Even though it is an English language board I find it odd that everyone who posts here seems to know the language as if they were native speakers. Something is amiss.
Why does everyone on Sup Forums speak perfect english?
Isn't it obvious? Shills use VPN's and Meme flags.
Everyone here is an American. Other countries are all proxyfags
Most people speak in basic 8th grade English.
It isn't hard to get to a level that would be considered proficient.
If you could hear the accents, you'd notice it more.
The norks that post here have bad english. The entirety of Western Europe's younger generations speak perfect English nowdays.
The worst english I see here is from Norks and Russians.
Modern language of science and education.
>Sup Forums
>perfect english
It's easier to write in English and pass for a native than to speak it with native flourishes.
I don't use a vpn and if you do, can you suggest me one
I don't use one.
That's because you don't hear anyone's accent. And if we write, we have time to think about how to word things
The worst english I see on this board is from indonesians
Sup Forums is an Anglo board. The smelly foreigners are here for our amusement.
Me either.
Because only intelligent, educated men post on Sup Forums
I don't know what your talking about.
Notice how few of them there are since meme flags were enabled?
Cuz ur uneducated murican who dont know that ppl learn english in le school in most cuntries, and inzelligent, interested ppl like us pol'aks real alot of interwebs and automatically improve n learn passively, on the groundwork provided in le school.
Also ure a faggit :)
Well I am not an american for one.
Quebeckers are more bilingual than official bilingual states because we're the master race.
More like suburban and rural retards
I didn't realize my English was perfect, thanks for the compliment. But seriously, in answer to your question, its not. That being said the people that frequent Sup Forums to tend to have a good command of the English language since this board attracts English speakers. Russian users who only speak Russian would be found on a Russian chan instead of Sup Forums.
Well that or it is a giant CIA/MOSSAD conspiracy and everyone we are speaking with are AI bots we are helping program or people involved in the worlds largest ongoing psyop. Could be either one, you be the judge.
Isn't it easier to write than speak a language? Besides African "languages" that is.
many user have learned Sup Forums english by virtue of timespent in shitpost thread abundanceka. ples lurkmoar fagitususan
It never gets old
Not poos?
The English language doesn't have many layers of complexity. Basically what this guy said.
Ty kurwo jebana, stary ci do mordy pluł jak byłes mały
Because we come from English speaking countries are you american or something ?
>Not poos?
Surprisingly not. I think the ones who can't write in English at all are too busy messaging western women on tinder
no, it's just that they are taught grammar. public schools gave up on that years ago in the US. imagine trying teaching a nigger or spic grammar when they can bearly speak the language.
No wonder everyone loathes the Québécois. Arrogant and irritating and apparently delusional. Master races' nations/geographic location should be fairly popularly recognized by a large portion of the 1st World.
It's called intelligence dickwad. Most europeans can speak at least two languages fluently.
Well I think the OP's premise is valid. On many of the non political boards that I belong to we very often get people from all over who participate. Some of the non-native English speaking people will be good at it, but quite often we get them that don't. They'll get all apologetic about it and the vast majority of members understand completely and work with them through their verbiage as they try to convey what they want to say.
Here it seems to be too good of a track record for those that write it just like it is their native tongue.
>oh look it's this thread again
karfuly wurded rugumints R pagamount 2 sybil dicscourss.
Unlike in real life, I can autistically craft every letter of my post before it's sent so I sound like I have a firm grasp of the english language.
I assume others do the same... r-right guys?
English is the universal language, plus many young Europeans learn English in school. All my cousins in Germany know fluent English.
Check the IQ threads. Sup Forums is on the top 99.99% percentile of intelligence, it's not surprising most people here can learn multiple languages easily. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sup Forums. Most of the posts here are very subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics, they'll fly over the typical lurker's head.
Nah, people look up to us. We still exist after so many attempt to erase us. We are the key to the survival of the west. Québec would be an ethnostate if not for the fucking leaves.
a good section of non native Engrish speakers have been here for awhile. before the massive influx of newfags, caused by the 2016 election, the discourse around here was of a higher quality. think about the type of people attracted to a political image board pre election newfags.
This is probably true for most. It's especially true when it comes to arguing. Text arguments (whether through messenger or the internet) allows everyone to think upon a perfect response. Something that IRL communication often won't allow unless you want to come across as autistic, pausing for seconds and telling the other person to be quiet whilst you come up with the perfect response.
It's because everybody on Sup Forums is a white nationalist aka nazi. So of course we'd speak perfect English.
Thats intersting i only post on her when im drnk
I speak English here because Je ne parle pas beaucoup le français.
>if you could hear the different accents of everyone, and they didn't have time to construct their sentences perfectly, you'd notice flaws much more often.
Can't tell if bait or just unobservant
There are tons of errors, with every language group having some special type.
Germans are easiest to spot with their random Capitalizing of some Words according to German grammar
Slavic language speakers have enormous problems with indefinite articles because we don't have them. I still don't completely understand when to use 'the' and when 'a/an' and just wing it, most likely missing tons of them
you're a huge asshole, theres no profound knowledgement on these chaotic conspiracy-hatred joke-threads of Sup Forums
And plus that online IQ test is not a correct and a real intelligent test youu imbecile
jokes on you idiot
considers 'intelligent' bu t didn't dominated anything shut the fuck up
Tunnel Bear
>I still don't completely understand when to use 'the' and when 'a/an'
an before words that start with bowels
an apple
a Knife
kys people like you are the reason why this place never becomes a first world country
If you are talking about a specific car, like the car you own, or the car in front of you.
It's THE car
"Put you bag in the car, please"
If you are just talking about cars in general.
It's A car
"I would like to rent a car."
If the general object starts with a vowel
It's AN apple.
"I would like to buy an apple."
I don't think that's what he meant...
Fucking this. I sound like a fucking muslim when trying to talk english
Fuck you people are fucking morons. Suck my indo-aryan dick
I legitimately got very good at grammer and spelling when beating leftists in arguments they would try to misdirect and correct my grammer. Total victory was achieved by not having any faults with the argument or grammer. Then they banned me and then I found Sup Forums, the last bastion of free (and correct) speech.
Muh gib dat zig gibba dab un shniz gub ma dib muhfugga
Sup Forums users are nerds with a lot of free time. What did you expect?
>Sup Forums speaks perfect English
Retard fuck
Probably a lot of military overseas plus vpns
>tries to school him.. can't even spell correctly.
Every post I made has at least one grammatical error, which I only recognize after posting.
It fucking pisses me off.
Not sure if trolling
kek you must have done this on purpose
Japanese have shit English also.
>being this normie
As someone who's been to pretty much every country in Western Europe, the Dutch speak the best English, by far. There's a slight accent, but on the whole, the standard of spoken English is as high as any Anglosphere nation.
Every example is a simple one, but the logical reasoning breaks down in complex cases.
"A pig has crossed the river". Logically it's a specific pig because it's the pig that crossed the river. It wasn't the general idea of a pig but some one specific pig. But it's 'a pig' just because it's a generic pig, and not some specific pig.
It's one of these things that seems obvious to native speakers but the fundamental rules aren't actually logical, they have to be absorbed by osmosis
If I am selling one apple, you ask me "May I buy that apple?" If you are indicating the apple in some way. If you are not indicating the apple with a head motion or hand gesture, you say "May I buy the apple?". If there is a basket of apples, you ask me "May I buy an apple?". If there is a specific apple you have in mind, because you only want the yellow apple and there is only one yellow apple, you say "May I buy that apple?". If it is a basket of bananas, you say "May I buy a banana".
Think I just about covered it
You must not be very observant. I still see Japflags and Suomi-mongols speaking in broken English.
Uhoh the rising son posters have arrived
Time for bed.
Non shill VPN using user here, I spread the redpills as they come boss
Everyone knows the Dutch speak the best english in Europe.
It was even better back before Sup Forums harbor. I remember when your post would be ignored or made fun of for not correctly capitalizing that leading "A". People actually referred to the different types of fallacies from the sticky image when arguing. The worst problem back then was the constant "how can white men even compete" threads.
That said, the Sup Forumsocaust was pretty fun. I just wish the board went back to normal afterwards. I'm proud to say that I was the one who suggested random ids to moot in the suggestion sticky. pic related
You'd use "a pig" when people weren't aware of the pig in the first place. "the pig" would be when we have established that we are talking about a pig or people are aware of the pig in general. I don't know why this is but this is my intuition as a native speaker.
>I don't know why this is but this is my intuition as a native speaker.
My point exactly :)
The english language is like a huge black dick and the rest of the world is like an Americans wife they absolutely love it
though i do like having a paris in our anglosphere you are not the master race quebec
This one is a retarded proxy.
"I can't find one of my pigs."
"I saw your pig. The pig crossed the river"
"I can't find one of my pigs."
"I saw a pig cross the river. I don't know if it's your pig or not."
Who looks up to you? Hobbits?
They are weebs pretending to be native Japanese by speaking shit English on purpose.
my english vocabulary is 90th+ percentile for the american population, most likely because having a latin mother tongue makes me pretty familiar with the hardest (latin derived) words of your language, which don't really see much use out of academic context
you're definitely right about accents, although I have a pretty good one just from picking it up from youtube videos, just nail the -th sound, don't go harsh in the -t and -d sounds and know the casual pronunciations of some key words and you won't embarass yourself
I should also note americans seem to have a tougher time with orthography than foreigners because you actually use the language way more in everyday speech than us, so mistakes like are more prone to happen
fucking disgusting.
London's always been gross
When all you do is write and read all day you pick it up pretty fast
You're the correct, the truth be a-told.
>mfw I now know how to fuck with and confuse a slav speakers for lyfe
Nah dude, they're just retarded. Don't make excuses for people I deal with on a daily basis, the average American wouldn't know how to spell grammar.
Don't worry, she most likely paid the toll. The good old days
Because English is the easiest language to learn in the world and the most culturally dominant in the west
I hope to god she died shortly after this pic was taken, along with the nig child.