Mind blown

>"rebel against false gods"

>false gods = humans with pk

Other urls found in this thread:



That poster looks so haunting now that I've finished the anime.

Fuck the PK-using faggots.

it's still a great anime despite its preachy nature. definitely more fun than ttgl with its dumb characters and Its naruto tier themes.

>yfw this anime is literally how X-men would be without Xavier

>tfw people will never watch/finish this masterpiece because of the gay episode

are you so worried about what those poltards think? then may be you should go back there.

>muh Sup Forums boogeyman

Squealer did NOTHING wrong

What is the best episode and why is it 19 (followed by 25)?

Really good anime. My only real problem is that it had some pacing issues. Aside from that, I can't help but wonder why I never heard of this anime before seeing a thread here on Sup Forums.

Who else would drop a show because it it portrays homosexuality? A 13 year old may be.

Really? I thought the pacing was really good, even better than Eva's and Eva is my favourite show.

I never finished it because they censored the dick sucking scene, this isn't kino material at all

>Novel is literally distopian fiction
>Complain about Sup Forums
Chinese food, Chinese restaurant etc etc

The original work is great.
If it has translated,I want you to read!

The poster alone was what made me watch this show, 10/10 poster for a 10/10 anime.

It's been fully translated online nipfriend, though I'd rather read it as a book.

Squealer did LITERALLY no wrong

Too bad they didn't at least attempt to explain the culture of the series so the scene context for the gay scenes would make more sense.