Why aren't you an individualist, Sup Forums? If you want to maintain your ability to think rationally, you should reject nationalism and other forms of group identity. Once you identify with a group, you make yourself susceptible to group think.
Why aren't you an individualist, Sup Forums? If you want to maintain your ability to think rationally...
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in a society of individualists, ((people))) implementing a tribal (group) strategy have a systematic advantage.
This is why we're in the mess we're in.
and by "we", i don't mean you, OP.
because humans aren't individuals, they are groups
you can't be an individual ant
Oh, but I am.
Because mixed people are ugly and have no culture or identity.
We have never been more individualistic than we are right now. There has never been more psychological problems than right now.
Other way around, jackass. Homogeny actually increases individual diversity, at least among spiders. If it is the same in humans, then the more multicultural a country is, the more uniform group behavior will be seen.
Spic countries actually do elect conservatives now and then, believe it or not, but as for the idea of spics electing a conservative in the US? Laughable. They bloc vote. Increasingly, so do whites.
Fuck off with thread, OP.
Because I was born into a certain family, in a certain ethnic group, with a certain history and a certain culture. So I'm not some atomised "individual" (and neither are you), and whether or like it or not you're had certain group identities that you did not choose but that you also can't change since you were born, and you'll have them for the rest of your life.
So radical individualism is mistaken.
I am an individualist. I'm a nationalist that's impregnating an Asian girl that's prettier than that one, and don't need no socialism.
Feelings & emotion as opposed to logic & reason that's our problem PC is eating us alive.
>impregnating an Asian girl
Sorry to hear that you've given up on life
>reproducing and passing on genes
>given up
wew, worship some more blondes you'll never even touch, lad.
>attaching yourself to a non-human
Brunettes > Blondes btw
Asian virgin qts > white non-virgins
Wife who you want, lad, but don't tell me I'm the dumb one here.
There is also a 100% correlation between having a human wife and having human children. So tell yourself whatever you need to to convince yourself that your mongrel chinkspawn will somehow be "your son"
Do you have a vagina?
Does your chinkwife?
If you and I are with 8 other people in a competitive situation, and I and 4 of those people define ourselves as a team based on some shared characteristic, and start working as a team together, we 5 will have a systematic advantage over you and the 4 who define yourselves as individuals.
In the end it doesn't really matter what the characteristic, or even if it really exists, so long as we believe it exists and act accordingly.
And with that in mind, what is the characteristic about myself which I can never change? My language, my behavior, my religion, my politics, all can be changed. But my lineage, the circumstances of my birth? This face and this skin which my mother and father gave to me? That I can never change. So for my team I choose my ethnicity. And by doing so I have joined a team of 1.3 billion.
Admittedly my team doesn't have the best track record of being team players. But that's fine. Because all we have to do, is be better team players than you.
Unity makes might and might makes right.
I'm just saying. You seem overly concerned about what vagina my penis is permanently inserted into till death do us part. Sounds like jealousy.
If I was fucking a nigger or another man's ass, I could understand, but I'm literally raising the average IQ, user.
I've been in university for 5 years now, so I hate chinks more than any other race out there, and anything that brings more of them into the world is horrible
Why are there so many Sana posters on this board?
This is correct. However you need other people to be able to forward your agenda. That's literally the concept behind all politics. These people don't actually believe in what they're saying most of the time, they just need your vote and your backing so they can get into power. That's also why they create this false dichotomy of left v right. To distract you once they've gotten into power and so you don't realize they're not doing anything they said they were going to do.
The key with individualism, like it or not, is to find common ground with the bainlets so that you can manipulate them to see your own goals implemented.
>Muh race.
Race isn't real, have fun being spooked for the rest of your life.
China will grow larger.
I don't give a shit, so long as they stay in China and go be worthless insectoids there
>college for 5 years
Fucking wew, lad. I hope you're going to be a doctor or something.
Lets be individuals while still expecting to be apart of a nation.
Why are ancaps so fucking dumb?
Engineering is an extra year
The average china man has an IQ around that of an African. The majority of them are disgusting animals who think that snorting Rhino horns will make their 2 incher bigger and that boiling dogs makes them tastier.