ITT: Dedicated Redpill Thread

Post redpills for Sup Forums crossposters and newfags.

Other urls found in this thread: Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/





But all the ants are female, except the drones.

Interesting note Only ants and bees can make communism work, and they both kill the males as soon as they're done with them.



You can laugh, but a county that would draft my daughter to fight some insane war for the Israel or big oil is a country I'm gonna leave.


News flash for "equality" fag - Genetic are not equal

>The report found nearly half of all single black and Hispanic women have zero or negative wealth
>The median wealth for single black women is only $100;for single Hispanic women,$120
>This Compares to just over $41.000 for single white women

wealthy guys who "regardless of skin color" choose white women than Non-white women


Because white women have better genetic that make them Look Better

mixed people are prettier MEME doesn't work in reality

Even Ultra Liberal Orthodox Jewish Amy Goodman admit that


It's the natural conclusion of feminism. I agree with you—so we should return to traditionalism.


Your chart makes good point, but keep in mind this is what passes for "white" when they do crime statistics in the US.

Those ... are not white.

Indeed. Our crime rates would be /even lower/ if only European Caucusoids were counted as white.

But youll stay in a country where your son is forced to fight for Jews/Israel?


Speaking of Jews...






I remember the disgust I felt when I first read up on this.

There was no draft when my son was growing up.

I was the one with the draft card. Amazingly, not only did they not draft me but they wouldn't even let me join because of a heart defect.


I don't doubt that it works the same for men, if through a different mechanism. Choose people who make good choices.









Symbols of the world are universal.

Sup Forums mods are former and current gaf mods.








... Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/ Bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/


"My concern, and I hope Sargon will address this, is as follows. We have a culture in the west where every group is allowed to play identity politics based on innate characteristics, except for the following: straights, cisgenders, males and whites. We also have a culture in the west where every group but the above is protected by legislation, and where institutional discrimination is legally permissible against the above categories. We ALSO have a cultural narrative that has been institutionalized in academia, law, politics, news media, social work, education and popular culture that describes the above-named groups as 1) responsible for creating a system that oppresses all other groups; 2) complicit in this oppression not by participation in the system, but by virtue of simply being who they are and therefore benefiting unjustly from said system; 3) uniquely monstrous in historical terms (colonialism, exploitation, slavery, etc); 4) enjoying "unearned privilege" over other groups; 5) uniquely capable of inflicting harm, even when harm is not intended; and 6) in control of everything. More than this, group slander against these groups, and even incitement to violence against them ("all men are pigs", "men are scum", "violence has a male face", #KillAllWhiteMen, #All I want for Christmas is White Genocide, etc) is seen as socially and legally permissible."

The public discourse actively stirs up animosity and resentment against these particular groups, and promotes narratives that these groups are victimizers and that fear of them based on their biological characteristics alone is justified (m&ms anyone? How about white on black racism and police shootings?). The demonization narrative and the legal dehumanizing slander are cultural conditions that precede actual genocides. It doesn't matter if any of it is true. All that matters is that enough people believe it's true and that it is considered legally and socially acceptable to demonize and dehumanize the target group. I doubt straights, cisgenders and males (as a distinct, homogenous category) are in danger here. Straights and cisgenders will never be a minority. The vast majority of males in a normal society will always have women in their lives who cannot be convinced to lump their own husbands, brothers, fathers, sons, etc, into a group slated for extermination. You just won't be able to convince the average woman to hate ALL men enough to put her OWN men in an oven. But whites? None of the above applies to whites. What happens if whites become a minority in their own societies if the demonization narrative and the legalized dehumanizing slander of whites is still seen as socially permissible? If the culture of racial resentment against whites and the narrative of whites being responsible for all the evils of history is still legally permissible? What if this false history that whites are uniquely monstrous and that all other groups are their victims is still taught in schools? What if it is still taught that no matter what a white person does, they can't avoid victimizing other groups because even if they don't participate in the system of white privilege and whites' oppression of everyone else, they still benefit from it and there's nothing they can do to avoid benefiting from it?

The institutionalized narratives paint whites into a corner they can't escape. Even innocence is no defence for the individual, because they are culpable simply by existing within a system of "white supremacy" that benefits them whether they want to benefit or not. Anti-white sentiment is socially and legally allowed. Inciting hatred, resentment and even violence against whites is also allowed in ways it is forbidden against minorities. And then we have Standpoint Theory and Epistemic Privilege. Under this set of theories (taught in all the places you'd expect) the oppressed have the status of "people who should be listened to". The theory describes all relationships as "master/slave", and the slave has epistemic privilege. They are presumed to understand their own and their master's experiences, motivations, intentions, thoughts and beliefs better than their master understands either. The problem is that the people who subscribe to these theories have assigned master and slave status based on something that can't be changed (skin color, gender, etc), when in reality power DOES change hands. What is to stop those who have been assigned epistemic privilege today from defending their epistemic privilege even when they find themselves in the position of master rather than slave? "I'm oppressed. How do I know? Well, I'm black, therefore oppressed, therefore I have epistemic privilege. This gives me a unique insight into how things work, and using my unique insight that my status as an oppressed person gives me, I can guarantee you I'm still oppressed.

Well, of course you don't believe me. You're white. You're only saying that because you want to hold onto your privilege. I know this, because my epistemic privilege puts me in a position to understand your motivations better than you do. And believe me, if I were no longer oppressed, I'd let you know. But I can assure you I am still oppressed and you are still privileged (and privilege is invisible to the person who has it, mind you), and you have to believe me because I have epistemic privilege." Don't get me wrong, Carl. I couldn't care less about keeping the "white race" pure. But I've been thinking about all these things, and I'm seriously concerned about what is going to happen if whites ever do find themselves to be a minority in their own countries. If someone wanted to actually orchestrate a genocide, they couldn't do much better than promoting these narratives of collective white original sin, making white-bashing and overt resentment and animosity toward whites socially acceptable (even admirable) and then arranging for whites to be displaced in their own countries by other races. If I wanted an actual white genocide to happen, it's what I'd do.

>Karen Straughan




They're a single organism, not communism. The only female is the queen, every thing else in the colony are just cells of the organism.







This whole website:
















This is now at

>Middlebury’s students are among the richest and most privileged in America. The average enrollee comes from a household making a quarter of a million dollars a year, according to recent research on universities and social mobility. As many students at Middlebury come from the top 1% of households (23%) as come from the bottom four quintiles (24%). The annual cost of attending is almost $64,000 a year

Why are left wing extremists and liberals overwhelmingly from privileged middle class backgrounds, well educated, and from affluent areas with parents who are professionals?

Ultra Liberal Lord Hate poor people regardless of skin color

"fixing" poverty by importing poor people

More Cheap labour , More government jobs for Libfag

Meanwhile the commoners get fucked in the ass




Quality posts



A system of private, freely competing currencies, 100% backed by gold or silver, and redeemable in specie on demand, is the only way to stop anyone fucking with your money.

Fractional reserve banking is outright fraud. Legal tender laws are a way for the government to print money at your expense. Central banking is cancer. Government control over the money supply is what caused most economic downturns in human history.

Those high IQ states with large German-American populations.


Long, but explains why Chinese metaphorically are souless



Yes, very true. Another concept I wish people understood is REGRESSION TOWARD THE MEAN. In IQ, this means that parents with very high IQs tend to have kids with lower IQs than them. This is important in order to understand liberalism. Why are so many professionals, lawyers/doctors/etc, liberal? You can look at it many ways, but liberalism literally benefits their kids.

Liberals are against things like IQ tests and like holistic admissions. Holistic admission help hide under the table affirmative action. They also help hide privileged rich kids having a huge advantage (connections, essay writers, etc.). Liberals will claim they are helping blacks and latinos, but they are also helping their own kids. So there is an interesting dynamic that hardly anyone talks about. Regression toward the mean. Very important.

Thanks. I hope they help people.

so you're saying that communism is only possible with unintelligent insects?

Seems right from what we see in the China hate threads honestly.
I dread a colorful Europe and how weak human rights will become when the European people are gone.
Sad really.



you are using regression to the mean incorrectly here. read the unabombers manifesto on the liberal psyche to understand why so many "intellectuals" are leftist.