After Google killing the daily stormer, pol’s death is certain

Kekistan migration crisis incoming. Where do we go?

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Back to plebbit
Stay there

Lets do what the Mexicans do

what said

Make a strong effort to takeover Sup Forums

Somewhere that doesn't ban users for shitposting about Shia's flag.

Back to IRC.

I built my own imageboard software a while back, and all it needs is a little fix-up to get it running well. Should I set up a site to work as a back-up in case anything ever happens to this place?

maybe /nupol/ on eightchan. their current Sup Forums is useful but not as lively as this due to the intense restrictions on dialog. i got banned several times for "defending the jews" and "chronic shitposting", despite being a full blown WN and Trump voter in everything i espouse


R.I.P Mainstreem...

Someone's 2 months late.

this desu

neogaf, oh no wait

One of the Sup Forums clones I suspect, this isn't the only board like this. It's an anonymous image board, this is the natural consequence of anonymity- people's actual opinions.

I'm currently developing a closed, invite-only political imageboard. I already have the domain registered and around 40 people who I trust enough to allow in. The site itself is pretty much complete, I need to tweak a few things here and there, but for the most part it's functional.

Pol's death will come via mods. It will be a slow process, maybe 2 years.


we hijack another chan, like hispachan

the cats outta the bag, its only a matter of time before all the goyim know

invade another platform?

We just need to redpill skeptic audiences. Many of them are getting tired of the stale content now that anti-feminism is no longer relevant. They're extremely bluepilled and they would be hostile, shareblue has a presence... but we could do it, on an individual level. Just imagine taking down youtube in retaliation for the loss of Sup Forums.

exactly, pay back time

Please, just anywhere but here.

That's good for planning and discussion of certain topics. Invite only forums lead to an eco chamber

iFunny obviously

>Kekistan migration
Why wait for Google my man? Just fuck off right now

Lefty tears

Make it a public Sup Forums where you can send invites to random anons

(Creative way of admiting mistake goes here)

If they ban this place they will ban the others

It's been fun watching the fall of civilization with you bros, but I think it's time to step forward and inflict upon the world my upbringings.

omg good idea i think ill sell it to a gook and let mark zuckerberg bend me over backwards too

Get your 14.4K modems ready and activate your land lines. Its back to the BBS.


>Daily stormer

I dont think you know what you are talking about.
>OP is a fag

maybe not literally, but you're right, we need to go back to the roots of the internet, back when shit was prepared for fucking doomsday. Then again, IRC is fine with me.

Sup Forums is not ready

Ds is still alive and Anglin will probably eventually sue to get his .com. back

7chan or shrekchan

shell and Lynx u disgusting plebs

If all of POL moved to reddit that would backfire so hard for the people who want this shut down.

it would result in so many conflicts and ultimately the pure dissemination of pol ideology into the mainstream.

In pol its contained and seeps out. Imagine a stampede of poldicks forced to be on reddit

It's Sup Forums, you albanian gypsy.