Other urls found in this thread:
>caring about apehoop
where the memes at
>unironically using "sports-ball"
Stopped reading right there. Beta male faggots use that term and no one else
Keep wearing your favorite bull's name on your back. That means he gets to fuck your boipussi because you're dressing like his high school girlfriend.
why cant you autistic motherfuckers just be happy this cunt and his team got shafted why?
90% of people watch sports. If I dont pretend like I know wtf they are talking about I stop getting invited to parties.
They are super fucking content to just watch nigger ball. One of the guys started whoring his wife out to everyone too. Its fucked up, but I lie free pussy
Because you're a cuckold niggerlover that worships apes that don't fucking care about you in the slightest.
>no call
I despise this term
>memechuck to two rings
>be pissed that home court won't call all your shitty fouls that your offense relies upon
Fuck Steph and KD.
Hahaha, I always underestimate how autistic is Sup Forums .
>being this needle-dicked
Jungle ball fuck off
nigger being niggers. Bulls players are getting into fist fights during practice now
I used to be obsessed with sports, my college season tix, pro sport events all the time -- but there comes a time when you mature and see what an embarrassing time sink it is. then it clicks what pathetic slobs most men are who obsess over this crap
>he watches association basketball
check out this nigger
>This mongrel is a millionare for throwing a ball in a hoop.
Who gives a shit about a bunch of flying niggers
Does ejected mean fired?
Just kicked out for the game. Suspensions/fines should follow.
Hardly a happening
>50 cents
Let's hope he turns up dead
you heard it here folks
but is he wrong, though?
@ fellow memphis anons: warriors are rage drinking at the madison down town