinks is enough to wreck your attention, although it's generally considered safe and is below the limit.

That's the cost of freedom.

I NEVER drink alcohol maybe once every 5 YEARS but I got super fucking drunk after work one night with some co-workers about a year ago and drove home at 4 am and it was about an hours drive home and I was going 100 mph the whole way and I don't even remember stopping my car once. Didn't get pulled over barely remember the night but that was the only time I drove drunk

Cool story Teddy Brosevelt

When I'm driving drunk, I compensate by caring way more about how I'm driving because I don't want to go to jail.

You probably were scared shitless and actually drove 20 mph

The amount of subhuman Americans justifying driving while drunk is appalling.
Literally 56% face right now.

are you fucking stupid? I'm bigger than you manlet and if I have 6 shots on a relatively empty stomach I'm smashed. Fucking fedora faggot

They all should be beheaded in front of their loved ones and their loved ones raped and then beheaded in front of the community

because MADD shoved propaganda down all of our throats for decades with the eager help of the government which is always looking for new ways to fuck over citizens and take their money

now and people take it as gospel

By the way, all of the drunk drivers in these three incidents...

Are now serving between 15-30 years in prison as a result of their drunk driving.

The police, and society, aren't going to put up with irresponsible drunks who have only avoided killing someone by sheer luck.

In many states now, if you injure but don't kill someone while drunk driving, you're looking at 10 years in prison.

If you kill someone while drunk, you're facing up to life in prison.

Drunk driving collisions are not "accidents", because the word accident implies that no one is to blame.

Every driver who gets behind the wheel drunk makes the choice to do so.

If they were only killing themselves, I wouldn't care less. But they're not, they're killing everyone else.

Lock em up.

>>Obeying traffic laws like a real faggot

>hits wall
>hits telephone pole
>hits tree
user, do mankind a favor and kill yourself.

How is it a red herring? If I'm a better driver with a few beers in me than an old lady is sober why should I not be allowed to drive when she is?

you are probably and alcoholic, most people normally stop drinking well before they get that drunk.

lmfao that is one of the greatest scenes in cinema history.

High center of gravity + drunk = whoops.

For whatever reason, Mexicans in the US have a massively higher rate of DUI/fatal crashes involving alcohol than the general population. It's just part of their culture to get barracho and behind the wheel of their 93 Ford Ranger with 300k miles and vaya con dios.

You can't be 1488 and comporting yourself like like a tequila-pickled spic, comprende?

>for the hell of it
Is there another kind of drunk driving, apart from roastie "muh had to escape LITERAL RAPE of ugly beta sitting on the same couch as me"?

How many times does a drunk driver have no other options? Even driving a critically injured friend to the hospital, I don't know if they're statistically more likely to die than if you'd just waited for the 911 response.

In burger at least, we have such tremendous social structure that almost every "muh needed to drive" emergency basically boils down to "I knowingly drove my car to a drinking event planning to drive home drunk, and don't want to pay a few hours' wages worth of cab fare to avoid that."

that is probably a lie, I know a guy that crippled someone while drunk and he only got 6 months.