Brit/pol/ - Fucking Spies edition

>Tory Government to Accelerate Immigration from the EU

>Returning jihadis allowed back, not prosecuted ‘as not all are dangerous’

>Theresa May appeals to EU for deal she can 'defend' to British people amid demands for huge divorce bill

>Theresa May calls for new dynamic for Brexit deal - but Angela Merkel says it's 'still not enough'

>Former DCI Peter Kirkham: The Met is on the brink of collapse, May needs to stop the cuts

>Mandelson Lies About Single Market

>Crime stats show a country not at ease with itself

>Finnish Foreign Minister urges Britain not to give in to pressure to reverse Brexit

>Dutch Premier confirms he is Britain’s greatest ally in Brexit negotiations and revealed he phoned Theresa May pleading her to give ground in EU divorce bill

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

You like that Joe Owens guy huh? An authentic British voice, for sure. His suggestions lack glamour and idealism, but you can't say he's wrong.

he is a little nonce

>muh immigrants propping up muh NHS

love to hit his stupid fucking bonnet

hello is thid spurdo/pol/?

Finally, other Brits who are awake. Why are you lads up at this hour?

I stumped on his youtube channel a few weeks ago, he has some pretty based books on his shelf, goes in on tommy robinson

I had him down as an ok guy
was gonna make contact with him but put it off

sleeping pattern is pretty fucked. i'm trying to fix it the steady way - shock doesn't work on me.

stumbled* ffs

I'm up following the neogaf implosion. Behind on work as well and that already threw off my sleeping pattern enough yesterday.

i do nights and its my night off so fuck getting my sleeping pattern sorted out

could i have a quick rundown, haven't been following this

Sleep pattern’s fucked too desu. No idea how to properly fix it since staying up all night and day doesn’t seem to work.

The owner allegedly sexually harassed a woman, which in turn lead to his administrators and moderators resigning from the forum. Last I checked the site was down as well.

Who else is blocked from posting on Sup Forums after the neofaggot shit?

the head of neogaf has gotten in trouble for sexual assault or something and the website's completely collapsing in the meantime. the mods have disappeared, and i think the site went down completely a couple of hours ago.

get a job desu, that will fix it sharpish

good riddance, liberal infested shit hole like that needs to be purged, the faster they fuck off from the industry the better

>Girl you know was offered alcohol by a paki on her way home
Tis the way of England

Just posted lad, no issues here

>mfw i live in a 98% white area

sleeping pattern is fkd
laid off looking for new work
what are you lads up to anyway?
what region you in.. Glouc here

can any other britanons weigh in on this

Just listening to some music lad

they range banned our and leafs ips i think, too many bants, i have a shekelpass so thats why i can post

good goy

idk why hiro hasnt removed the Sup Forums mods yet, they're fucking sjw kike cancer. banning england and canada is surely overstepping the line

Post successful.

>Center of the Sun
Groovy, cheers lad

No, they definitely didn’t rangeban Brits or Leafs. I was able to post on the board fine and I don’t own a pass. Strange desu.

My house mate caught me on Sup Forums before, am i fucked lads? me and my friends where having a drink one night and somebody brought up Sup Forums and started spewing the usual nazi pedo shit, obviously not knowing there are other boards but everyone came to the conclusion that it was similar to and only weird and fucked up people go there. i just kept my mouth shut

i only lurk of Sup Forums, only very rarely post if something tickles my fancy, but is seems the SJW's are seeping into any available crack in whatever industry they think needs "enriching" and it fucking fires up my synapses like nobody's business

check out these if you liked that, they are quite similar

yeah i don't know whats going on then Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

I wouldn’t say you are fucked. Why don’t you sit them down and introduce them to the site? Failing that, you could just say you were on here as a one-off out of curiosity. Be careful next time if it is an issue in your residence.

I stopped gaming as much years ago, so I almost never visit Sup Forums these days. My go to boards are Sup Forums and Sup Forums, occasionally /k/ and /lit/ when I am in the mood.

>Prison officers armed with incapacitant spray to defend themselves against inmates


> you were on here as a one-off out of curiosity

i had 2 monitors with like 6 threads open on multiple boards desu. if he brings it up in the future (which i know he will) i'll just introduce him to Sup Forums so he can spurg out over the rick and morty threads

The absolute state of our prisons lads, how long before more officers than inmates are hurt due to "friendly spray"

Bring back Corporal punishment

Clamping down on tobacco products with the aim eventually banning smoking in prisons was a mistake. They said themselves that they fully expected violence but obviously they couldn’t deal with it.

If you’ve got a person doing a long stretch, the last thing you want to do is take away the only thing they enjoy. It won’t end well and it hasn’t ended well. Nobody but themselves to blame for this situation.


i went to a prison years back for a tour, and i was fucking livid at how the Muslims had pretty much taken over a few wings and made everyone who was not Muslim basically tolerate this, they even took over the gym so the white lads could not lift.

I had a little laugh though when the PO showed us the cell where they keep the suicidal ones and he said that one of them killed themselves last week in there

What the fuck is this shit

Why have I been range-banned from Sup Forums

some people have, some haven't. It's because of the Neogaf stuff, apparently talking about a video game website on a board for video games is a no go

why cant I sleep at human hours

Well if you're going to fill the prisons with 3rd worlders we're going to have to go back to 3rd world techniques to keep them in line.

It may sound a bit LARPish, but hopefully the government imprisoning more “far-right” activists in the future under the new law(s) might help out the white lads already inside. Suicides are rampant in prison because the authorities are incompetent arseholes who can’t keep those in their care safe from themselves or others.

glad it's not just me, just been reading about it on /qa/

Only wanted to correct some American who said
>Halloween is an American thing only

The absolute state of it

Reminder that RobinHoodUKIP is (alongside other """right-wing"""" youtubers) a pro-israel and jew shill

we should really put all the jews in one place though ;)

Does brit/pol/ support mods or rockers?

Pava spray is not a third world technique, though. We should be offering the jobs to those with a military or close protection background and arm them with batons and tasers as standard kit. It is clear that the current lot have lost control of our prisons.

true story lad, i was the only one on my college course who wanted to join the fire services so they just put me with everyone who wanted to join the police or work in a prison.

>wanting to ride a vespa
no thanks m8ty

better training, equipment and funds are a must to turn the tide in our prison system, maybe the take no shit attitudes from ex-military might work.

You lads up early for the 0800 service?

The North is depressing.

>dislikes British mods to American rockers
>military instead of armed forces
Silly Yank.

>dislikes British mods to American rocker
never said i like the rockers famalam just that the vespas are gay

>military instead of armed forces
potato, tomato
they still shoot people

go back to bed lad

>better training, equipment and funds are a must to turn the tide in our prison system, maybe the take no shit attitudes from ex-military might work.

Absolutely spot on, but where will this funding for better training and equipment come from? We need to start making cuts elsewhere. I also think prison staff deserve a wage increase for the shit they have to put up with on a daily basis.

I apologise for using that word myself. I should have known better.

>My house mate caught me on Sup Forums before, am i fucked lads? me and my friends where having a drink one night and somebody brought up Sup Forums and started spewing the usual nazi pedo shit, obviously not knowing there are other boards but everyone came to >the conclusion that it was similar to and only weird and fucked up people go there. i just kept my mouth shut

lol @ this

increase government funding, no more "diversity budgets", stop gibs, where ever they choose to get it people are going to be pissed, but unless you have seen the problem first hand then you know something needs to be done.

as for the wage increases i agree to a point, could be useful to recruit more people into prisons, but one could argue that they knew what they where getting themselves into when they signed up.

I would say that the prison system in this country needs to be rebuild from the ground up, or at the very least a major reshuffle on how Prison officers can act in certain situations

Any of you lads seen the new qt Sky News anchor? she's on now

I did some time inside when I was a stupid teen, first and last time.

You have to respect the officers, but I think its all private now whereas when I was inside it was still HMPS, met staunch officers in Glen Parva, they would literally beat you up if you gave them shit. I seen them beat up Nigs for joke.


No more diversity budgets, start charging for GP visits and certain treatments, and reinstate the death penalty for severe crimes. That ought to save the country a bit of money in the long run.

While we’re at it, cut the salary of MPs and Lords along with any extra benefits that may come with the job. Deport niggers.

If only..

The death penalty is famously expensive.



You have to have faith. God will save us when the time is right.

lol, aryan brotherhood pepe

cheers lad

Ban more than one appeal and execute them within two years (compared to America’s fifteen or so) of their conviction date.

You’re the lawyer here, how feasible is that? A bullet is cheap compared to, say, lethal injection or the electric chair.

You’re very welcome, mate. Enjoy it.

>Deport niggers

don't forget the muslims and the SNP lad

Queers, too.

Sweden can have them.

I'm not a lawyer, but good look maintaining public support when you see a high level of false executions come to life. America doesn't have such an excruciatingly complex and drawn out death row just for the bants.

>good look
I must be tired...
>Good luck*

Sun will be up soon. Cream crackered, me.

>Sweden can have them
how devilish lad

after watching this shambles, i think Britain would never get the death penalty

told you lad, go back to bed

Who the fuck is this plank talking?

Cuck v Hitchens, bloody hell

thought i posted this instead

its manly about free speech but they talk about some issues regarding the death penalty, its a hour long if you have nothing to watch but beware, the audience if filled to the brim with liberal SJW types

bbc three is pure cultural marxism i fucking detest it desu

cheers btw

Okay, you’ve made a fair point. I honestly cannot argue with that.

The absolute state of our Milit..Armed forces

Just another bm/wf couple on normie box

Joe Owens, not Owen Jones, you spastic.

>tfw half Swedish
fuck you cunts. Sweden is far more redpilled, racist and radical than Britain

Tunnocks Fucking Teacakes DESS~ WAA!

I hope you get an aggressive cancer.

mean desu

Goodness, I appear to have woken at what could be considered a normal time.

I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful Sunday.

Plenty of men to investigate Twitter comments, wear women's shoes and paint their nails though.


s o o n

This country has no future.

Andrew Marr show on in 5 mins lads

I had a triply dream

When Peter Calpaldi hosts a paranormal documentary show highlighting trolls and goblins and other monsters in the real world
>tfw I'm the camera man
>tfw he runs off and I get eaten by a troll and wake up

You bastard calapadi

Tunnocks,how are you this morning?

He ran round a corner and the troll was waiting for me and lunged at me
I shat myself, while he ran straight past it

The met is probably one of the least cucked one in the south

the army has always given its recruits drugs.
If you are sniffed up you are going to be quicker on the trigger

Drug abuse was always quite common, pills , cocain and steroids taking was an open secret.
The state trying to break up and replace the family unit as usual.


>tfw I actually want to join the Royal Marines


If you hit your child you are a bad father and should be beaten yourself

>The state trying to break up and replace the family unit as usual.
It's the same reason dictatorships go after religion, the state for them needs to be the highest power, and religion and the family unit undermine that.

I agree, but as the father it is your decision, not the states.

State is the fatherland

Psycho fathers who are strict should have their authority undermined

I disagree, I used to be strangled and beaten a lot by my mother when I was a child and I turned out fine

I hope this is bait.