How do we fix China?
every baker's dozen decades or so they kill themselves by the millions, it'll happen again soon
what's there to fix?
that's china's job.
i'd worry about yourselves first
stop trying to fix shit just let it be
Is in debt, its poor, theres a massive sex imbalance with far more men than women, they are old before getting rich and will get millions of old people with no one to take care of them, all while rearming to try to protect sea lanes while hated by every neighbor and stopping to grow and thus seeing less social cohesion and possibly more unrest
Lower their population by about 400 million
Thatll just cuck them
We memed for the uk, we can memefor china
No. They can look after themselves.
>in debt
it's in debt because the (((US))) say it's in debt
Re-establish the Empire
Chinese Nationalism for a new century!
Fuck them, they stole our monster trucks
It's full of chinks.
>Qing flag
Fuck off inbred manchu.
>they stole our monster trucks
What if the rest of China was consistently of passable quality like Macau or Hong Kong?
how would that work? cant have the entire country dependant on casino bux and being a port
China is fine, worry about your shitholes first. You're cucked and full of muddies.
>You're cucked and full of muddies.
>checks flag
Silly whitey, we are arabs ourselves, infact we beat those kaffir that refuse to respect the law, while you welcome with open arms. Hell I bet you're a swedencuck that is so ashamed of his own country that he has to hide behind the EU flag. Reminder that white guilt is an alien concept to italians.
>white guilt is an alien concept to italians.
cant have white guilt if u aint white
That's not italian, that's african, italians are arabian.
Nice shill, now fuck off
Step on the gas and clone/lebensraum a billion pure aryans to recolonize it.
>Battle flag of Iron Cross with Dragon's Mouth/Claws around it